San Pedro Cactus, Mescaline Extraction and my dilema

Lol..I remember eating fluff at a thanksgiving..I forgot I ate the hits and started blabbering to different family members..I'm not sure it they seen the paper on my tounge or trips are allways weird..
Lol..I remember eating fluff at a thanksgiving..I forgot I ate the hits and started blabbering to different family members..I'm not sure it they seen the paper on my tounge or trips are allways weird..

The worst is when you do coke on thanksgiving and go to a big family thing... get a big ass plate of food and only take like 2 bites... then go to the bathroom to do another line. lol.
I have been to so many BBQs and just starred at the food sipping a beer with the sniffles ! LOL! i went to Thanksgiving high on acid was my ex wifes grandparents house.... we dropped acid and drove down to the dessert to eat with them.... so fucking weird man
So happy, dude... It only took about a cup to get high as holy hell... and I still have ast leaset 5 cups left.... i would say 10....yets 10 cups probably..... next time i know i can drink down two cups and then mescaliot and i are goonna go sit on a cloud in th e backhyard.
nope, its only like 3 cups left i todl youe. only 3 not 10. how about some dishes with the dead? yup. q it up
i inheritated a set of dishes made in 1830 from england. my wife said we shoudl use them because why die with really nices dishes that never get used? So we let the kids use them for everything and we are just wanton with like 1000$ worth of antique dishes hand made 150 urs y ago..... anyewhoop I have the mescaline tea inside a 200$ tea pot right now lOL
I 'inheritated' a set of pure silver silverware to sell you. Then you can eat like a real king. :)

That $200 pot will make the mescaline extra happy for you.
inheritated lol tahts the best. i cant afford the silverware. lets barter i have a kettle of mescaline tea and lets see...... well lets just drink the tea and go from there
My wife's cousin used to do the showing up coked up thing. Now she just drinks until she passes out half way through the meal. But I'm the one with the substance abuse issue. WTF?!
i know exactly what you are saying man! my wives sister is the same fing way. hypocritical beezy. Im a drug growing junky i guess
damn, its too bad san pedro tea does not taste like this cup of coffee im having right now. ....
My substance use has been a problem in the past. I steer clear of most of those drugs and treat them with the utmost respect when I use them otherwise. 99% of the time that happens is because of actual pain. That kind of hypocrisy pisses me off to no end.
yea I was the druggie cause I got caught in an ecstacy ring.then my sis overdosed on pills..I'm still the druggie tho..I don't understand..not why I'm the druggie..but the actual are the norm in society..the more understanding you are the more invisiable the description becomes...