Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

in order to be losing this argument, you'd have to show me one single scientific paper that says that forest fires cause GLOBAL cooling instead of LOCAL cooling.

i'm so sorry that you are too stupid to understand the difference between LOCAL phenomena and GLOBAL phenomena.
And you sir must be missing the point that there is a cumulative effect from LOCAL into the GLOBAL arena. Maybe not much but some. duh

Yet my carbon footprint is a global issue. Oh, the hypocrisy.

actually, i think global carbon emissions are a global issue.

your carbon footprint is your own issue. if you need a half dozen bakery trucks in your employ to stave off your appetite, that's between you and the cinnabun factory.
actually, i think global carbon emissions are a global issue.

your carbon footprint is your own issue. if you need a half dozen bakery trucks in your employ to stave off your appetite, that's between you and the cinnabun factory.

So the globe, as a whole, is emitting carbon? And what I do is of no concern? Small amounts don't add up to large amounts?

You're really doing an excellent job proving yourself stupid. Please keep it up. I enjoy laughing at you.
You're really doing an excellent job proving yourself stupid. Please keep it up.

you're on the side of a guy who says forest fires cause global cooling and who asked me to draw iran's route to the sea.

but thanks for your concern, stay-puft marshmallow woman.
you're on the side of a guy who says forest fires cause global cooling and who asked me to draw iran's route to the sea.

but thanks for your concern, stay-puft marshmallow woman.

I made no such claim.

Forest Fires happened to be in a list of things I said affected global temperature.

If you want to continue arguing that local temperature has nothing to do with global temperature, be my guest...

Your misunderstanding of my remarks places no burden on me to force you to understand the concept.
Next time I'm required by law to take my car in for a smog check I'm just going to tell them Uncle Buck says I don't need to.
you're on the side of a guy who says forest fires cause global cooling and who asked me to draw iran's route to the sea.

but thanks for your concern, stay-puft marshmallow woman.
They don't understand what a fallacy of equivocation is, Buck.....

Global and local have various meanings when used in different ways.
Oh, right. Everyone's going to die, so our actions are meaningless.

Uncle Buck has just spent the last page telling me exactly that. Shall I go back and quote it all.

Everything "locally" adds up "globally". Whether it be smog checks or forest fires. Uncle Buck seems to disagree with this, for some reason.