Same strain but buds look different! why?


Well-Known Member
If he treated them the exact same, same nutes, light, temps etc and they were clones from the same mother they should be identical. Granted there will be small differences but not enough to look like 2 different plants. Hell, the OP said they even smell different.

Sent from Northern Colorado.


Well-Known Member
Genes are the potential for expression where as actual expression is determined a great deal by environmental influence. This is the same across the biological world. Nature Vs. Nurture anyone?

Lets say we have a strain that has tighter bud growth in cooler conditions and fluffier, loose bud growth respective to warmer temperatures (pretty common). Now we take cuttings from said plant. One cutting is put in an environment where it is exposed to warmer temperatures and one is put in the opposite environment with colder temperatures. There will clearly be a marked difference in growth characteristics even though the genetic material has not changed. Wait now, what if the two are in the "exact" environment you say? Well nothing is ever precise without precision. Meaning, that for most of us actually creating an environment where each plant is getting 100% identical experiences and/or stimulation (environmental pressure) is just not going to happen. I can agree that if you can in fact create an identical environment for each cutting then you will be seeing more uniform growth but again even the slightest variation could result in dramatically different expression. Let's not forget that many genes have already been expressed by the time cuttings are taken. Best wishes :peace:
Fair points. You're still describing the exact same thing reacting to different environmental factors. Assuming there aren't other visual indications of environmental stress factors, the likelihood that that kind of variation can manifest in just one aspect is small. If both plants are otherwise identical in aspects besides appearance - such as health, growth stage, maturity, size, etc. but only the buds are different or other sensory aspects like leaf size/shape or smell then there's something else happening besides what could be attributed to environmental stressors. That's my opinion.


Well-Known Member
the likelihood that that kind of variation can manifest in just one aspect is small.
The likelihood would be dependent on the genetic material available and this would vary tremendously from strain to strain. Otherwise, your statement is very confusing but I can agree that something could be happening that none of us are aware of. :cool: :peace:


New Member
Soo I sent my pics to the compassion center that I got the clones from and he responed to me...he said that he was positive that what he gave me were clones from same mother as they have to be very diligent with there inventory And ddocumenting. He even went as far as to recheck his records to see exactly what he had on hand at the time of my visit. He only had clones from 2 indica strains..1) la confidential 2) og well as 3 sativa strains..chemo...northern lights..and a skunk...that it is obv not. He said it was possible one got mislabled but u likely. As for his explanation of the difference in buds he said it could just be where the clone was clipped from and that it could be again many diff reasons. Soo it appears that I am still in limbo here.. lol anyway at least ive learned a lil something!! Thanks again for all the have all dropped some great knowledge on me.
Stay glossy my friends


Well-Known Member
Even though Clones are supposed to be exactly the same? I have taken many Clones from My current Grow and not ALL Look or Grow out the same....Natures a bit FREAKY sometimes...?


New Member
Does anyone have experience with these strains that may be able to positively identify one of em? Lol crap shoot I know but the not knowing is killing me!! Lol


Well-Known Member
I have cloned personally total 14 clones from same mother but they were cutted in different occasion 2 weeks apart...
1st round vegged 3 weeks 2nd round vegged only 1 week...
They was treated with same nute schedule same soil, just 1 week vegged clones was in smaller container, but light was different all round my grow room.. i tested lights... HPS, leds and cfls...
Got different results :
IMG_5608.JPG IMG_5609.JPGIMG_5618.JPG Cfl
IMG_5613.JPG IMG_5614.JPGIMG_5624.JPG LEDs
IMG_5634.JPG MoM (ont even under light...) and finihed good

Dont have good HpS photo but result was similar to LEDs but a bit strechy...
Cfl babies was alot different from mom and other sisters....


Well-Known Member
Come on people....someone must have an answer or at very least an opinion. I don't understand why getting a answer on here has to be like pulling teeth. Lol is it not kool to help out a novice??
Either that's the biggest CFL on Earth in the back ground, or those are tiny buds.


New Member
Lol..prob a bit of both! They are pretty big cfls! They are like mini footballs! 55watt/250watt equiv. And they are only 3 weeks in soo lots of growing time left.


Well-Known Member
Not a rookie question at all man. When you take cuttings and send them back into veg they have another chance to express new or varying phenotypes. Like when you self a plant and then grow out the offspring - they will not all be identical. Best wishes :peace:
Never heard that before. Yes I do know that selfed re femmed seeds will show different Pheno's, I grow them and its like a box of chocolates. It is my understanding that a cloned plant is the "exact" copy of the mother. It has to be as it is the mother. I would guess that either the plants were taken from different moms or that yes possibly due to location where they were cut would alter the growth structure. As there are no pics that really show the whole plants side by side its kinda hard to say. Hopefully a botanist chimes in, my curiosity has been tweaked lol,


New Member in canada the laws are soo strict that the inventory has to be documented very precisely. If he was to be audited by the gov he has to have very accurate records of sales and on hands. Its very clinical. with that being said he was fairly positive of what he gave me and where it came from. Again he did say it wasnt impossible for one to be mislabled but very unlikely.
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Well-Known Member in canada the laws are soo strict that the inventory has to be documented very precisely. If he was to be audited by the gov he has to have very accurate records of sales and on hands. Its very clinical. with that being said he was fairly positive of what he gave me and where it came from. Again he did say it wasnt impossible for one to be mislabled but very unlikely.
Ummm??? Here in Canada i thought its illegal to sell a cutting!!! As of April or May I believe, home grows became illegal. There is an injunction in place but pretty sure clone sales are still against the law. I may be wrong here cause I am not a patient.


New Member
I do notice that they are only selling clones to existing members and not new members..soo it looks like I'm good for a lil longer anyway..


Well-Known Member
May be something to do with injunction. All personal med grows were to be shut down as of this spring. All medical weed is to be grown by approved growers and sold through prescription. Its total crap!!! Vote Liberal and things will change!!!


New Member far as I know and this is 2nd hand info..that existing holders of the grower mmar were granted an extension. Just no more grower mmar's being issued. .and hell ya..have you seen the vote for justin zig zags? ..too funny!


Well-Known Member
jesus every clone i cut from my mother to every seed the same strain comes out diff its got to do with were u are growing them to what u feed them a million diff things seems like we are bashing our heads into a brick wall with u 0.o