Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

Get the fuck right out of here with this bullshit. This very thread you told me both of my jobs were shit because I had them simultaneously.

If you can't take it from Buck, don't dish it out like the glaring hypocrite you are

You blame all your problems on poor people, you disgusting rat of a human being
I think he said your jobs were shit because of who they had doing them, not because you had them simultaineously. Two jobs and couldn't make $900 in a month? Sound like shit jobs to me, too. He never blamed his problems on poor people.
You mean faces a life threatening struggle, gets out of it, takes some help, and gets a job. ..

You do know to get a good job you have to have a job, don't you?

yeah, i'm sure all the tech companies in the bay area and portland are just waiting for subway employees to snatch up.
"Termites produce methane, not CO2. Furthermore, termites produce less than 15% of the global methane per year:

More recent research suggests 15% is an order of magnitude too large:

Termites are important in an ecological sense. In general it is not a good idea to get rid of a major component like that. Besides, man is already working to reduce termite methane emissions:

One last reference for the global importance of termite CH4 emissions:

And the outgassing of methane from hydrates in the arctic permafrost is going to dwarf the termite source."

The citations you gave don't even mention co2. This is the best you can muster?
ZOMG!! you googled how to convert grams to tonnes!!

wow, you really showed me how wrong i am by posting a screenshot that proves i am RIGHT.

try googling grams to Gigatonnes dipshit, and youll discover that the value is...


you are aware that a gigatonne is a million tonnes right? or did you drop out before ASU covered the metric system?

4 billion tonnes is 40 gigatonnes

thats why the metric system is so easy, you just move the zeroes to the left or the right as needed.

mental note: never trust bucky's maths
you prolly didnt notice but you lost a zero...

or did you drop that zero to skew the result?

hmm. maybe you are more intellectually dishonest than you seem

ill run it again, with your web-converter and see how that goes...


nope, no matter how many times you try it, 4x10e15 = 40000000000000000
and 40000000000000000 grams = 40 gigatonnes.

the hilarity continues.
i don't know or care. i'm just plugging in numbers dispassionately.
by "Dispassionately", you must mean "Incorrectly".

or does your dispassion always make your math come up wrong?
if so, you might wanna have a cat scan, cuz your "dispassion" might actually be a brain tumor



Every bullshit talking point defeated in 17 minutes from a scientist who actually studies the climate
Actually. he really didn't defeat any. His dismissal of temperature increases preceding co2 increases was particularly stupid, enough for me to realize he was a hack.
Venus is warmer than Mercury, Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Venus is the hottest planet on average because its atmosphere is made up mostly of carbon dioxide

derp derp derp.

this has already been covered.

mercury's sun facing side: ~900 degrees F
mercury's other side: ~ -300F

average temp: 300 degrees.

venus avg temp ~850 degrees, day or night, cuz venus is wearing 5 sweaters and a parka. (93% co2)

ANY gas thats dense enough and stable at those temps would do a good job of holding heat.

mars' atmosphere is 96% co2 (thats 3% more!!) and yet it never gets really hot, and when it rotates away from the sun, that spot gets cold as a motherfucker.
mars day side temp ~ +70 f at the motherfucking equator
mars night time temp:~ -100 f at that same location.

where's your god now?

Edit: yeah i hit a three instead of a 1 on my mars night temp pobody's nerfect
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you prolly didnt notice but you lost a zero...

or did you drop that zero to skew the result?

hmm. maybe you are more intellectually dishonest than you seem

ill run it again, with your web-converter and see how that goes...

View attachment 3176451

nope, no matter how many times you try it, 4x10e15 = 40000000000000000
and 40000000000000000 grams = 40 gigatonnes.

the hilarity continues.

4 x 10^15 = 4000000000000

15 zeroes, not 16.

you dumb fuck.

plug it into google and count.
The citations you gave don't even mention co2. This is the best you can muster?
i noted that earlier, and now you noted it.

we must be part of a conspiracy to read shit and discover that pada is full of shit.

his own citations are nothing but Citogenesis

you are aware that a gigatonne is a million tonnes right? or did you drop out before ASU covered the metric system?

4 billion tonnes is 40 gigatonnes

thats why the metric system is so easy, you just move the zeroes to the left or the right as needed.

mental note: never trust bucky's maths


i'll just let your own words work against you here.
The scientific consensus of climate change has been posted multiple times. If you deny it, you deny the scientific consensus on climate change
Damn! You finally figured that out. For months we've been pointing out the glaring inaccuracies and falsehoods used to reach your "999.99999 percent of super scientific climate scientific scientist". But that would be heresy.