
I did it once before, only hallucinogen I've ever done. I was in the woods, and before we hit it they told me to hold it in and then stand up after i exhale and I'd trip harder, cuz we were sitting on tree stumps. I hit it, and I look back (we were besides a 15-ft waterfall, only scenic thing around here haha), and the tree stump I was sitting on started melting into the river, and they was pullin on me to stand up, so I was trippin the fuck out haha xD. Definitely a good experience in my opinion, was an adventure, I was so confused lol...
Idk what yall was smokin but like I said i tripped balls, and I normally have a high tolerance for stuff. We had 80x as well. It does affect people differently though, one of my friends didn't trip at all but the rest of us did, for some reason everbody saw something melt, or melted themselves xD
Man, I'm 23. Last time I had salvia was about 4 years ago. I dont fuck around with that stuff anymore lol, it is nuts.
I have done it probably 5 times over the years, each time it makes me laugh uncontrollably for 10 minutes.
Well much i see things, much i didnt understand, not long time flying, too much y use, too fckd up the after weeks will become. Visuals & Hallusinations, but not the way i like those comin, but in right way to smoke it, the salvia will be nice and itresting.
But i like more LSD or LSA or Peyote.
the last time i did it with some friends in my room, the corner of my walls extended away from me, and looked like the inside of a semi truck trailer. its like i was standing where the doorway is, looking inside. then i started having a VERY strange sensation of disney characters behind me. all i can remember now is mickey though. i never turned around to look at them, but i felt their hands on my shoulder pulling me back. and i kept trying to fight it cuz i thought i was gonna fall backwards out of the trailer. when i eventually came to, my friends said i was just spinning around on my bed looking around the room lol.

its definitely worth a few tries. it feels like a trip that lasts for 30 minutes, but its only like 5-15. make sure you have someone sober with you cuz you tend to walk around or move a lot and you have NO IDEA what you are doing cuz you are in a totally different world.

i think the stuff that i did was 60x
Yes ive had salvia leaves before - didnt do anything . have a 10 extract worked pretty good but then after that only made me anxious and hot/sweaty when smoked then a 15 /20 extract and still did the same but made me have some closed eye visuals