Sask. greenhouse owners ponder pot sales


Well-Known Member
the federal government's plans to legalize recreational marijuana has raised some questions and some possibilities for Saskatchewan greenhouse operators.

Chris Buhler, who operates Floating Gardens greenhouse at Osler, was asked to speak to the Ministry of Agriculture on behalf of the Saskatchewan Greenhouse Growers Association. He said all the operators are curious about what is going to happen when recreational marijuana is legalized.

"We would like to see there is opportunity for growers to be able to supply some of the marijuana needs in the province," he said.

Buhler said the ministry, while offering no promises, appeared quite interested in what he had to say. Association Vice-President Gail Medernach she understands everyone will be allowed to grow four plants for their own personal use, though there are still unanswered questions.

"Our question is, where are people going to buy those plants from, what kind of licensing do we need, how do we sell them, and how do we know they are not going to every greenhouse and buying four plants?"

Gilbert Leray, with Leray Gardens at Prud'Homme, has taken the initiative to do some early research of his own. Leray was told he would need to have surveillance systems in place, and everyone who comes and goes who be required to sign in, he said. Leray said he would not object to selling recreational marijuana out of his greenhousem as long as he knows exactly what the rules are.

"Once all the dust all levels off and we have rules to follow, then a person can be more constructive in decision-making," he said.

Leray said another big concern he has is supply and demand. He said if you are growing something, you have to be able to sell it.

"We've got 80,000 square feet and I could fill it up with marijuana, but if I can't sell the stuff it's not a pretty picture," he said.

A spokesperson for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada said the rules for marijuana producers will be determined after the drug is legalized.

"The proposed Cannabis Act will create a strict legal framework for controlling the production, distribution, sale and possession of cannabis," the spokesperson said in an email. "The Government of Canada will establish application processes and criteria for those individuals or entitites who wish to become producers of legal cannabis."

paNOW also attempted to contact MP Randy Hoback for comment, but a spokesperson for the MP said their office had not yet received any inquiries from greenhouse operators on the subject.

It appears greenhouse operators still have plenty of time to get their questions answered. The draft law is still before the Senate and Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor has said publicly legalization would not likely occur until after July. The House of Commons is due to break for the summer June 22, and will not resume until Sept. 17.
"We've got 80,000 square feet and I could fill it up with marijuana, but if I can't sell the stuff it's not a pretty picture," he said. "

and these guys do it for a living.. lol

very smart boy there eh.. 8-):clap:
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A spokesperson for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada said the rules for marijuana producers will be determined after the drug is legalized.
Ummm....really....I thought there was a system in place to be a producer in this country....hmmmm
The House of Commons is due to break for the summer June 22, and will not resume until Sept. 17.
Hahahahaha hahahahaha....legalization my ass.....hahahahaha.....
"Our question is, where are people going to buy those plants from, what kind of licensing do we need, how do we sell them, and how do we know they are not going to every greenhouse and buying four plants?"

Besides a few people no one is going to spend the time and effort to grow 4 plants and wait 4 months to crop out besides the die hard cannabis growers/smoker. This is why hydro stores will be dropping like flies after legalization. A hydro store would need 100x the 4 plant growers to replace large scale growers and I'm going to say 50-70% of 10+ light growers will disappear after legalization. Those 4 plant growers will buy once and not be back at the store for weeks or even months vs everyday.
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So Glad these guys ain't issuing the land permits for Mars
At this point, we should be encouraging as many of these idiots as possible just so We can see them fail...
That and fight to keep the existing medical system separate...
Nothing would fuck them over more then a lawsuit arguing that all medical users rights
are being violated by allowing medically produced cannabis to be diverted into rec....
It happening now, they are using medical licences to pregrow rec weed & it is very fucking wrong...
Especially when all these companies only ACTUAL income is from Medical patients who essentially are financing future rec growers...
Besides a few people no one is going to spend the time and effort to grow 4 plants and wait 4 months to crop out besides the die hard cannabis growers/smoker. This is why hydro stores will be dropping like flies after legalization. A hydro store would need 100x the 4 plant growers to replace large scale growers and I'm going to say 50-70% of 10+ light growers will disappear after legalization. Those 4 plant growers will buy once and not be back at the store for weeks or even months vs everyday.
not to sure what yer smokin mr..or why your business is going to the shits but..
growin your own stone isnt goin anywhere at 10 bucks a gram plus plus
not to sure what yer smokin mr..or why your business is going to the shits but..
growin your own stone isnt goin anywhere at 10 bucks a gram plus plus

Sorry buddy but no one new besides a few will grow their own that's a fact, they'll buy it at legal stores, as for my store oh its slow but I got long ways to go before it wouldn't be worth running (I have no debt and own all the stock) but if you really must know weed is not moving here at all, if you were actually in BC you'd know that. Once the dispensaries are done the illegal weed market will hit a massive wall and then shit will hit the fan for majority of growers.

You'd be surprised how many guy are starting to look for work, buying excavators and taking their dump trucks out of storage and having to eventually go back to work.
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Every house in my family gonna have 4 new plants but never in hydro... Sounds like someone is defensively arguing against all the new competition, i.e lowes selling hydro gear already in canada. Funny the hydro store here just moved & doubled in size... But they also have the brains to support ALL their customers.... All that changed is the game, now it's about quality not quantity, & gifting instead of selling...
Sorry buddy but no one new besides a few will grow their own that's a fact, they'll buy it at legal stores, as for my store oh its slow but I got long ways to go before it wouldn't be worth running (I have no debt and own all the stock) but if you really must know weed is not moving here at all, if you were actually in BC you'd know that. Once the dispensaries are done the illegal weed market will hit a massive wall and then shit will hit the fan for majority of growers.

You'd be surprised how many guy are starting to look for work, buying excavators and taking their dump trucks out of storage and having to eventually go back to work.

What competition? There's 120+ hydro stores in BC and there's about 20 of them with in 20 km of me. Home Depot and Rona have been selling GH and other hydro stuff here for years and its only seasonal no box stores carry plant stuff year round, that's not competition. Competition is the retail weed market which I plan on jumping into and cashing in on the first year. As for plants you're already on a weed forum and growing, no one new is going to waste 4 months growing 4 plants and not being able to go anywhere since you have to water them every few days just like no one grow their own food indoors or tobacco.

A few weeks back some guy needed 35 fully wires mogul socket sets. I gave them to him at $35 CDN + tax with 14/3 600V wire. He was trying to jew me down to $30 and showing me some online site when I told him that's $30 US + Shipping + Duties + Taxes. Then he had a reality check that I'm still way cheaper.
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the dollar store is selling grow stuff as well

4 plants outside can produce a years worth of meds easily.

what are ya on about?
If ya think people who buy the odd gram here and there are the market...think again.

ps..any hydro system can be set up to last a week if need be..
there it is

MMJ patients couldn't care less..

That's funny all you talk about is the LP's and rec market, doesn't go your way you throw in med users lol Most med patients sell their stuff anyways to dispesaires, once that's dries up those 30-100G licenses will disappear.
the dollar store is selling grow stuff as well

4 plants outside can produce a years worth of meds easily.

what are ya on about?
WTF you on about? You don't need hydro stuff to grow outdoors. Plant them and miracle grow them... Outdoor has been dead on the coast for years.
Personally I feel stores will do better at first then poorer as folks give up on growing. If a town isn't saturated with grow shops I feel a business could be made. My local go to shop is crazy busy right now with newbies.
The price will chase some to growing and others won't care....until they smoke better.
It's takes a lot of steady dedication to be a grower. Plus the setup is costly to do it correctly. Also not everyone wants cannabis growing in their home. Growing in a dedicated space may not be allowed or possible.
That's funny all you talk about is the LP's and rec market, doesn't go your way you throw in med users lol Most med patients sell their stuff anyways to dispesaires, once that's dries up those 30-100G licenses will disappear.
you think ya have it figured do you? ..
That's funny all you talk about is the LP's and rec market, doesn't go your way you throw in med users lol Most med patients sell their stuff anyways to dispesaires, once that's dries up those 30-100G licenses will disappear.
It's different here in town has zero dispensaries. Were only gonna have the WeedCBO here.....BM here they come....hahahaha
I think your in much bigger trouble in offense meant.
WTF you on about? You don't need hydro stuff to grow outdoors. Plant them and miracle grow them... Outdoor has been dead on the coast for years.
im not talking about SALES :lol:

It's different here in town has zero dispensaries. Were only gonna have the WeedCBO here.....BM her they come....hahahaha
I think your in much bigger trouble in offense meant.

to many chiefs not enough indians..
Personally I feel stores will do better at first then poorer as folks give up on growing. If a town isn't saturated with grow shops I feel a business could be made. My local go to shop is crazy busy right now with newbies.
The price will chase some to growing and others won't care....until they smoke better.
It's takes a lot of steady dedication to be a grower. Plus the setup is costly to do it correctly. Also not everyone wants cannabis growing in their home. Growing in a dedicated space may not be allowed or possible.

BC has already stated landlords and stratas can put in restriction to not allow weed growing in rentals and some have already announced it in the news that rental agreements will be adjusted to stop any growing.
renter stipulations can always be added......
I wouldn't want someone growing in a place I owned .....and making a mess...
if they did it right issue.