SAND grow


i have a plant that is just growing in sand, no nutes nothing but the hot florida sun, and its 1 week old now, has anyone ever grew a plant in sand lol....


Well-Known Member
I've grown other plants in very sand soil. It's not a bad substrate for plants that like good drainage, like marijuana does. Only problem is you have to water more often and constantly supply nutrients. If you can add a bit of loam or bunches of compost/mulch the plants will fair better.

Edit: No need to add nutrients the first few weeks, the plant will probably do better in sand then rich soil. Nutrients burn young seedling roots.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
its not going to be very healthy...
I lived in Fla. for 1 year and dug a hole and put organic soil in it and mixed it up fairly well and grew a giant bagseed plant. did great with that mixture and all for not...... it was a fucking male! oh well, I guess you get my point about sand.


Well-Known Member
there isnt too much of a difference in growing in sand, perlite, it, just keep her wet (thats what she said)


New Member
i transplanted a seedling into sand at the beggining of this summer becuase its my first grow and i didnt understand how everthing works... they plants became the most healthy and large plant... now it is in flowewring and doing awsome:P one thine it that sand dries out a little faster than usual brown soil... also sand breaks up easyier so somtimes water would just go strait throgh to the wholes in the bottom of the contaner... i recently transplants the plant from its pot wit sand in it to the ground.. and i didnt even notice any shock;P


i transplanted a seedling into sand at the beggining of this summer becuase its my first grow and i didnt understand how everthing works... they plants became the most healthy and large plant... now it is in flowewring and doing awsome:P one thine it that sand dries out a little faster than usual brown soil... also sand breaks up easyier so somtimes water would just go strait throgh to the wholes in the bottom of the contaner... i recently transplants the plant from its pot wit sand in it to the ground.. and i didnt even notice any shock;P
im probably going to get some soil to put around it, so some nutes go into the ground and so it stays a little bit more wet


yea im not adding any nutes till the third week, ive already had a plant that was like a month maybe a little older, but it was a male so i just pulled it, i put some rocks around it to so the sand can stay wet longer