San Bernardino

The story I remember was that he built it at home and stored it there for a couple days then became alarmed at the levels of radiation rising and put it in the trunk and drove around trying to figure out what to do lol. Cops pulled him over and he immediately notified them what was in the trunk.
He was 14 and driving around?
I don't remember his age. But if he built a reactor, the driving thing ain't out of the realm of reality. Maybe that's why he got pulled over?
It's not really the fission "produces power" type reactor tho, it's more the "converts one thing into another" reactor that actually requires power to work.

From what I've been able to ascertain anyways, different articles switch between terms like fusion and fission almost at random and there is no scientific explanation of what he actually made.
The story I remember was that he built it at home and stored it there for a couple days then became alarmed at the levels of radiation rising and put it in the trunk and drove around trying to figure out what to do lol. Cops pulled him over and he immediately notified them what was in the trunk.

That`s crazy, the particle radiation is his problem, ...... the Gamma will not be intense enough from something that small.
Fission doesn't "make new elements", it breaks U235 down into smaller elements due to the fission that occurs.

All fission reactors work on this principle, it's not "producing new elements" that is desirable, it's the energy released in the process.

If anything, the production of new elements is an undesirable consequence due to the uncertainty of what elements will be produced.

You can't oversimplify things and expect to get away with it on here... ;)

Fusion does.
Fusion does.

The Radioactive Boy Scout was trying to create a breeder reactor with americium from smoke detectors, tritium (neutron regulator) from gun sights, radium from clocks, thorium from lanterns, a bored out block of lead, and a ton of lithium from batteries. He was going for a breeder reactor which generates more fissile material than it consumes. I think that's where you might be getting tripped up.
The Radioactive Boy Scout was trying to create a breeder reactor with americium from smoke detectors, tritium (neutron regulator) from gun sights, radium from clocks, thorium from lanterns, a bored out block of lead, and a ton of lithium from batteries. He was going for a breeder reactor which generates more fissile material than it consumes. I think that's where you might be getting tripped up.

Gotcha. Why would such a bright kid have such bad intentions,...His shields would be visible unless he lived alone or had supervision. Who paid his electric bill ?
Gotcha. Why would such a bright kid have such bad intentions,...His shields would be visible unless he lived alone or had supervision. Who paid his electric bill ?

He never had bad intentions, he was actually really interested in chemistry and stuff. I think he was trying to collect samples of every element on the periodic table, and then got super interested in nuclear energy. The reactor was built it in a shed in his mom's backyard. It never reached critical mass, but he got worried when the radiation reached 1,000 times the level of normal background radiation. The EPA had to designate his mom's backyard as a Superfund clean up site lol. That was part of the problem though, it was unshielded.


That's a picture of him when he was arrested again in 2007 for stealing smoke detectors from an apartment building he lived in presumably for americium again. The sores are from radioactive exposure.
He never had bad intentions, he was actually really interested in chemistry and stuff. I think he was trying to collect samples of every element on the periodic table, and then got super interested in nuclear energy. The reactor was built it in a shed in his mom's backyard. It never reached critical mass, but he got worried when the radiation reached 1,000 times the level of normal background radiation. The EPA had to designate his mom's backyard as a Superfund clean up site lol. That was part of the problem though, it was unshielded.


That's a picture of him when he was arrested again in 2007 for stealing smoke detectors from an apartment building he lived in presumably for americium again. The sores are from radioactive exposure.

That`s particle damage, or real bad acne. Americium shoots out abut 20 ft. There`s scaring from past work, it seems. I`m surprised he still has hair and can see.
He never had bad intentions, he was actually really interested in chemistry and stuff. I think he was trying to collect samples of every element on the periodic table, and then got super interested in nuclear energy. The reactor was built it in a shed in his mom's backyard. It never reached critical mass, but he got worried when the radiation reached 1,000 times the level of normal background radiation. The EPA had to designate his mom's backyard as a Superfund clean up site lol. That was part of the problem though, it was unshielded.


That's a picture of him when he was arrested again in 2007 for stealing smoke detectors from an apartment building he lived in presumably for americium again. The sores are from radioactive exposure.

Damn. For being such an intelligent guy, he sure don't look it lol.
I got my learner's permit at 14.
We didn't need government approval. Once we could reach the peddles 10-12 we could drive around on private land. Nothing like having a farm, and acreage to enjoy life correctly. Being ahead of my peers developmentally and intellectually I attribute to white privilege, even though I'm black.
No they don't, just like not all Christians agree with stoning homosexuals - as permitted by Deuteronomy
Stoning wouldnt be a "varying degree" as i described. It would be an absolute. They can refuse to accept them in church, refuse to have them in home, refuse to have them in family, there are plenty of mild ways to reject them and provide no love for them.
We didn't need government approval. Once we could reach the peddles 10-12 we could drive around on private land. Nothing like having a farm, and acreage to enjoy life correctly. Being ahead of my peers developmentally and intellectually I attribute to white privilege, even though I'm black.
Maybe the coolest story I've ever heard. WTF?