Same Problem Another Plant Still Not Solve?? (P Def??)


Hi Guyss...Firstly, thanks for at least click to watch my thread!

this plant she is Power Kush from Dinafem which you can see she got trouble now... from my searching it seem like Phosphorus deficient and may be Mg def as well. So, decided to do little flush with water mixed with many secondary nute included Mg and transplant to bigger pot mixed soil with Bat Guano, Worm Casting, Perlite, and Pumice Sulface.
Main problem is actually this occur to my coco grow also here =>
and she not cured and gonna die now T_T:cry::cry:

So, anyone can help me pleaseeee???
Thanks in advanced dude(s)!!!!

oh this problem start once it flowering around 1-2 weeks
20Dec'11 (3)-0041.JPG20Dec'11-0011.JPG20Dec'11 (4)-0051.JPG20Dec'11 (2)-0031.JPG20Dec'11 (1)-0021.JPG20Dec'11 (6)-0071.JPG20Dec'11 (5)-0061.JPG20Dec'11-0011.JPG


Well-Known Member
Yup In cold Location u can put accuwarium heater and set in the lowest temp water temp would b. 20-21 c by that.


Well-Known Member
There're clear signs of K and Mg IMO, you should up your flowering nutes and add some calmag but flush first, and take a reading of your soils ph


Thanks guy you are so nice!
actually my place is in South East Asia, even now it winter here but weather is just like spring there. LOL so about cold water should not happen but i will noted that in mind anyway. ;D

about K is there any organic thing to push up K since i dont want to use chemical fert. anyone know?

and Mg is in dolomite lime right? I gonna keep an eye looking for it :D


Well-Known Member
Earth Juice catalyst or composted banana peals... Green soil also works for K but I'd just use some cheap bloom nute with P and K to fix it on the spot. You're right on Dolomite but again Cal mag would work better.


Active Member
your old post ad potassium and calcuim deficiencies for sure. no mg deficiency. Where are your sources of calcium and potassium?


Honestly...I can't find organic thing for K and Cal so i use some fert said that it contain many semi-nute liek Mg, Cal, bla bla and use 7-13-27 nute pour to this girl
right here right now i just do flush it again...hope it gonna better soon :'(


Well-Known Member
Dude they don't have enough POTASSIUM (K), now one's looking like it has mold in it, please tell me it's not!!! Feed them K ASAP!!! foliar feed with diluted bloom nutes and also give it to the medium. Btw, organics are for advanced growers.


thanks masp84... i already do what you suggest ;D hope it gonna better soon.
actually that is not a mold it just the nute color that I didnt let it dilute well before serve to my pot. ;P