yep, thats the IPCC's line.
B==========D ~~~~~~ (.)(.)
You use derogatory slurs for homosexuals all the time. You're not fooling anybody, weasel.Lol goddamn are you out of touch..
It means I already edited the number to the 16th exponent, you phaggot (notice I didn't spell it "faggot" like the homosexual slur), "phaggot" is analogous to "idiot, retard, moron, dumbass, etc.", it has nothing to do with sexuality. You're a "phaggot" if you drive your motorcycle around the neighborhood loudly, as South Park explains;
but you first tried to claim i cited no source, then you denied i had any source again
then tried to claim that i cited a "Right Wing Think Tank"
and then you started name calling, and THEN, after all those attempts failed, i assume you got your wife to do the math for you.
it took you FIVE swings to land a hit on my assertion
how many swats you gonna take at this citation?
meanwhile, you still havent been able to dispute my water calculations, you just pretend they dont exist.
yep, i stand by my assertions, termites DO make more co2 than humans, and yes, water IS 500 times more powerful in the greenhouse effect than co2 (~5 times more powerful mole for mole AFTER "baselining" for albedo and evaporative cooling, and 100X more abundant on average. both claims well documented, and well cited)
even a retarded football player like me can multiply 100x5 without fucking up.
but any distraction is good enough if it makes your case seem less shakey.
Water is ALWAYS present in the atmosphere. Even in the driest desert, there is water present in the atmosphere. All the time, not just a few days.Water is a major greenhouse gas too, but its level in the atmosphere depends on temperature. Excess water vapour rains out in days. Excess CO2 accumulates, warming the atmosphere, which raises water vapour levels and causes further warming.
Is water a far more important a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, as some claim? It is not surprising that there is a lot of confusion about this - the answer is far from simple.
Firstly, there is the greenhouse effect, and then there is global warming. The greenhouse effect is caused by certain gases (and clouds) absorbing and re-emitting the infrared radiating from Earth's surface. It currently keeps our planet 20°C to 30°C warmer than it would be otherwise. Global warming is the rise in temperatures caused by an increase in the levels of greenhouse gases due to human activity.
Water vapour is by far the most important contributor to the greenhouse effect. Pinning down its precise contribution is tricky, not least because the absorption spectra of different greenhouse gases overlap.
At some of these overlaps, the atmosphere already absorbs 100% of radiation, meaning that adding more greenhouse gases cannot increase absorption at these specific frequencies. For other frequencies, only a small proportion is currently absorbed, so higher levels of greenhouse gases do make a difference.
This means that when it comes to the greenhouse effect, two plus two does not equal four. If it were possible to leave the clouds but remove all other water vapour from the atmosphere, only about 40% less infrared of all frequencies would be absorbed. Take away the clouds and all other greenhouses gases, however, and the water vapour alone would still absorb about 60% of the infrared now absorbed.
By contrast, if CO2 alone was removed from the atmosphere, only 15% less infrared would be absorbed. If CO2 was the only greenhouse gas, it would absorb 26% of the infrared currently absorbed by the atmosphere.
A simplified summary is that about 50% of the greenhouse effect is due to water vapour, 25% due to clouds, 20% to CO2, with other gases accounting for the remainder.
Water cycle
So why aren't climate scientists a lot more worried about water vapour than about CO2? The answer has to do with how long greenhouse gases persist in the atmosphere. For water, the average is just a few days.
and your derping continues unabated.
i asserted that N is a greehouse gas (which it aint) because i was/am high.
i corrected that, but here you go again
the second part of the statement was that nitrogen is MATTER, and as such it can and does store heat (which is 100% true) making my statement only HALF WRONG
and then you derp derp derp a new assertion fabricated from your own idiocy.
as to the rest of your squawking:
heres what was going on in this thread before you injected yourself into it:
AGW is fake!
AGW is real!
NO it's fake and heres why!
nuhh uhh!
heres another example of the failure of the AGW hypothesis!
what example?
this one right here
right there! i'm pointing at it!
no youre not!
yes i am pointing right at it
well i dont want to see that so i wont look, and now ill say why it's all wrong, despite having not even looked at it!
youre retarded.
nu uhh! my mom says im special
like 600 posts later:
Redd: Positive Assertion about water vapour's greenhouse power (100x that of co2)
Bucky: Nuh Uh!!!
Redd: Yuh Huh!
Bucky: kynes check his claim:
Kynes: citation that water is between 5x and 20x more greenhousey than Co2 depending on if, and how you "Baseline" for albedo and evaporative cooling
Kynes: citations from multiple sources that water vapour is ~4% of the atmosphere by volume
Kynes citations from many sources that Co2 is 0.035% of the atmosphere by volume:
Kynes: using the LOWEST water vapour baselined number (5x co2's greenhouseiness) and rounding down the 4% water vapour by volume to 3.5% just to make the math easier
Kynes: thats 500x more greenhousing from water vapour than co2
Bucky: "nuh uh!! no evidence!" nu uhh! "what citations?" "Nuh Uhh! U R GAY" "Nuh Uhh! right wing think tank!" "Nuh Uhh!! you said termites make more co2 than humans in an unrelated thread last year!!"
You: chiming in with a dopey video that proves nothing, save that co2 is in fact a gteenhouse gas (which was not in dispute)
Kynes: teh fux is that supposed to prove? nobody says co2 isnt a greenhouse gas, it's just a weak one!
you: who are you arguing with?
Kynes: you dumbass.
like 200 posts later:
You: how dare you answer my question???? see how i proved you wrong with this statement! <points at nothing>
Kynes: when? how? where?
You:< waving hands in air and pointing at nothing that substantiates your claim> SEE!! PWNED!! I R King Of Interweb!
Kynes: Clownshoes.
yep. youre clownshoes.
the "97% of scientist" (which it turns out is not real either) who support those assertions
Water is ALWAYS present in the atmosphere. Even in the driest desert, there is water present in the atmosphere. All the time, not just a few days.
Water is a major greenhouse gas too, but its level in the atmosphere depends on temperature. Excess water vapour rains out in days. Excess CO2 accumulates, warming the atmosphere, which raises water vapour levels and causes further warming.
Is water a far more important a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, as some claim? It is not surprising that there is a lot of confusion about this - the answer is far from simple.
Firstly, there is the greenhouse effect, and then there is global warming. The greenhouse effect is caused by certain gases (and clouds) absorbing and re-emitting the infrared radiating from Earth's surface. It currently keeps our planet 20°C to 30°C warmer than it would be otherwise. Global warming is the rise in temperatures caused by an increase in the levels of greenhouse gases due to human activity.
Water vapour is by far the most important contributor to the greenhouse effect. Pinning down its precise contribution is tricky, not least because the absorption spectra of different greenhouse gases overlap.
At some of these overlaps, the atmosphere already absorbs 100% of radiation, meaning that adding more greenhouse gases cannot increase absorption at these specific frequencies. For other frequencies, only a small proportion is currently absorbed, so higher levels of greenhouse gases do make a difference.
This means that when it comes to the greenhouse effect, two plus two does not equal four. If it were possible to leave the clouds but remove all other water vapour from the atmosphere, only about 40% less infrared of all frequencies would be absorbed. Take away the clouds and all other greenhouses gases, however, and the water vapour alone would still absorb about 60% of the infrared now absorbed.
By contrast, if CO2 alone was removed from the atmosphere, only 15% less infrared would be absorbed. If CO2 was the only greenhouse gas, it would absorb 26% of the infrared currently absorbed by the atmosphere.
A simplified summary is that about 50% of the greenhouse effect is due to water vapour, 25% due to clouds, 20% to CO2, with other gases accounting for the remainder.
Water cycle
So why aren't climate scientists a lot more worried about water vapour than about CO2? The answer has to do with how long greenhouse gases persist in the atmosphere. For water, the average is just a few days.
I thank you for posting that link. It should make for interesting reading.GOOD NEWS!
I just got a message from PhysicsForums saying they've now opened up the "CLIMATE CHANGE" debate, again. I guess they found someone qualified enough to moderate.
I thank you for posting that link. It should make for interesting reading.
Isn't CO2 converted into Oxygen by Photosynthesis? Or are you saying that plants don't use CO2 made by humans?water vapor gets blown away by a gust of wind.
CO2 hangs around for hundreds and thousands of years.
cite your "hundredfold" claim so we can all point and laugh at it like we got to do with kynes all day yesterday and today.
or don't cite it and be, by your own words, "a liar who deceives".
Isn't CO2 converted into Oxygen by Photosynthesis? Or are you saying that plants don't use CO2 made by humans?