Sampling my bud


Well-Known Member
My first plants are about a month into flowering and they have some good looking buds on them. I was pruning some dead leaves and I decided to cut a small stem from near the bottom of one of my plants that was being obstructed by some large fan leaves. The small stem has a small little bud on it. If I dry it and smoke it will it get me high? It has white hairs all over it but not alot of trichs on the leaves.

Plant Specs:

4 females from bagseed 1 month into flowering, softwhite cfls about 300watts
started with 8, had 4 males which i killed.

Will this sample bud get me stoned? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
it could get you stoned, but the smoke would be bad... especially since you didnt cure or dry it.... i suggest against doing it again


Well-Known Member
I am going to dry and cure it, just wondering if it is worth it or if I should just toss it.
Smoke it! What ya got to lose? While flushing my plants last night (flowering almost 6 weeks) I knocked off a tiny bud so I let it sit overnight and smoked it tonight. I aint complaining :mrgreen:.


Well-Known Member
yes do tell us please as i may have to give mine the chop early before it is even near being ready, i want to know should i even bother?


Well-Known Member
just know since you'll be drying it quickly alot of chorophyl will still be in the bud (grassy taste) and that you will not get a strong high... the only thing that gets you high is the THC (the trichomes) so if you don't have that much it won't be a good high.


Well-Known Member
You can smoke it, it will give you a headace high, its not ready but, hey smoke it what you got to loose?


Well-Known Member
cheers runagi, that just made a lot of sense. should have figured that one out myself, (duh)

Muddy Paws

Well-Known Member
Yup...definitely smoke that bad boy!

Everyone SAYS not to sample, but 95 percent of growers do it.

Snatch a bud every now and then, it doesn't kill the plant; any "loss of weight" at the end of flowering would be minute at least.

It's a plant.....put it to work!


Well-Known Member
just know since you'll be drying it quickly alot of chorophyl will still be in the bud (grassy taste) and that you will not get a strong high... the only thing that gets you high is the THC (the trichomes) so if you don't have that much it won't be a good high.

trichomes are not thc... trichomes on a plant is just its glands ......although they do contain concentrated amounts of thc


Well-Known Member
well i dried and cured my little nug for about a week. I know that is not long enough for a proper dry and cure but this was a pretty small nug. It looked and felt right but it was a little dark green still ( the chlorophyl im assuming) It didnt smell very dank like it did when I first cut it, more like hay. Hairs were red and had crystals. It didn't smoke to harsh, it was actually suprisingly smooth. Got about two to three good hits. Got mildly toasted, not totally blazed but nicely buzzed. Not bad. I hope that means when it is mature and fully cured it should be pretty decent. Does anyone know if curing makes the smell nice and dank. Mine smelled like hay, if I cured it longer would it smell more dank?

As for quick drying, i just wrap it up in a little foil and heat my oven to about 150-175 degrees and give them about 10 -15 minutes or more depending on the amount of bud and how dry you want it. Don't let it stay in for to long or let it get too hot as heat will cause the thc to detereorate. Check it about every 5-10 minutes. It will taste kinda harsh and might not get you exceedingly high. Better than nothing though.

Muddy Paws

Well-Known Member
whats the best way to quick dry??
and how long dose it take?
Put the bud in the microwave for 2 or 3 seconds at a time and let it cool down after every cycle. You don't want to COOK the bud, just heat it, so the moisture will be pulled from the inside.

Repeat this 4 or 5 times and then let the bud sit out overnight. Next day, frosty nugs :)

Muddy Paws

Well-Known Member
well i dried and cured my little nug for about a week. I know that is not long enough for a proper dry and cure but this was a pretty small nug. It looked and felt right but it was a little dark green still ( the chlorophyl im assuming) It didnt smell very dank like it did when I first cut it, more like hay. Hairs were red and had crystals. It didn't smoke to harsh, it was actually suprisingly smooth. Got about two to three good hits. Got mildly toasted, not totally blazed but nicely buzzed. Not bad. I hope that means when it is mature and fully cured it should be pretty decent. Does anyone know if curing makes the smell nice and dank. Mine smelled like hay, if I cured it longer would it smell more dank?

As for quick drying, i just wrap it up in a little foil and heat my oven to about 150-175 degrees and give them about 10 -15 minutes or more depending on the amount of bud and how dry you want it. Don't let it stay in for to long or let it get too hot as heat will cause the thc to detereorate. Check it about every 5-10 minutes. It will taste kinda harsh and might not get you exceedingly high. Better than nothing though.
Curing will definitely help with the taste and will overall improve your buds by a DECENT amount. Curing is definitely worth the time.

It's the difference between kind buds and street weed...most commercial growers don't have the means to jar cure however many pounds of bud they have.

Every personal grower that spends 3-4 months on their plants should add extra time on for curing to make all the work and wait worthwhile!


Well-Known Member
when do i know its dry and ready to cure?
if you squeeze the buds and there dry to the touch and bounce back out when you squeeze them but dont go crushing them just lightly squeeze them also i would cure them properly whats the point in growing you cannabis for a long time and then ruining the end product buy slapping it in the over or microwave lol just no point