man sativa highs are waaaaaaaaaay too varied, this 1 day i smoked super silver haze all day, had my morning 8 o clock spliff, ran into my shower went to college wrote beeer shit down, then i had another 1 at 12, fucked up buzz, like a dream then a nightmare back and forth with thje air breathing, went back to class and i was normal for me, then at my lunch break had another, i went numb and got MAD hungry, ate 4 chicken burgers 20 wings 3 chips and 12 drinks, missed a lecture so i had only 1 left, went home, had a blunt, started tripping, i flew too sainsburys and picked up a few pizzas and some chocolate and shit, went home and had another 2 blunts waitin for the food to cook, munched, had another blunt and started giggling, i wanted to stop coz there wasnt shit at all funny, in fact id flopped a test the day b4, so i had a king l wit 1a my roommates, got really spaced out and paronoid, went out got drunk and woke up in a cell, i was being done for GBH on some guy who mustve pissed me off.