San Pedro Tea and a Bounce House Water Slide on July 4th!!!!


Well-Known Member
oh happy4th , thank god im finally coming down. that was fucking awesome. the bounce house dude was a dead head and i helped him roll up the slide. made the night perfect


Well-Known Member
i lost all my mescaline privlages with the wife :( i will let my cacti regrow for 5 years before i make another tea, i guess the one good thing about tea is all the rollitup toilet time i get


Well-Known Member
I know right... lucy leaves a nice long afterglow for me. I'll be in a great mood for weeks sometimes. Especially if awesome sex was involved.


Well-Known Member
took off to the coast. mescalito grabbed me by the balls. I mistreated that cactus a bit. Underwatering it and leaving it in a small pot. when I wen to cut the cactus, I had never seen so much green inside before. I thought "hmm, im probably just being optimistic' Then I boiled it down for 15 hours and I swear to god I saw white shit at the bottom of the pot on my final boil down. Again I thought, "nahhh, now way is there that much mescaline in it' I had a real light breakfast at 6:00 and did not eat again until I drank the tea at 1:30. it hit came on kinda slow. about 45 minuts I start laughing a lot going down the bad ass slide. then I started to feel a little sick and dizzy. That trip came on like a freight train after that. I had my neighbors over and I just could not make it back outside until I was done peaking. That was the most intense mescaline experience ever. I was so high. After the peak Iwas cool to be around neighbors again. I didn't want them seeing me smile like I was orgasming ....which is what my whole body felt like for 3 hours straight


Well-Known Member
wow. i started talking about a giant snake inside my head to my wife and now I can't trip again for a long time. it wasn't a mean snake i said. just a giant white serpent that grins and it has a friend with it coming out of the slide. also mentioned something about melting into the couch. she has never done any drug before. ALlL the other times i took the tea I just had a really good body fry and some visuals...wall melting and shape stuff. Never have I gone into the couch . I made her play a memory game with me while I was peaking out. We went through the alphabet naming stuff to take on a vacation. I could see into oblivion and all its mystic power and still my brain could function and memorize . that really helped the trip stay level. well I am rambling but anyways... Not the worst Idea ever but hallucinating and bounce house water slide is not the best idea.... mostly because hallucinating with a soda can is tons of fun... a water slide is over the top


Well-Known Member
Maybe the serpent was your totem animal...not into the spiritual things myself,but I do know about em...also..kinda warned ya about the you had a good fourth!!!


Well-Known Member
You were right. Even when I was typing the title to the thread I thought it was childish. I thought, what would a cherokee indian think about this .... then I thought, well they would fucking go down the slide . lol

A serpent!? Thats OK i guess but I always wanted a Bear or a Wolverine or a Eagle .. guess you don't get to pick it