Sanders gets greeted by high school students against gun violence

Bernie is the only politician who actually showed up at the student protest.

Cambridge Analytica is not a Russian front. They misused Facebook data to manipulate campaign messages and benefit the Trump campaign, who was their paying client.

If you're so worried about foreign governments influencing our 'democracy', the place to start protesting would be the long succession of presidential administrations who made a habit of meddling in everyone else's.

You have a bad case of American exceptionalism blinders on, fool.

81 different instances of American intervention in the governments of other countries and somehow we should reasonably expect to be left alone?!

What a fucking crybaby.
What is funny is when Obama did the same thing the media praised it called it genius, and Facebook even said they would make and exception for the Obama campain.... hyprocrites much lol
What is funny is when Obama did the same thing the media praised it called it genius, and Facebook even said they would make and exception for the Obama campain.... hyprocrites much lol
I'm speaking specifically to the current round. Mr Obama did indeed support earlier protests and you're right; they did fizzle out.

Why do you think that might have been and what's different this time?
Honestly with the Russian narrative being debunked. I thinkSome in the media are pushing any narrative they canTo hurt the presidency. It's almost like people want the country to fail. Somehow maybe they think a president Mike Pence will be better..... Another good example is the Stormy Daniel stuff. Even if they did have sex in 2006 who really cares? We're talking about the guy who survive the access Hollywood tapes. They think some prostitutes gonna take him down it's ridiculous.
Honestly with the Russian narrative being debunked. I thinkSome in the media are pushing any narrative they canTo hurt the presidency. It's almost like people want the country to fail. Somehow maybe they think a president Mike Pence will be better..... Another good example is the Stormy Daniel stuff. Even if they did have sex in 2006 who really cares? We're talking about the guy who survive the access Hollywood tapes. They think some prostitutes gonna take him down it's ridiculous.
What country are you from, twerp?
Honestly with the Russian narrative being debunked. I thinkSome in the media are pushing any narrative they canTo hurt the presidency. It's almost like people want the country to fail. Somehow maybe they think a president Mike Pence will be better..... Another good example is the Stormy Daniel stuff. Even if they did have sex in 2006 who really cares? We're talking about the guy who survive the access Hollywood tapes. They think some prostitutes gonna take him down it's ridiculous.
I'm afraid the ongoing 'unreality show' that is the Trump White House is masking a number of disturbing trends and activities, like dismantling the work of Federal Agencies, chopping the legs out from under America's education system and much, much more.

The clown show that fills up the headlines seemingly leaves no time for any of these far more important stories and the presstitutes of the major news media (six of whom now control over 90% of what Americans get) show their willingness to abdicate their responsibility to inform the American public in favor of an endless stream of mindless drivel.

Small wonder that viewership of major news outlets is falling, subscription rates of newspapers has fallen off a cliff and in spite of the now familiar 24 hour 'news' cycle, We the People are less informed than ever by the Big Six.

Naturally, smaller, scrappier news outlets have stepped in to fill the gap, but now these are themselves the targets of a campaign to label anything not disseminated by a Big Six corporate news outlets as 'fake news', without vetting the sites, their stories or their track records.

It isn't difficult to find more news than these major outlets deem fit to print, but there is a subtle trap; one has to know one isn't getting the whole picture to make the effort to go looking for it.

The Big Six don't necessarily lie- except by omission. Anyone following the Sanders campaign in the 2016 election couldn't help but notice the lack of coverage he got relative to the other candidates. This has become their standard tactic for the suppression of information that might be contrary to the interests of the Corporate State.

Most don't know and don't care because they think it doesn't affect them. If only this were true...

The truth is being published. One just has to look for it.
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I'm afraid the ongoing 'unreality show' that is the Trump White House is masking a number of disturbing trends and activities, like dismantling the work of Federal Agencies, chopping the legs out from under America's education system and much, much more.

The clown show that fills up the headlines seemingly leaves no time for any of these far more important stories and the presstitutes of the major news media (six of whom now control over 90% of what Americans get) show their willingness to abdicate their responsibility to inform the American public in favor of an endless stream of mindless drivel.

Small wonder that viewership of major news outlets is falling, subscription rates of newspapers has fallen off a cliff and in spite of the now familiar 24 hour 'news' cycle, We the People are less informed than ever by the Big Six.

Naturally, smaller, scrappier news outlets have stepped in to fill the gap, but now these are themselves the targets of a campaign to label anything not disseminated by a Big Six corporate news outlets as 'fake news', without vetting the sites, their stories or their track records.

It isn't difficult to find more news than these major outlets deem fit to print, but there is a subtle trap; one has to know one isn't getting the whole picture to make the effort to go looking for it.

The Big Six don't necessarily lie- except by omission. Anyone following the Sanders campaign in the 2016 election couldn't help but notice the lack of coverage he got relative to the other candidates. This has become their standard tactic for the suppression of information that might be contrary to the interests of the Corporate State.

Most don't know and don't care because they think it doesn't affect them. If only this were true...

The truth is being published. One just has to look for it.
I'll let you tie me up and pee on me for 20 dollars. I ran out of weed and I'm getting desperate. For another 5 bucks I'll even pretend to cry.
I'll let you tie me up and pee on me for 20 dollars. I ran out of weed and I'm getting desperate. For another 5 bucks I'll even pretend to cry.
I just heard on NPR that Craigslist took down its entire personals section, because the website may be held liable for the content others put on it.

If you keep soliciting sex for money here, RIU might have to kick you off, too.

(Fucking ridiculous reactionary authoritarian bullshit that it is)
I just heard on NPR that Craigslist took down its entire personals section, because the website may be held liable for the content others put on it.

If you keep soliciting sex for money here, RIU might have to kick you off, too.

(Fucking ridiculous reactionary authoritarian bullshit that it is)
Yeah I went on Craigslist personals today and it wasn't working.. Did I say 25 dollars? I meant 25 roses..;-)
tell me more about how you prefer republicans
Tell us more about how you lie about people in a cheap and transparent attempt to gain advantage.

We know that you don't have any good arguments for why people should vote for establishment Democrats, it isn't necessary to make it so obvious.
character assassination. personal attack.

are you claiming i have never articulated why people should vote for democrats?

yes or no.
That wasn't an attack but rather an acknowledgement of your hard won reputation here.

Considering how long and hard you've worked at it, I would think you'd be proud.

I'm claiming that you're unnecessarily angry, abrasive, abusive, obnoxious, off putting, rude...

And there are literally tens of thousands of posts with of supporting evidence.

This isn't a gladiator arena; driving others away isn't winning.
That wasn't an attack but rather an acknowledgement of your hard won reputation here.

Considering how long and hard you've worked at it, I would think you'd be proud.

I'm claiming that you're unnecessarily angry, abrasive, abusive, obnoxious, off putting, rude...

And there are literally tens of thousands of posts with of supporting evidence.

This isn't a gladiator arena; driving others away isn't winning.
are you claiming i have never articulated why people should vote for democrats?

yes or no.
are you claiming i have never articulated why people should vote for democrats?

yes or no.
I reject your misleading attempt to reframe my point.

You're a loud mouth who will happily drive anyone away who doesn't agree with you and you're infamous all across the site for it.