Sanders gets greeted by high school students against gun violence


Well-Known Member

Most of the kids in this crowd will be eligible to vote in 2020. It's clear where the momentum lies; with progressives.

Will establishment Democrats continue to stand in the way of progressive victories across the country? Even in light of Donald Trumps administration and the gutting of social programs across the board? Would they really rather have someone like Donald Trump win reelection in 2020 against another corporate establishment Democrat like Hillary Clinton/Joe Biden, or any of the others the special interests have chosen to cater to until then?
better thread title: "80 year old man under FBI investigation for bank fraud co-opts youth movement"

bernie has stood with the NRA in his voting record.

those who you would call "neoliberals" banned assault rifles back when hillary was pushing for universal healthcare.

OP enjoys duct tape anal porn
Will establishment Democrats continue to stand in the way of progressive victories across the country?
Even in light of Donald Trumps administration and the gutting of social programs across the board?
Would they really rather have someone like Donald Trump win reelection in 2020 against another corporate establishment Democrat like Hillary Clinton/Joe Biden, or any of the others the special interests have chosen to cater to until then?

The Iron Law of Institutions; better to lose the election than lose your own influence. The DCCC is all about maintaining control of how campaign funds are earned and spent. The Democratic Party is all about maintaining control of who gets nominated, using 'superdelegates' and any other means necessary.

The Tea Party broke away from the Republican establishment and forced the Right to take them seriously by splitting the vote. It seems the Democratic Party establishment must also be forced to learn the same lesson.

The Progressive Movement is coming together and it's becoming clear that it will be a political force to be reckoned with. The difference between the Progressive Left and the Tea Party is monetary support; the Tea Party had plenty where the Progressive Movement will be fighting an uphill financial battle the whole way, against the richest opponents in history.
better thread title: "80 year old man under FBI investigation for bank fraud co-opts youth movement"

bernie has stood with the NRA in his voting record.

those who you would call "neoliberals" banned assault rifles back when hillary was pushing for universal healthcare.

OP enjoys duct tape anal porn

If you had any real arguments you'd use them. These are just lame assed attempts at a smear job which only serve to prove you're strictly amateur hour.

If you had any real arguments you'd use them. These are just lame assed attempts at a smear job which only serve to prove you're strictly amateur hour.

bernie has stood with the NRA in his voting record.

those who you would call "neoliberals" banned assault rifles back when hillary was pushing for universal healthcare.

you enjoy locking women in dog cages
bernie and his wife are under criminal FBI investigation for bank fraud they committed while bankrupting a college and giving themselves a golden parachute for their failed efforts
bernie has stood with the NRA in his voting record.

those who you would call "neoliberals" banned assault rifles back when hillary was pushing for universal healthcare.

you enjoy locking women in dog cages
Even weaker.

The only women in dog cages around me were those who asked to be put in them. *Fact*; I've never put any humans in cages. If you want to get upset about that kind of activity, go protest at the local jail.

Sure looks like a lot of people disagree with you, enough to show up at a really supporting Bernie.

The best you can do is sit on your flat ass and lie with a keyboard.

There is no future in alienating young people in this country. Ask Nixon.



The Iron Law of Institutions; better to lose the election than lose your own influence. The DCCC is all about maintaining control of how campaign funds are earned and spent. The Democratic Party is all about maintaining control of who gets nominated, using 'superdelegates' and any other means necessary.

The Tea Party broke away from the Republican establishment and forced the Right to take them seriously by splitting the vote. It seems the Democratic Party establishment must also be forced to learn the same lesson.

The Progressive Movement is coming together and it's becoming clear that it will be a political force to be reckoned with. The difference between the Progressive Left and the Tea Party is monetary support; the Tea Party had plenty where the Progressive Movement will be fighting an uphill financial battle the whole way, against the richest opponents in history.
So we see how weak their argument against voting for sanders in 2016 was to begin with, then. It was that if we didn't vote for Clinton, we were helping Trump. Right, so the logic follows, then, that if they don't vote for Sanders, as he's the most popular politician in the country, let alone in the Democratic party, and has the very best chance at beating Trump in 2020, they're helping Trump.

You can already see where their loyalty lies. They've betrayed themselves and their previous criticisms against Sanders; now, they would rather rally against the most progressive politician in the country to ensure their neoliberal, corporate establishment worldview persists. They're against the people. Against Democratic voters. In favor of corporate interests and establishment politics. They would rather help Donald Trump win another victory than support Bernie Sanders in 2020. If Sanders wins, they will ultimately be proven wrong. All of their political posturing and positions will instantly become deflated and they will be wrong for the past decade. That, they can't have. That's why they're against an actual progressive like Sanders winning, even if it means dethroning an American despot like Trump.

That says enough
bernie and his wife are under criminal FBI investigation for bank fraud they committed while bankrupting a college and giving themselves a golden parachute for their failed efforts
You can't even keep your lies straight. Bernie had no involvement. His wife got a severance package that's literally peanuts compared to the salaries of most University presidents.

Keep smearing- but sooner or later you'll have to wipe the peanut butter off your chin.
The only women in dog cages around me were those who asked to be put in them. *Fact*; I've never put any humans in cages. If you want to get upset about that kind of activity, go protest at the local jail.
It's the horseshoe effect; puritanical democrats judging consentual sexual experiences. It's something you would expect from fundamentalist Christians, not people who claim to be on the left. As someone who is actually on the left, I couldn't care less what someone does in their personal lives, sexually or not, as long as consent is derived from all parties involved and everyone is of legal age to consent. Outside of that, you're just putting your nose in other peoples business where it doesn't belong.
You can't even keep your lies straight. Bernie had no involvement. His wife got a severance package that's literally peanuts compared to the salaries of most University presidents.

Keep smearing- but sooner or later you'll have to wipe the peanut butter off your chin.
jane sanders took $300,000 for bankrupting a college and is being criminally investigated for fraudulent bank loans that bernie used his influence to help obtain
It's the horseshoe effect; puritanical democrats judging consentual sexual experiences. It's something you would expect from fundamentalist Christians, not people who claim to be on the left. As someone who is actually on the left, I couldn't care less what someone does in their personal lives, sexually or not, as long as consent is derived from all parties involved and everyone is of legal age to consent. Outside of that, you're just putting your nose in other peoples business where it doesn't belong.
please do not lock women in dog cages or duct tape their assholes open
So we see how weak their argument against voting for sanders in 2016 was to begin with, then. It was that if we didn't vote for Clinton, we were helping Trump. Right, so the logic follows, then, that if they don't vote for Sanders, as he's the most popular politician in the country, let alone in the Democratic party, and has the very best chance at beating Trump in 2020, they're helping Trump.

You can already see where their loyalty lies. They've betrayed themselves and their previous criticisms against Sanders; now, they would rather rally against the most progressive politician in the country to ensure their neoliberal, corporate establishment worldview persists. They're against the people. Against Democratic voters. In favor of corporate interests and establishment politics. They would rather help Donald Trump win another victory than support Bernie Sanders in 2020. If Sanders wins, they will ultimately be proven wrong. All of their political posturing and positions will instantly become deflated and they will be wrong for the past decade. That, they can't have. That's why they're against an actual progressive like Sanders winning, even if it means dethroning an American despot like Trump.

That says enough
All that plus all those consultants and media buyers won't see their commission checks. And all that money spent on establishment Democrats will have been very visibly wasted. THAT will send a message their donors will hear loud and clear.

The Age of Corporations must come to an end. Buckwit clearly sees himself as one of them, considering how he's bragged about marrying into a wealthy family and visiting the posh country clubs only insiders get access to.

Buckwit is just a corporate shill. Everything he says on this forum proves it. Truly pathetic.
jane sanders took $300,000 for bankrupting a college and is being criminally investigated for fraudulent bank loans that bernie used his influence to help obtain
Reiterated by the NH Trump campaign manager virbatim

You're repeating right wing talking points because you have literally zero dirt on Sanders and can't but help grasp at right wing straws

Yet you claim the legitimate criticisms about Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation are right wing talking points.. when, like I said before, you're literally repeating right wing talking points... right now
the NRA is a russian money laundering system and a terrorist organization

bernie has consistenty voted with the NRA

-Voted against the Brady Bill five times
-Voted to protect gun manufacturers and sellers from liability suits
-Voted to allow guns on Amtrak
-Voted to strip funding for CDC research into gun violence
-Attended a student walkout & pretended to be a gun control hero