King Tut
I would go back and fix it, but I just don't care enough to bother. If I were to go around and correct people on spelling, especially in Arabic, then it would be the only thing ever discussed
I just thought it humorous.
I would go back and fix it, but I just don't care enough to bother. If I were to go around and correct people on spelling, especially in Arabic, then it would be the only thing ever discussed
1. Al-Quida claimed 9/11
2. The terrorists pledged allegiance to the leader of ISIS on Facebook the same day of the shooting.
3. There are a number of items submitted into evidence that show the couple were in contact with radicals overseas.
4. ISIS has chattered it all over the radio, so it's not the media claiming the link; it's ISIS
or the mexican terrorist group Al TacoLol. Maybe he was going after the Italian terrorist Al Guido?
1 Just so happens after the government sponsered controlled building demolition of twin towers , USA bounced right into recession
being digital money is played in that Arena and not real hard currency rings Hollow
2 - its well known FBI , CIA will plant item to make any crime scene to fit there Agenda
3 - same thing applies as above not hard to plant discriminating evidence to make it look one way or the other
4 - Again you are mis lead into thinking to radical Muslims that went awol Ask your self was this ISIS ordered ??? i think not
Tens of thousands of people became Mormons after they diedTook way longer than usual for Daesh to take credit. I think they're capitalizing on the situation so they can go, "See, we CAN get you."
And along comes the hunter and the hunter's got the gun..It ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun.
It sounds like you so desperately want to believe this is not an ISIS attack, that no amount of facts would be able to convince you otherwise. From what I've gathered so far, all of the information points to an attack related to ISIS. The real question is... did they coordinate the attack, or simply influence it?My theory is just that ISIS did not order that attack so just because some christian decides to go awol does it make all Christians liable for the act or the vatican ordered such a thing ???? No it does not ..
same logic can be applied here pretty lame really anything to push the blame to someone else in this case ISIS
Quit pushing the blame to something or someone else and man up and agree something needs to be changed
It sounds like you so desperately want to believe this is not an ISIS attack, that no amount of facts would be able to convince you otherwise. From what I've gathered so far, all of the information points to an attack related to ISIS. The real question is... did they coordinate the attack, or simply influence it?
I think this was a domestic terror attack that was influenced by religion, what a surprise. ISIS would have sent a much larger and better coordinated attack.It sounds like you so desperately want to believe this is not an ISIS attack, that no amount of facts would be able to convince you otherwise. From what I've gathered so far, all of the information points to an attack related to ISIS. The real question is... did they coordinate the attack, or simply influence it?
They obviously didn't complete their rampage. They had plenty of ammo and pipe bombs to go hit a couple more targets.Lets round this up if 911 caused lets round this up 3000 deaths do you really think that isis would target this ?? or in fact do something in more of a mass scale ? every mass shooting now gets linked to ISIS or terrorists etc does sound funny..
Could it be another mockery of the system As a scare tactic to place on american citizens ??
Although this was terrible i ask you ??..
If you were ISIS would you do some sloppy mickey mouse event like this one ???? or in fact plan something Big like a NFL game or world cup event
But today anyone that goes out and kills more the 2 - 3 people in a public place will be deemed a terrorist ,cause they actually terrorized the area and do everything in there power to make it out as ISIS again to gain public outrage and hate them more
This is becoming stupid already i know Muslims and there just like you and me trying to better them selfs or do what ever but deemed bad .. it sickening really
Any violence today is deemed terrorism and because FBI or Government says so all the sheep believe
people have to learn take your Government at Face Value there taking away your rights a chunk at a time but your blind at seeing it
5 - 10mins?They had enough ammo and pipe bombs to hit several more locations.
Our main focus should be ensuring that every police force in the nation can respond within 5 -10 min. There is definitely room for improvement in some cities.
Lets round this up if 911 caused lets round this up 3000 deaths do you really think that isis would target this ?? or in fact do something in more of a mass scale ? every mass shooting now gets linked to ISIS or terrorists etc does sound funny..
Could it be another mockery of the system As a scare tactic to place on american citizens ??
Although this was terrible i ask you ??..
If you were ISIS would you do some sloppy mickey mouse event like this one ???? or in fact plan something Big like a NFL game or world cup event
But today anyone that goes out and kills more the 2 - 3 people in a public place will be deemed a terrorist ,cause they actually terrorized the area and do everything in there power to make it out as ISIS again to gain public outrage and hate them more
This is becoming stupid already i know Muslims and there just like you and me trying to better them selfs or do what ever but deemed bad .. it sickening really
Any violence today is deemed terrorism and because FBI or Government says so all the sheep believe
people have to learn take your Government at Face Value there taking away your rights a chunk at a time but your blind at seeing it
Get your own beer bro. Honor your bitch.... The fuck would i want my wife or expect my wife to turn on the shower for me? WTF..........To my understanding it was all about him ????? and why he went to a place where he worked or did i read that wrong ??? in the reports ....
Secondly being married into does not mean that she had this planned all along lol..
One thing i have to admit when it comes to being faithful to death do you part has a new meaning when comparing a American born women to a Asian or European style women
I mean seriously a friend is married to a Asian they not only will practically hand feed you but also give you a bath where as a american born women couldn't even make mac n cheese with out fucking it up some how
Ask them to turn the water on in a bath or anything chances are they say go fuck your self lol
Honey get a beer her response you fat ass lazy bastard get your own beer
Moral of the story is and pretty sure ask any army guy that spent a tour will tell you them womem over there are loyal to there man at any extreme ..
So with that said she just followed her man into a death trap