Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

yeah, we all believe you.

just changing your claim to make it nearly 13 times stronger than your previous claim, which was found to be an outright lie.

that's why your claim appears solely on websites like "" and "wattsupwiththat" (but only borrowed from "").

that's pretty fucking desperate. you'll need "desperation" for little girls to get any more desperate than that.
my "Claim" is found in Science Magazine

it has long been regarded as a well established fact in Exterminator/PCA circles, and can be found on many websites regarding termites (but usually unsourced so i didnt include any of them)

hey look, pest control companies that use Co2 detectors to find termites..

a bait that draws termites by releasing co2 which termites use to guide themselves to the nest. (cuz they make so much of it!)

a website that has a lot of unflattering comments about trermites

and this climate hysterical site is obsessed with termite farts, mainly because of methane, not co2, but it still provides some perspective

even the College Board AP test features discussion of termite's powerful role in "global warming"

see question 2, i know you cant be arsed to look at all that shit.

Bucky stands alone, and is unable to make his assertion stick.

aparently youre the only person who thinks termites are harmless.
nice job trying to associate studies of termites with "climate denier" websites though.
sure its just the Guilt By Association fallacy, but its still a bold attempt.
nice job trying to associate studies of termites with "climate denier" websites though.
sure its just the Guilt By Association fallacy, but its still a bold attempt.

can you find me anything from NOAA, NASA, or any of the 34 national academies of science that share you lulzy concern (read: distraction) about termite CO2?

because this is about all i could find.

By Edmund Contoski, Liberty Unbound

lol, your concern is visibly only shared by some gaylord at the heartland institute. no other organization, reputable or not, even touches your bullshit with a ten foot pole.

only the heartland institute.

you are a fucking stooge.
can you find me anything from NOAA, NASA, or any of the 34 national academies of science that share you lulzy concern (read: distraction) about termite CO2?

because this is about all i could find.

By Edmund Contoski, Liberty Unbound

lol, your concern is visibly only shared by some gaylord at the heartland institute. no other organization, reputable or not, even touches your bullshit with a ten foot pole.

only the heartland institute.

you are a fucking stooge.
because termite co2 is buried in the "Baseline" and thus presumed (magically) to be in balance with nature's sinks (sounds a lot like "intelligent design" bullshit to me...) so non-human sources of Co2 are ignored.

it's part of the basic assumption set for AGW

and it turns out, warmer weather makes natural production of co2 (from termites, fungi, bacteria, bodies of water,etc) INCREASE while increased or decreased Co2 levels dont seem to have dick to do with the heat. (as demonstrated by your own previously posed graphs!)

you can scoot your butt on the rug like a dog with worms, but it doesnt change the facts, it doesnt un-post graphs YOU POSTED, and it doesnt alter reality.

plus you really need to learn how to use a search engine, cuz i linked to MANY sites talking about termites and co2. and that was all from page 1 of google's results.

or maybe i should be having this discussion with your wife. she seems a lot smarter than you.
because termite co2 is buried in the "Baseline" and thus presumed (magically) to be in balance with nature's sinks (sounds a lot like "intelligent design" bullshit to me...) so non-human sources of Co2 are ignored.

it's part of the basic assumption set for AGW

and it turns out, warmer weather makes natural production of co2 (from termites, fungi, bacteria, bodies of water,etc) INCREASE while increased or decreased Co2 levels dont seem to have dick to do with the heat. (as demonstrated by your own previously posed graphs!)

you can scoot your butt on the rug like a dog with worms, but it doesnt change the facts, it doesnt un-post graphs YOU POSTED, and it doesnt alter reality.

plus you really need to learn how to use a search engine, cuz i linked to MANY sites talking about termites and co2. and that was all from page 1 of google's results.

or maybe i should be having this discussion with your wife. she seems a lot smarter than you.

in other words, nothing. you have nothing.

besides, of course, some gaylord from the heartland institute crying hysterically about termite CO2 on a website called "".

pretty powerful stuff, kynes.
because termite co2 is buried in the "Baseline" and thus presumed (magically) to be in balance with nature's sinks (sounds a lot like "intelligent design" bullshit to me...) so non-human sources of Co2 are ignored.

it's part of the basic assumption set for AGW

did termites start having lots of orgies coinciding with the onset of the industrial revolution or something?

did termites start having lots of orgies coinciding with the onset of the industrial revolution or something?

and what were temperatures doing during that time?
ohh my.

that doesnt look like co2 was involved much at all.

maybe human produced co2 is somehow WORSE than natural co2...

well maybe your graph is just wrong...

lets see.

well heres a graph of co2 and temps going back 600 million years.


nope. still temperature doping it's own thing, and co2 responding slowly, if at all.

but your graph is irrelevant since we dont even know where it came from?

but most likely, a left wing think tank.

well lets try a third source:


Vostok Ice Core record of variations in air temperature (relative to the current average temperature of �55.5°C at Vostok) and CO2

still temps leading and co2 following behind it.
UC San Diego? i bet thats a Right Wing Think Tank too!!

the AGW primary assumption MUST be correct, or youll have made a fool of yourself, and be ridiculed for listening to experts (or so you believe, cuz thats how lefties do it) so the assumption simply has to be correct! it's too important to YOU for it to be wrong!

fuck scientific discourse, bucky's feels are too important.
and what were temperatures doing during that time?
ohh my.

that doesnt look like co2 was involved much at all.

maybe human produced co2 is somehow WORSE than natural co2...

well maybe your graph is just wrong...

lets see.

well heres a graph of co2 and temps going back 600 million years.


nope. still temperature doping it's own thing, and co2 responding slowly, if at all.

but your graph is irrelevant since we dont even know where it came from?

but most likely, a left wing think tank.

well lets try a third source:


Vostok Ice Core record of variations in air temperature (relative to the current average temperature of �55.5°C at Vostok) and CO2

still temps leading and co2 following behind it.
UC San Diego? i bet thats a Right Wing Think Tank too!!

the AGW primary assumption MUST be correct, or youll have made a fool of yourself, and be ridiculed for listening to experts (or so you believe, cuz thats how lefties do it) so the assumption simply has to be correct! it's too important to YOU for it to be wrong!

fuck scientific discourse, bucky's feels are too important.

way to change the subject away from your failed termite fart argument, dumbass.

atta way to keep confusing the debate, just move from one failed claim to another to another to another to another.

i like how you got your graphs from a "climate realism" website. that has the same nice euphemistic ring to it as "racial realism", which is what all the skinheads and white supremacists over at american renaissance call themselves.

furthermore, the specious argument you are NOW trying to advance (now that several more of your claims have been outed for the lies they are) is retarded.

whether the climate did this or that in the past has no bearing on whether or not human activities are contributing to the rapid warming we are seeing now.

that would be kind of like arguing that because houses have burned down in forest fires in the past, it CAN'T be your momma's fault that she left that cigarette dangling on the overfilled coffee can full of old butts while she went to take a runny shit.

it's retarded.

furthermore, i asked you a question that you chose to run away from while throwing distractions: did termites suddenly start fucking like wild in perfect lockstep with the onset of the industrial revolution?

why did the atmospheric CO2 go from 280 PPM to 400 PPM at the onset of the industrial revolution if human activities are dwarfed by termite farts?

nothing you say makes any sense. you are a confusionist, and a retard.
To understand how the hysteria developed, one needs to look back at the sources:

That's the translation of the Fourier 1824 paper where all of this began. If anyone takes time out to read that, they will have a better grounding in Climate Science than 90%+ of those who are considered climatologists. Take this nugget of genius, for example:

The experiment consists in exposing to the rays of the sun, a vessel covered with one or more plates of glass, very transparent, and placed at some distance one above the other. The interior of the vessel is furnished with a thick covering of black cork, proper for receiving and preserving heat. The heated air is contained in all parts, both in the interior of the vessel and in the spaces between the plates. Thermometers placed in the vessel itself and in the intervals above, mark the degree of heat in each space. This instrument was placed in the sun about noon, and the thermometer in the vessel was seen to rise to 70°, 80°, 100°, 110°, (Reaumur,) and upwards. The thermometers placed in the intervals between the glass plates indicated much lower degrees of heat, and the heat decreased from the bottom of the vessel to the highest interval.

The theory of the instrument is easily understood. It is sufficient to remark, 1st, that the acquired heat is concentrated, because it is not dissipated immediately by renewing the air; 2nd, that the heat of the sun, has properties different from those of heat without light. The rays of that body are transmitted in considerable quantity through the glass plates into all the intervals, even to the bottom of the vessel. They heat the air and the partitions which contain it. Their heat thus communicated ceases to be luminous, and preserves only the properties of non-luminous radiating heat. In this state it cannot pass through the plates of glass covering the vessel.

So right out of the gate, the idea of "greenhouse effect" was unestablished. He also points out later the importance of water in regulating the atmosphere. Yet, it is Fourier (via Arrhenius) who is credited with discovering the supposed GHE and the role of CO2. Need proof? Here's what a University level text says:

Fourier ref CC.JPG
I guess the next one on the hit list is Arrhenius 1896...the investigation continues...
way to change the subject away from your failed termite fart argument, dumbass.

atta way to keep confusing the debate, just move from one failed claim to another to another to another to another.

i like how you got your graphs from a "climate realism" website. that has the same nice euphemistic ring to it as "racial realism", which is what all the skinheads and white supremacists over at american renaissance call themselves.

furthermore, the specious argument you are NOW trying to advance (now that several more of your claims have been outed for the lies they are) is retarded.

whether the climate did this or that in the past has no bearing on whether or not human activities are contributing to the rapid warming we are seeing now.

that would be kind of like arguing that because houses have burned down in forest fires in the past, it CAN'T be your momma's fault that she left that cigarette dangling on the overfilled coffee can full of old butts while she went to take a runny shit.

it's retarded.

furthermore, i asked you a question that you chose to run away from while throwing distractions: did termites suddenly start fucking like wild in perfect lockstep with the onset of the industrial revolution?

why did the atmospheric CO2 go from 280 PPM to 400 PPM at the onset of the industrial revolution if human activities are dwarfed by termite farts?

nothing you say makes any sense. you are a confusionist, and a retard.

youre the one who changed the subject to global co2 concentrations, in a lame attempt to imply that im saying termites are the ONLY source of co2
i simply offered the temperature graph for that same 10,000 year time period, and what do you know, they dont match.

further, the immediate source (which i graciously provided, for no reason beyond my enjoyment of your fallacious attacks) clearly shows the ultimate source of the figures, which is a Peer Reviewed Published Study From A Reputable Journal!

see i show where my data comes from so those who wish to check the source may do so.
you prefer to leave the sources of your claims shrouded in mystery, because your sources are usually wikipedia, or rabidly hysterical websites run by communications majors with no science credentials at all.

thats what you call a CITATION, where an expert's research is used to demonstrate your point, as opposed to an UNFOUNDED ASSERTION which is unsourced, and almost certainly bullshit.
inb4 "fedora" "walmart" "bad math" and "failure"
see i dont have to be an expert, i listen to the experts, and many experts disagree with the claims of the POLITICAL (which aint science) agenda driven findings of the IPCC.

the dissenters' case is more convincing to me, while the orthodox assertions are full of Feels, Fraud and Failed Assumptions.
Wow, so ~6% of the ~.00000000029295% of the earth's climate history were the hottest of that sample?


excuse me for asking the question that was asked directly.

i was asked about how hot this last decade was, i responded that 8 of the hottest 10 years on record occurred in the last decade.

does that make your hinea hurt?
excuse me for asking the question that was asked directly.

i was asked about how hot this last decade was, i responded that 8 of the hottest 10 years on record occurred in the last decade.

does that make your hinea hurt?

Not at all, please continue. As usual, I'm having a grand time with this topic.
Not at all, please continue. As usual, I'm having a grand time with this topic.

yeah, i bet you are.

want to name any credible source who agrees with you that this is an orchestrated hoax?


almost 190 years in the making too, and not one single whistleblower for this grand conspiracy.

you're SMART.
yeah, i bet you are.

want to name any credible source who agrees with you that this is an orchestrated hoax?


almost 190 years in the making too, and not one single whistleblower for this grand conspiracy.

you're SMART.

That's an interesting challenge considering the only sources you would find "credible" would surely be in on the hoax.
then give me an idea of some of the types of people who do agree with you about this 190-years-in-the-making "hoax".


Use the Guglée, I'm sure you could find quite a few climatologists, scientists, politicians, professors and fellow citizens who ain't pickin' up what you're layin' down.

And you're already well aware that all requests must be filled out in TRIPLICATE before they will be processed by the Conservative Department of Triplicate Request Processing. From there, the request is forwarded on to the Department of Redundency Department.
Use the Guglée, I'm sure you could find quite a few climatologists, scientists, politicians, professors and fellow citizens who ain't pickin' up what you're layin' down.

i'm not talking about skeptics or deniers.

i want to know who the HOAXERS are.

but of course you are too much of a PUSSY to name even a single one.