Samsung F Strip Build

What size pots are those? Also how tall are plants from the soil up?
They look great, I tend to grow shorter plants, wondering if growing them so tall may be better, how far do you lollipop
9 liter pots, plants get flipped at 22" from the soil and finish 30-32 ", loli popping depends on how I feel penetration is .
The in-line fuses that I added to this F strip build were like $10 for a whole kit from Amazon.

In my opinion that's worth the peace of mind when running parallel builds.
You can do the same thing with a voltage regulating d iver, like hlg A-type dimming.

We buy those strips by the 100s, I've yet to have a single customer return for a single blown diode with no fuses or current splitting...

no need when paralleling such a large pool of diodes... they average out close enough.



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We buy those strips by the 100s, I've yet to have a single customer return for a single blown diode with no fuses or current splitting...

no need when paralleling such a large pool of diodes... they average out close enough.

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I know, but for someone who "gotta" have some current protection its so much easier to just get a A-type dimming driver and set voltage so that it matches up with highest desired current than getting fuses and soldering.
Has anyone received their order from future elec? Or received confirmation its being delivered? In particular the 90 cri.
They screwed up my order and cancelled it and then sold out of the strips. Now im reading on another forum they may not have had the 90 cri to begin with. May have been an labeling error. I have not seen confirmation of this yet.

Also note the eb3 at future seem to be different from the Eb3 Slim line at digikey. Different datasheets and different specs. The slim line is .5 inch wide whereas the eb3 series is almost an inch wide. Keep that in mind when shopping for heatsinks.

Hey I just went to order a 20 pack of the EB3 90cri from Future and saw they are out of stock. I wanted to get these and not the Slims.

When searching the forum for other options I just saw this post. Do you mind linking or PM me the other thread? We're they 80CRI or did Future never actually have the 90CRI? I know there is another mix up someone who ordered the HO version saw that the strips themselves have a different listed max current than what the datasheet says.
Hi all first timer here.

Can I just say WOW what a wealth of knowledge there is in this forum.

So I'm planning on building my first diy light using 4040 extrusion as a spine and heat sinks in a spider like configuration and SI-B8U521560WW led strips.
My question is is 20 of these strips adequate light for a 4x4 area and would a hlg 320 be powerful enough to run 10 strips as in running 2 drivers per light. If not what strips would you recommend.

Please excuse the crude drawings just wanted you to be able to visualise my ideas.
The plan would be to have a spine with 10 ribs
Each rib would contain two strips with a gap of 75mm between each rib....

I hope this is enough information and it's too much rambling lol
Looking forward to some feedback if this thread is even still active


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Hi all first timer here.

Can I just say WOW what a wealth of knowledge there is in this forum.

So I'm planning on building my first diy light using 4040 extrusion as a spine and heat sinks in a spider like configuration and SI-B8U521560WW led strips.
My question is is 20 of these strips adequate light for a 4x4 area and would a hlg 320 be powerful enough to run 10 strips as in running 2 drivers per light. If not what strips would you recommend.

Please excuse the crude drawings just wanted you to be able to visualise my ideas.
The plan would be to have a spine with 10 ribs
Each rib would contain two strips with a gap of 75mm between each rib....

I hope this is enough information and it's too much rambling lol
Looking forward to some feedback if this thread is even still active
I can't give you direct comparisons, but on the 44" double-row F strips I use as outriggers on my Vero arrays, I have them mounted on a simple 1/8"x 2" wide aluminum strips. When run at test current, it will run @ 50 degC and barely gets warm when run @ 75 watts.
A pair of 320- watt constant voltage drivers would run those strips pretty softly, so I would suspect the system efficiency should be comparable to the current diodes offered.
A 4x4 is about 1.5 m2, so I'm pretty sure you will have photons to spare.
Should be a nice build
Hi all first timer here.

Can I just say WOW what a wealth of knowledge there is in this forum.

So I'm planning on building my first diy light using 4040 extrusion as a spine and heat sinks in a spider like configuration and SI-B8U521560WW led strips.
My question is is 20 of these strips adequate light for a 4x4 area and would a hlg 320 be powerful enough to run 10 strips as in running 2 drivers per light. If not what strips would you recommend.

Please excuse the crude drawings just wanted you to be able to visualise my ideas.
The plan would be to have a spine with 10 ribs
Each rib would contain two strips with a gap of 75mm between each rib....

I hope this is enough information and it's too much rambling lol
Looking forward to some feedback if this thread is even still active

Quick calculations that would work out pretty well, on paper that's about 30W/strip, 100PPF/ft2, @ 700mA, nearly 2.6 umol/J system efficacy.

20 of those strips and 2 of those drivers is about $540 at Digikey not including any taxes, then you have the heatsinks and 4040 extrusion, thermal tape/grease, wiring, connectors, plugs, labor etc... you might end up approaching the cost of a good pre-made fixture that comes with a warranty.

If you just want to do it anyway you learn a lot, can customize things exactly how you want, and it's very satisfying when (if!) nothing blows up.