San Bernardino

As Obama withdraws combat troops, Isis moves into San Bernardino and along the Pakistani border. New photos show ISIS training camps in Afghanistan. Notice how they have expanded out of the desert now? Is Obama a fool, or diabolical? Either, way you can count on us being losers so long as Barry O. is our president. America never wins anymore. The only time people like us is when he gives away our money. The war on guns, and climate change are the only two major wars I see Obama focused on right now .

As Obama withdraws combat troops, Isis moves into San Bernardino and along the Pakistani border. New photos show ISIS training camps in Afghanistan. Notice how they have expanded out of the desert now? Is Obama a fool, or diabolical? Either, way you can count on us being losers so long as Barry O. is our president. America never wins anymore. The only time people like us is when he gives away our money. The war on guns, and climate change are the only two major wars I see Obama focused on right now .

Maybe you should sign up and do your part. You know, put those guns of yours to use.
USA is fighting terrorism yet ISIS is training on US soil i do not get it with 22 training camps in US alone wouldn't a country so dead on eliminating them start there first ???
As Obama withdraws combat troops, Isis moves into San Bernardino and along the Pakistani border. New photos show ISIS training camps in Afghanistan. Notice how they have expanded out of the desert now? Is Obama a fool, or diabolical? Either, way you can count on us being losers so long as Barry O. is our president. America never wins anymore. The only time people like us is when he gives away our money. The war on guns, and climate change are the only two major wars I see Obama focused on right now .


Osama Bin Laden.
Jihadi John.
Not sure if anyone saw our fearless leader on TV tonight.
He said something about making it harder to buy automatic weapons.

um... you cannot buy automatic weapons Mr. President
Pretty much illegal since 1934
"Bombs left at a Southern California social services facility by the gun-wielding radical Muslim couple who killed 14 and wounded 21 were set to go off when first responders arrived, a vicious strategy often seen in the Middle East. "

Obama is still convinced that this was workplace violence. I think he is the only one...
"Bombs left at a Southern California social services facility by the gun-wielding radical Muslim couple who killed 14 and wounded 21 were set to go off when first responders arrived, a vicious strategy often seen in the Middle East. "

Obama is still convinced that this was workplace violence. I think he is the only one...

I think you're delusional and/or reading old news. He hasn't maintained this line at all. He did the smart thing by not calling it terrorism off the bat, he didn't influence an investigation, and once the FBI said it was terrorism he let the investigation continue. He didn't openly disagree with the FBI or do anything of the sort.

Moreover there's no evidence or intelligence saying Daesh ordered this though they did influence/inspire it.
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"Bombs left at a Southern California social services facility by the gun-wielding radical Muslim couple who killed 14 and wounded 21 were set to go off when first responders arrived, a vicious strategy often seen in the Middle East. "

Obama is still convinced that this was workplace violence. I think he is the only one...
Omg... I was totally thinking hunger games tactic when I heard that the bombs didn't go off.
ISIS doesn't like it when you call them Daeshbags. Or douchebags. Check out the hash tag on twitter


Lol yeah that's why you've seen me trying to call them Daesh for a bit/any chance I get. It's a play on words in Arabic which is like someone who messes things up/doesn't understand. Also I liked daeshbags, thought it was funny the first time I read it.