sam the skunkman mixed seeds x skunk haze.... freebie grow~


Well-Known Member
I've come across the term landrace quite a bit in my research but honestly still dont know exactly what it means.... hope it's a good thing!!!!! lol


Active Member
landrace just means that the strain was not crossed by any growers it means a strain made from the land :D. basically land race strains are the original strains from all over the world, Ex Afghan kush , thai and African sativas . its not a bad thing but some times those sats can go for a while :D


Well-Known Member
going to get some pics up on Wednesday which will be day 70 of 12/12.... these girls are taking forever!!!! it looks like they could go another 2 weeks although I'm hoping things start to speed up as I have a few more projects I'd like to put in the tent. Still plenty of white trichs on 2 of them... a third looks like possibly a week to 10 days... and then WHO KNOWS with the wild child... could be a!!! anyway... just a brief update... stay tuned~


Well-Known Member
ok... so, I'm 2 days early with the 68 of 12/12.... found some free time this afternoon:)

this first set of pics are of the 2 which I would consider the most normal looking. As you can see I'm still having issues with the leaves... but the buds continue to grow and seem unaffected... smell is a mix of lemon and skunk as best as I can describe it... buds are def testing the strength of the limbs so I may have to do some supporting soon~

This next picture is of the third plant... somewhat of an oddball itself... lots of spacing between the nodes... probably the closest to "chop time" The most intense smelling of the bunch... kind of a cross between skunk and diesel.... extremely resinous and a darker color than the others.. wont be a big yielder but perhaps the most anticipated smoke..

and last but not least.... the wild child... hoping this thing survives... it's more than likely approaching it's limits with the pot that I have it in.... LOADED with buds which are slowly but surely filling in. Some of the lower leaves are randomly turning completely yellow and dying... probably 3 or 4 a week... and seeing that this one potentially has maybe a month to go that makes me a little nervous... any suggestions??? The smell of this one, at the moment is the most unappealing... nothing special... at times even grassy... I suspect thats because the trichomes have only barely begun to show...

so... that's it for now... #3 may get the chop sometime this week... probably next week at the latest... can't see much more than 20 grams dry off her.... but who knows~


Hi donniemcm! I've been away for a while, come back and start wondering how you and your girls are doing! WOW!!! They've have really started budding! :D Looking really good.

On to your girls. The one that's closest to chop might be a more indica leaning cross, indicated by the shorter flowering tme. The wild pheno definitely has a lot of sativa, maybe some haze as you say. But don't worry to much about leaves yellowing. It's called senescence and is the process og plants maturing - i think. Så it's normal for plants to begin yellowing when you flush them. Also, if the wld is long flowering it would also be late to show trichomes. Don't worry, they'll be there.

Did you cut the number 3 pheno? Maybe some chop-pics? :) Great job on the grow journal. Just flipped through it again. Great info and great pics. :D


Well-Known Member
welcome back Batten! always nice to know someone is watching:) #3 will be getting the chop tomorrow... and possibly the first two as well... looked at the trichs under a scope and I'm about 95% cloudy, 4% clear and just a few ambers (very unscientific GUESStimate) which you REALLY have to look for to see. I will def snap a few pics... if it's only the #3 plant the pics won't be that impressive but if I do all 3, I'm sure I should have a pretty decent pile to show!! ty as always my friend for the support and check in tomorrow for some pics!


Well-Known Member
and on a side note... the pineapple express clone which I think is at day 45 of 12/12... or thereabouts is really throwing me for a loop.... there was almost NO stretch... the buds have remained very small... nothing resembling a cola really... not really sure what to make of it~ they are getting super frosty and the pistils are turning orange... but they are like midget!!! it was free and required little to no maintenance so I'm not too concerned... strange nonetheless~


Well-Known Member
Chop time!!!!!! 78 days under 12/12.... plants 1,2 & 3... the 4th.... who knows~
Before:066.jpg067.jpg065.jpg plants 1,2,and 3, in order~

and after:072.jpg073.jpg074.jpg in the first pic here the plants are from left to right, #3,2 and 1


Well-Known Member
brief update... dried until the stems bent and heard a "snap"... they went into the jars tonight... so 3 plants... total "mostly dried weight" about 135g.... I didn't expect miracles but you always get your hopes up when you are chopping and see the WET weight... oh well.... could be worse I guess.
Still too early to tell how it will cure but the smell is nice so far... nothing grassy or hay like BUT definitely has room for! Did a quick dry of a small bud overnight on the PC tower and the high was VERY heady... nothing in the body department really to speak of... lasted a good 2 hours until I went to sleep... and that was 2 small hits so I'm thinking good things are on the horizon;)


Well-Known Member
day 90 of 12/12 for the wild one... good lord!!!!!! Positive things happening though.... Trichomes have gone insane in the last week... calyxes are swelling and I'd say 50% of the pistils are changing color. Trichs are mostly cloudy but still a few clear ones floating around... no amber whatsoever yet... PRAYING I'm in the final 10 days or so... would really like to move other projects into her living space!!!! I've come this far though so I'm gonna stick it out another 2 weeks if need be... much prefer 7 days tho;) I'll get some pics up as soon as I have a day off... not the most attractive plant ever but she's hanging in there and doing her thing nicely FINALLY!!!


Well-Known Member
well, just chopped the "wild one" .... what a FUCKING chore trimming that!! I can't imagine how anybody could trim any more than one of those plants at a time... let alone some 10 foot tall outdoor monster... holy shit!!! The yield looks VERY impressive, but of course with those wispy buds I'm not really sure what to expect once it starts drying. Pretty sure a connoisseur would say I did a hack job on the trimming but I was crosseyed by the time I was half way!!! Took a pic to try and show the size of the buds with my trusty bud lite bottle for scale reference... anybody who has dried a heavily sativa plant... any ideas how much this might turn into??? I'll find out soon enough of course... just curious if anyone had any input.