Sanders gets greeted by high school students against gun violence

and her name is Kamala and we know how you feel about certain names. Do you think Bernie's wife will go to jail for her lying to get the loan

you have a very nice surgical nurse wife who i would imagine makes great bank and health insurance being that she works at the hospital..this is so she can allow you your dead-end dream of counting quarters and re-balancing washing machines.

does she know you talk like this? is aware of your mental afflictions?
Tell these kids to approach the weird kid and be nice to them instead of teasing them to the point they want to bring a gun to school and kill people, and maybe less will bring guns to school and kill people.

nah, the solution is to leave guns unlocked around the school. you said that was what worked when you were a kid.
She took a legal severance and the investigation is nothing more than a partisan witch-hunt. By Republicans. Which you suddenly sound an awful lot like. Makes a fellow wonder...
Says the guy who thinks racism will go away if we all just stop talking about it, or how you celebrated when Hillary Clinton lost the election and said that Trump winning was the best thing to happen for the left in your life. You sure project a whole lot.
Says the guy who thinks racism will go away if we all just stop talking about it, or how you celebrated when Hillary Clinton lost the election and said that Trump winning was the best thing to happen for the left in your life. You sure project a whole lot.
You sure can't string a coherent idea together with a relevant topic on a bet.

Bernie is the next president if he wants the job.
you have a very nice surgical nurse wife who i would imagine makes great bank and health insurance being that she works at the hospital..this is so she can allow you your dead-end dream of counting quarters and re-balancing washing machines.

does she know you talk like this? is aware of your mental afflictions?
you know rebalancing washing machines is a very common problem in the industry. I actually hired someone a while back to do that, because that shit happens why to often for my liking. Why can't people load a load properly without overloading it as well. One good think is frontend loaders you don't have that problem as much, but it does happen especially if you buying cheap models.

My wife loves my dirty draws and I love her just as much back. We are the Ying to the Yang.
She would disagree with you more about how you feel about the naming of blacks. She would also wonder why you think only blacks enjoy chicken and watermelon. I guess If she hear your story about your father, she might just shed a tear, but she also wonder why you don't change that thinking.
FYI- that dead-end dream of counting quarters helps support our life style we both have grown to enjoy. I have a pension from the USAF that I have not touched in a few years.
Don't hate, but congratulate
you know rebalancing washing machines is a very common problem in the industry. I actually hired someone a while back to do that, because that shit happens why to often for my liking. Why can't people load a load properly without overloading it as well. One good think is frontend loaders you don't have that problem as much, but it does happen especially if you buying cheap models.

My wife loves my dirty draws and I love her just as much back. We are the Ying to the Yang.
She would disagree with you more about how you feel about the naming of blacks. She would also wonder why you think only blacks enjoy chicken and watermelon. I guess If she hear your story about your father, she might just shed a tear, but she also wonder why you don't change that thinking.
FYI- that dead-end dream of counting quarters helps support our life style we both have grown to enjoy. I have a pension from the USAF that I have not touched in a few years.
Don't hate, but congratulate

citation on any of the above claims.
every time a berntard posts about wanting to vote for bernie it makes me want to vote for him less and even spite vote against him