sam the skunkman mixed seeds x skunk haze.... freebie grow~


Well-Known Member
I hear ya EROsain.... I mean there's a certain peace of mind in growing something with predetermined genetics... but this def has something going for it as well.... packing that FIRST bowl.... ya never know!!! lol


Well-Known Member
Day 32 of 12/12

just a few more random pics.... still waiting for trichomes....everybody seems happy though.... never seen bud formation like the ones on the "crazy" this thing is a trip!


First 3 are just random shots of the normal ones.... the last 3 are the oddball... not sure what to make of this thing... I'm too far in now so I'm gonna let her go.... she is LOADED with budsights but they are like nothing I've seen before... very wispy... and all under the same conditions so I'm guessing it's genetic...


Well-Known Member
not changing..... just took that last pic near the tent so your getting some of the LED and or HPS interfering with the camera....:)


Well-Known Member
yeah... I had it on the floor just outside the tent so def a different look... Woke up this morning and really noticed the gaps between the nodes filling in with calyxs.... I'm using Crystal Burst which I'm excited to see what, if anything it does when the trichs finally appear... not much in the way of reviews yet online... might be a relatively new product. Keep posted though... haven't been much in the way of changes for about 2 weeks but def noticing some growth from the buds now:leaf:


Well-Known Member
First visible signs of trichs on the plants today.... day 36 of 12/12. will get some pics up once they become easier to see.... no way my camera will pick them up yet~

* not on the tall one btw.... just the other 3


Well-Known Member
Day 40 of 12/12

Saw your post Batten so I snapped a bunch of pics today both in and out of the tent.... still not getting great pics of the trichs.... they're there but just havent developed enough to get a good pic of on my phone. Anyway.... here they are



as always.... the last one is the oddball.... still dancing to the beat of a different! might be a few repeats in there.... so many files on my phone it's getting confusing

* also if you look at the tenth one in the second row you can notice this plant is also quite different from the rest topped it just like the others but it has turned literally into two stalks with more spacing between the nodes and the foliage is a much deeper green than the of the 4 I'd say I have 3 obvious phenos


Well-Known Member
I couldn't agree more EROsain..... the one is just completely wild it should be growing in a field somewhere. I was happy to see a post on here about a week ago with a guy who had a plant that had the same characteristics.... sadly I can't find it anymore but he was THRILLED with the!! In all honesty, if this thing fills in, it's going to be a monster yielder for the size of the plant... it's just covered in buds. It's definitely going to go 3 or 4 weeks longer than the others minimum. I think today is day 46 of 12/12 and still no trichs on the wild one... the rest are getting nice and frosty... slowly but surely~
tried to get my camera to pic up some crystals on the others.... not great but I think you'll be able to get an idea anyway
067.jpg 070.jpg


Well-Known Member
day 49 of 12/12

just a couple of pics of a couple of the nicer buds.... having some issues with some of the leaves as you can see.... probably going to flush next watering.... any other suggestions???

Sometimes I see pics on here near the end of flowering where the leaves are really looking shabby.... so maybe this isnt even anything to worry about??? would love some input~


Active Member
they look good, maybe a lil over fed maybe ? , ad say start flushing on a reg basis , you can feed a lil thats up to you


Well-Known Member
yeah.... I've been using fox farms nutes every other watering which worked fine on my last grow.... these girls seem to be more sensitive so for the remainder I'm going to change to water/water/nutes... 3 of the 4 seem to be in the homestretch so I may end up never even getting to the third watering anyway... I'll get some decent pics up of the whole gang in a few days~


Well-Known Member
Day 56 of 12/12~

was doing some arranging in the tent so decided to post a pic of the "wild one"...... it seems healthy and definitely filling in... roughly 3 feet tall now and as you can see if I hadn't tied it down to force it to grow horizontally it would easily be 6 feet tall now... definitely glad I stuck it out with her because she is going to have a serious yield at this rate!!! comments as always are welcome! also threw a pic of the pineapple express clone in for good measure which is at day 21 of 12/12


I should mention also FINALLY seeing signs of trichs on the wild one... would this be any indication of how much longer she will go??? Jesus.... 8 weeks to see trichomes... Sativas are definitely a different breed~ LOL!


Well-Known Member
been doing some research tonight.... using the list of possible crosses posted early on in this thread. Started searching pics of all of the strains to see if I could find some info on the plants, specifically the crazy one. The only strain that looks anything like it is Seedsman's original haze which also has a 14 week flowering period, which this plant is likely to approach as well.
makes things a little more interesting... I'm about 90% convinced that this is in fact what I'm growing. It appears that it would be original haze/skunk backcrossed with original haze if I'm correct.
anyway... just a little info for anybody that might be following....

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