Same power draw? (Noob Question)


You likely need to ask the manufacturers.

Most HPS manufacturers that tout watts, refer to the lamp watts... but from tables I've seen the lamp "plus" the ballast is about 10% more watts. And if your total watts is actually 200 watts, then the ballast is running the bulb at around 180 watts. This means you will not be delivered the specified amount of light.

With CFL, there is a curious industry practice in many companies which list "marked" watts instead of "actual" watts... this differs highly by manufacturer and sellers. So it may say 200w and be 200w or something much less.

Buying your lamp based on watts may be the easiest way, but not the smartest way. Why? Because plants could give a rat's ass about watts... they only use light... typically measured in PAR.
And even PAR has the big pitfall that too much green light is ignored by plants. Both HPS and most CFL have too much green... which is ignored.
HPS is notoriously deficient in blue.

If you are interested, I can help you determine your PAR requirements and then make some PAR guesses on the lamps you are considering to purchase.

Note that I manufacture CFL grow lights, so I am definitely biased that mine are better.
