SAN PEDRO CACTAI! lol gonna try it.


Active Member
Ill post some an update later about my expieriance. ive heard real good things about it.
Anybody ever cook up some san pedro?[lol sound like im talking about crack]
I`m in.I`d like to know myself.I like the shit outta mescaline.Especially how to get some....Keep me informed.PM me if anything special..Good luck!
I`m in.I`d like to know myself.I like the shit outta mescaline.Especially how to get some....Keep me informed.PM me if anything special..Good luck!
yup sure thing. i happened to have a neighbor with them for about 4 years. had no idea that they were anything special. Ive been browsing on errowid during some of my free time. asked my neighbor for some and he had no prob. took a big one, like a few inches more then a foot

im pretty sure it's the san pedro. can anyone verify? here are some pix.

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I'm confused. Is that anything like peyote, because the peyotes I've seen are much smaller.Please inform me...i love that shit.

its not peyote :) its Trichocerus Bridgesii the most potent out of the legal active cacti. its close with san pedro but bridgesii has more alkaloids for a different trip.
well im almost done with the tea. it was a 20 inch cutting. not 15.

boiled from 430am to about 11am. here in an hour or so.just waiting for most of the liquid to boil away.[simmer. i didnt let it boil much; tried to keep temp at 180 but it could have gone up or down when i was napping.

its not peyote :smile: its Trichocerus Bridgesii the most potent out of the legal active cacti. its close with san pedro but bridgesii has more alkaloids for a different trip.

Thanks for the great info. im buying those to root ASAP. i want my own little babies =] +REP
Hey no prob!! As you can see im growing some also! There grade A! Very beautiful fat cacti.

Plus he gave me 4 freebies. That guy is awesome. Helpful and very quick shipping
Hey no prob!! As you can see im growing some also! There grade A! Very beautiful fat cacti.

Plus he gave me 4 freebies. That guy is awesome. Helpful and very quick shipping
awesome. i bought some cactis soil today as well. i didnt know tehre was such a thing.
Ill prob buy 2 from that guy, four to plant and four to keep =]

Hey man, i have a feeling i got a lower grade cacti. specifically it's light color.[maybe iron deficiency?]
im really hope i dont drink this goup and not have an enjoyable experience. lol