Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

hundreds of thousands of scientists, people who get paid to study what the fuck the climate is doing
That seems like a lot

I know you discount any from private sectors so that's all gov spending.

Feels a little like Gore's "the earths core is millions degrees hot" nonsense.

Edit: think of the costs it would take yearly to sustain 100's of thousand scientists, look at the cartoon killem posted and do the math. If you are both right then big oil is spending trillions in false research.

This is what I mean when I say your hysteria is more damaging than helpful.
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Thanks for bringing reason to the discussion. Have a good one. I'm wading thru your links but it'll take few days.
Ignore his, heckler posted a peer reviewed paper from the science...theoretical physics.

Aint no "medium certainty" in physics.
That seems like a lot

I know you discount any from private sectors so that's all gov spending.

Feels a little like Gore's "the earths core is millions degrees hot" nonsense.

Edit: think of the costs it would take yearly to sustain 100's of thousand scientists, look at the cartoon killem posted and do the math. If you are both right then big oil is spending trillions in false research.

This is what I mean when I say your hysteria is more damaging than helpful.

Your inability to grasp the scale of the evidence against you isn't my problem
Your inability to grasp the scale of the evidence against you isn't my problem

I keep telling you I'm in same camp as you. Your hysterical exaggeration IS a problem. It's not needed and fuels deniers by proving their claims about hysteria coming from our side.

Are you going to claim that we are sustaining 100's of thousands of scientists AND there is no financial incentive? Remove your emotions, do the math of what you are saying and stick with the pretty damn convincing data that's out there.
There is, its called a Law.

What about the paper posted by heckler, which outlines how there is no actual basic in physics for the CO2 Greenhouse Effect?


I keep telling you I'm in same camp as you. Your hysterical exaggeration IS a problem. It's not needed and fuels deniers by proving their claims about hysteria coming from our side.

Are you going to claim that we are sustaining 100's of thousands of scientists AND there is no financial incentive? Remove your emotions, do the math of what you are saying and stick with the pretty damn convincing data that's out there.

There is no exaggeration. I've consistently said "it's a problem and we need to do something about it". No more, no less
Are you going to claim that we are sustaining 100's of thousands of scientists AND there is no financial incentive?

ya mean, all those conservative scientists you keep talking about but never provide an iota of citation for?

yeah, thanks for playing. try again sometime, champ.
The fuck?

Man I'm glad I didn't come here to learn about GW. You would convert any skeptic to a denier.
His argument carries about as much scientific validity as my new hypothesis:

Around the time of the industrial revolution there were only about 750million people worldwide, now there are over 7 billion.

GW is caused by the increased amount of body heat generated by the nearly 10x more humans that exist now.
I didn't come here to learn about GW.

no shit.

you came here to play your usual supporting role for other righties, whether it's ignoring all their citations to the heartland institute or protecting and defending racists in other threads.

you are a joke and your contributions here amount to nothing but cowardly lukewarm encouragement for the deniers.
thank you heckler, I appreciate it. I'm going to read through that.
If you take the time to actually read it once, I will applaud you.
I gave that paper to potholer54 (some might recognize that name) and asked him to read it; he never did ("TL : DR"), but at least he was honest with me. It was he who actually led me to the rebuttal paper, which for him was evidence enough to deny it (he didn't read that either).
I learned a few things from that discussion with him...

That aside, don't be surprised if it starts getting mind-numbing. I've read it several times over the years, and I still don't comprehend everything the paper says. Then again, I haven't read it in about a year. ;)
ya mean, all those conservative scientists you keep talking about but never provide an iota of citation for?

yeah, thanks for playing. try again sometime, champ.

You are so far out of your element trying to discuss science it's embarrassing for you.

Same challenge I'll give you for the rest of your lies, show me the money housebitch.
You are so far out of your element trying to discuss science it's embarrassing for you.

Same challenge I'll give you for the rest of your lies, show me the money housebitch.

i'm not the one who can't provide citation for his claims of all these conservative scientists, flaccid McDumbdumb.
i'm not the one who can't provide citation for his claims of all these conservative scientists, flaccid McDumbdumb.

And like the uneducated dipshit you are, you turn a scientific debate into a political one and wonder why skeptics are skeptics. You are not helping. I stay out of the Israel debates because I'm so oblivious to what's going on. I read the threads to learn a bit, but stay out of the debate. You should try that on things you so obviously know so little about.