San Bernardino

So you are work and your wife or teenager is at home, A intruder breaks in, but the gun won't work for them because you are the owner..

Unfortunately shit happens, question your government first..
To fight violence with violence has been the american way for how long ???? how has it turned out for you ?? i mean iRAQ loss , Afghanistan , Loss and you had even bigger guns ,,
People just do not get it
One of the first things police or anyone tells you when your getting robbed just give them the cash or what ever . chances are you will live ,, but your thought is pull a gun on them whats the chances of survival now 50 / 50 .
Not go for that gun in the drawer.. Jesus Christ stupid getting stupidier
Smart Guns is not a bad idea it will keep the guns away from gangbangers , thugs an what have you
And shouldn't your wife or kid alread be packing ???? haha personally i say no and so do you in a sense , They shouldn't be going for daddys gun but for there own which in fact would have there finger print ID on it to allow to pull the trigger
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To fight violence with violence has been the american way for how long ???? how has it turned out for you ?? i mean iRAQ loss , Afghanistan , Loss and you had even bigger guns ,,
People just do not get it
One of the first things police or anyone tells you when your getting robbed just give them the cash or what ever . chances are you will live ,, but your thought is pull a gun on them whats the chances of survival now 50 / 50 .
Not go for that gun in the drawer.. Jesus Christ stupid getting stupidier
Smart Guns is not a bad idea it will keep the guns away from gangbangers , thugs an what have you
And shouldn't your wife or kid alread be packing ???? haha personally i say no and so do you in a sense , They shouldn't be going for daddys gun but for there own which in fact would have there finger print ID on it to allow to pull the trigger

+rep :clap:
How do you know? It hasn't been tried.
Smart guns are a dumb Idea and any time you can use and excuse to ban an individual from using a gun it can be expanded to others

the Gun Control Act of 1968 was a reaction to Blacks arming themselves
Now it is used as an excuse to ban anyone from owning a gun
Smart guns are a dumb Idea and any time you can use and excuse to ban an individual from using a gun it can be expanded to others

the Gun Control Act of 1968 was a reaction to Blacks arming themselves
Now it is used as an excuse to ban anyone from owning a gun

Are they ?? i mean most gang bangers, thugs have dirty weapons that was possibly found during break in's ,, they been used in murders and other crimes since they fell into the wrong hands..With having a smart gun this would of never of happened ..
Now everyone talks really tough but in reality pulling a trigger on someone and possibly killing him can also be seen as murder even if he was a intruder.. or in self defense ,,, No one should have a right to kill anyone Period ..
Why not taser's , salt guns ,,
Guard dogs its proven fact a thief or criminal will in fact avoid a confrontation with a dog they go for easy targets
When my neighbor had a security company looking at there house for alarm system i was in back yard And herd from the guys mouth , as he pointed to my dogs ( Rotti's ) he told her those are the best deterrent from a Break n enter ..
But anyways what about the re repercussions after you killed a intruder ,, Mental illness ??? nightmares , sleep depressions let alone possibly criminal charges and for what really ???? the famous right to bear arms ???? Seems moot to have ruined your life just because of charters

What about Vendetta's this gang banger you shot has brothers or other gang members that now might target you as a example ,, don't laugh it off who the hell knows right and Don't kid your self your name will be in the News opening a whole new can of worms ..may-be use you as a example or a family member ...
Best deterrent don't put your self in the predicament to begin with
I think you're reaching and making excuses.

Personal accountability (current) doesn't work..obvi.

I just know how many times I've had electronics glitch out or otherwise fail on me like watches, phones, calculators, Tv's, GPS (there's a reason i learned how to read a compass while hiking), etc. I prefer to not rely solely on technology. Especially when it is a life or death situation.
Are they ?? i mean most gang bangers, thugs have dirty weapons that was possibly found during break in's ,, they been used in murders and other crimes since they fell into the wrong hands..With having a smart gun this would of never of happened ..
Now everyone talks really tough but in reality pulling a trigger on someone and possibly killing him can also be seen as murder even if he was a intruder.. or in self defense ,,, No one should have a right to kill anyone Period ..
Why not taser's , salt guns ,,
Guard dogs its proven fact a thief or criminal will in fact avoid a confrontation with a dog they go for easy targets
When my neighbor had a security company looking at there house for alarm system i was in back yard And herd from the guys mouth , as he pointed to my dogs ( Rotti's ) he told her those are the best deterrent from a Break n enter ..
But anyways what about the re repercussions after you killed a intruder ,, Mental illness ??? nightmares , sleep depressions let alone possibly criminal charges and for what really ???? the famous right to bear arms ???? Seems moot to have ruined your life just because of charters

What about Vendetta's this gang banger you shot has brothers or other gang members that now might target you as a example ,, don't laugh it off who the hell knows right and Don't kid your self your name will be in the News opening a whole new can of worms ..may-be use you as a example or a family member ...
Best deterrent don't put your self in the predicament to begin with

The bad guys will always have guns. Here locally the police stopped a guy and found a homemade shotgun If you don't want a gun for self defense fine. Don't tell me I can't though.
ISIS confirms allegiance from Jihadi terrorists in San Bernardino
How much of that is true??? when media is controlled by the Government . lies lies and more lies being told again if 911 was true you think ISIS would claim this small kill in comparison ?? was the Boston bombing ISIS related just because some one might be Muslim does not implicate them as a terrorist or ISIS
If your black are you automatically labeled a Gang banger ??
How much of that is true??? when media is controlled by the Government . lies lies and more lies being told again if 911 was true you think ISIS would claim this small kill in comparison ?? was the Boston bombing ISIS related just because some one might be Muslim does not implicate them as a terrorist or ISIS
If your black are you automatically labeled a Gang banger ??

By many these days, yes.
The bad guys will always have guns. Here locally the police stopped a guy and found a homemade shotgun If you don't want a gun for self defense fine. Don't tell me I can't though.
Well apparently it has to like i said with 46 percent of Americans having some sort of mental illness could the gun laws change to just that anyone with mental illness cannot have a gun ? this alone might change the mass shootings Don't kid your self there are some days left till the new year
Anyone wanna bet there is still going to be another mass shooting possibly next week who the fuck are we kidding guarnteed next week geez sad huh

First of all it takes you as a person to realize you have a problem be it meth head / crack head pedo or what ever and its only you that can make change
I most americans are to hard headed to accept that it is in fact the citizens that need to make change ,, but sit there blindly blaming the Government i find that pathetic
So by all means change nothing and allow mass shootings you well DESERVE IT
How much of that is true??? when media is controlled by the Government . lies lies and more lies being told again if 911 was true you think ISIS would claim this small kill in comparison ?? was the Boston bombing ISIS related just because some one might be Muslim does not implicate them as a terrorist or ISIS
If your black are you automatically labeled a Gang banger ??
1. Al-Quida claimed 9/11
2. The terrorists pledged allegiance to the leader of ISIS on Facebook the same day of the shooting.
3. There are a number of items submitted into evidence that show the couple were in contact with radicals overseas.
4. ISIS has chattered it all over the radio, so it's not the media claiming the link; it's ISIS
maybe after each and every one of the die hard gun enthusiasts lose a loved one ??? maybe then they will change there mind and say YES WE have a problem and YES WE NEED TO CHANGE THINGS UP
1. Al-Quida claimed 9/11
2. The terrorists pledged allegiance to the leader of ISIS on Facebook the same day of the shooting.
3. There are a number of items submitted into evidence that show the couple were in contact with radicals overseas.
4. ISIS has chattered it all over the radio, so it's not the media claiming the link; it's ISIS

Well apparently it has to like i said with 46 percent of Americans having some sort of mental illness could the gun laws change to just that anyone with mental illness cannot have a gun ? this alone might change the mass shootings Don't kid your self there are some days left till the new year
Anyone wanna bet there is still going to be another mass shooting possibly next week who the fuck are we kidding guarnteed next week geez sad huh

The problem with that is how do you define mental illness? I'm antisocial at times (don't like crowds), I'm ocd, I don't particularly like authority, everyone's been depressed before. I am kinda put off by the idea of mental illness being a bench mark. You know how many idiosyncrasies and common emotions are now labeled mental illness? Look at how many kids are on these anti-psychotic/mental illness drugs. Could THAT be part of the problem?

BUT WAIT, big pharma wants to sell more pills. Big pharma has as firm a grasp on our legislators as big oil or the NRA.