San Pedro


Well-Known Member
ya i think ill try eating just the cactus first time around ..... no possible dangers in that is there?

nope, just cutt off the spines (thorns), then cut out all the wedges lenghtwise.
Pull of the hard wax outer layer, by slipping anail under it and pulling. useing a knife tends to scratch off alot of what we want to keep.
you will notice your wedge has a hard round inner core surrounded by the green layer we want, which is then covered in the wax layer we just pulled off, cutt off evreything thats not green.
Now eat the green bits. You'd be physicaly incapable of eating a dangerous dose this way.


Well-Known Member
thanks man , also ive heard different things about doses .... you sound like you knw your shit ..... how much should i take? i might only be able to get dried flesh .... either way im a heavy weight when it comes to shrooms (i know these cati are different) basically i want to trip the fuck out get the full experience ... visit the spirit world and such hahaha


Well-Known Member
I don;t like they dried stuff, if you ever washed your dishes out after makeing tea and being lazy and let it dry you will see why.
THe dried cactus matter rehydrates and swells up again, nasty if you have a sensitive stomach like me.
Use google and find an estimate equivalent in dried skins to get about a 500mg dose. That's about half way balls to the wall, and more than enough for a first time for even people experienced with other stuff.


Well-Known Member
thanks again ANC hopefully ill let ya know how things go for me :D hoping to go on a nice little "camping trip" real soon :D


Well-Known Member
hey guys so got another question for all you guys , i have two options in aquiring my san pedro , i can get fresh via ebay for 80$ or so for 4 -12 inch cuts or i can get powdered green flesh for 25$ per 100G's plus 10 for shipping , quess my question is which would be the better experience? would one of those 12 inch cuts be enough for one person? anyone ever taken the powdered form if so how much and how was it? cheers all

Chief Widow

Can't say one would be better over the other but if you cut the tip off of the 12inch at about a 45 degree angle and let sit for a couple weeks it will get a kind of film like layer over it then you could plant it and have more doses down the road. Just give it about an inch and use the other 11 inches to have your fun.


Well-Known Member
I don;t like they dried stuff, if you ever washed your dishes out after makeing tea and being lazy and let it dry you will see why.
THe dried cactus matter rehydrates and swells up again, nasty if you have a sensitive stomach like me.
Use google and find an estimate equivalent in dried skins to get about a 500mg dose. That's about half way balls to the wall, and more than enough for a first time for even people experienced with other stuff.
Yeah 500mg is nice dose of mesc.


Well-Known Member
When we picked peyote it was the nastiest tasting shit you can imagine, like drinking bile. We ended up juicing it into a liquid then simmering it below a boil for several hours to evaporate off much of the water leaving a thick tar.

Rolled the tar into long blobs in flour then took a glass of orange juice and worked on swallowing clumps. Took several hours to kick in fully but I had an out of body experience and it was definitely pleasant. I was really young (12 years old) with my hippy uncle. South of Laredo TX in Mexico we picked boxes of it.

We just had slide film back then so the color's a bit off from scanning it but here's one clump, we left the roots and just cut the tops off with a knife so they can grow back:


This was a different group but I fucked up the original scan in photoshop:


beautiful looking cacti!! my friend been reading some good results from many places so my friend has given it a go.

1:cut chunks into thumb sized pieces.
2placed in bag and frozen and thawed 2x
3:boiled at a super low heat (If steam was becoming to noticeable the temperature was turned down).
4:boiled for 5hrs with 2 lemons squeezed in mix.
5:strained through a t-shirt and liquid placed into a ceramic dish.
6:Chunks placed back into pot and lemon added with fresh water. Boiled for another 5hrs.
7:liquid placed onto stove and set to super low heat (If steam was becoming to noticeable the temperature was turned down). Liquid began to slowly but surely evaporate.
8:Chunks strained again through a t-shirt and liquid added to the already evaporating pots.
9:Chunks placed into bag and frozen over night and thawed once before placing into pots again for 3rd boil. lemon and fresh water added.

this is as far as my friend has got so far. waiting for the 3rd boil to finish for the 3rd strain.



so just an update incase anyone was interested in this tek... finished the evaporating process for the liquid and left it too dry over a day.. Came out with some super strong looking resin..


However my friend read that roughly 10g was a good dose of this stuff.. So he ate 25g and after 3 hrs felt no affects.. So ate another 20g and still didnt feel shit...
Big waste of cactus if u ask me and a horrible waste of electricity and gas... Stick to extracting pure mescaline if you are lucky enough to know how and have the right tools....


Well-Known Member
There's no luck involved. Acidify, extract with nonpolar solvent. Pitch the organic layer. Raise the pH to 11, extract with nonpolar. Repeat daily for three days. Pool nonpolar layers, salt with method of choice. Easy as pie.


Well-Known Member
i would love to see a good tek on that mr duck :D if you know of one that is easy and has pics that would be swell.


im glad i came arcoss this forum.ive been growing san pedro for a couple years and have taken it a few times ill share some of my experiences with you guys here.first is how i came to buy my first one and trip on it.

i looked into san pedro as an alternative mind opener to lsd.having taken multiple trips in the late 80's eraly 90's.i did my research and became obcessed with san pedro.i thought i was seeing it everywhere when i would walk.the most common cactus you see is peruvian apple which has no trip value so i started browsing garden centers of the local superstores,harware stores.

now im told they are hard to find because most people are buying them to drink them.i also found they were mostly mislabled.also there are seasons for the garden depts to be mostly full that is in the summer.other than that you wont see most of them near you unless you pick them up fresh.ill share that later its my preffered method of picking them up.

so ive been browsing for a while and im at walmart and what do you know boom there is one there.a coupe stalks one about 3 feet tall and another about a foot tall in one pot.and yes they were mislabled.theres one problem there is already 1-2 trippy lookin dudes staring at them.but nobody has put them in there i boldly walk up pick it up and place it in my cart and walk off throughout the store this guy is walking by me staring at the cactus.too funny.price 15 bucks : )

ok so i get home and how do i take it??i dont want to chemically process it or boil i peel and despine it and run it through my juicer.down the hatch it goes...aprox 400 grams.ok this is one of the least efficient in my opinion.

so in about 15-30 min it comes on and feels like a good beer buzz tingly all over the body and calming no anxiety,i like day not so much fog head like i would get on acid.this was my first trip.ive take several more using inmho the best method and fried balls lol...ill share for those interested


mostly what i seen on the web was 2 methods,to slow cook or simmer for hours to a black goo then chase it down.option 2 use some chemicals to extract the desired chems.from the research ive done a lot of those active substances are heat sensitive thats why many people boil it down and say ah it wasnt that good.if you look at wiki definition there many,many naturally occuring substances that aid in the trip you get.when it comes to the chem to extract it some of the benzines and tolunes cause cancer! so out goes the window of a truly natural substace that is capable of healing,yes it has natural antibodies that can help your body.ok sorry for the long post.

so heres what i do,i weigh 400-600 grams of the cacti.then i carefully peel the plastic skin off remove the needles,then i slice it off its core which is like wood.i then blend it with water.put it in a large glass ans slowly drink it down.i should explain some more,400 grams is a good body trip last all day,600 grams is frying balls.ive takin cid quite a lot and shrooms so i know frying balls.oh and it taste bad,bad like a rubber tire.ive never thrown up,had slight naseau but thats it.

the trip especially on the 600 grams was magic,the whole body is very buzzed,music is wayyy awesome like smoke in my brain,and i had this very intimate trip like i was very,very relaxed,i could of snored right off in a hot bath be careful.i did my martial arts and had insights i havent had before.all in all a good compare it to 2-3 reall good hits of acid.from a plant i bought legally at the lkocal walmart.

since ive used this method ive never failed to have a good trip,my cactus is good stock i grow and drink my no rc's for me or shady deals.and im not puting anything dirty in my takes about an hour to prepare and another to sip slow so start early like noon and enjoy the ride ; ) ill post some more pics.
pic 1 is measuring 600 grams
pic 2 is needles removed
" 3 peeled core stripped ready for blender
" 4 ready to drink slowly sipp,yes its bitter but the price of the ticket to go on a journey


Well-Known Member
I'll write up a procedure tomorrow. I'm hurting a lot and my left knee is the size of a grapefruit.