sativa verses indica pollen to make femalized seeds


Active Member
hi folks when making femalized seeds it I pollinate a pure sativa female using a female pollen from a indica strain is it the same as pollinating a female indica with female pollen from a sativa strain assuming I'm crossing the same 2 strains. By same I mean will the plants have the same characteristics I've bought seeds of a indica/sativa cross before ...quite a few times and expected a short plant with thin leaves but got and tall plant with big leaves even though it was a suppose to be a 80% Indica 20% Sativa hybrid or the opposite when it was sativa dominant..... does it matter what strain the donor pollen is?
Right term is feminizing,not femalized..

And you dont need to cross indy with sativa,only if you think to made hybrid...

Its very matter what strain donor pollen is.. as you need to have goal what you wish to create..
does you wish same strain.. then you use plants of only that strain.. if you mix 2 different genetics you will get hybrid,it will not be like your old strain..

Those what you did before was just give hybrid vigour to plants so they was much bigger than mother and father...

When making feminized seeds you need to apply STS solution sprayed on your plants in early phase of flowering,then she start to create polen pods and later you will be able to harvest this polen..only with such polen you can made feminized seeds..
hx dog star thx for pointing out the spelling error tried to edit it but couldn't find the edit button see it in this reply but guess it must go away after a day thx dr who. ..didn't know that even though the pollen is from a female plant a male seed can be produced ..thx
"Selfing" (by several methods - a cpl not desirable) is the only way to Fem seeds.

Not true, you can make normal in/out crosses with two different female genotypes, selfing is not the only possibility.

Males carry the potency over in breeding
Where did you read that? It doesn't appear to be true given the many very potent female packs on the market from breeders like Seed Junky, IHG, CSI:Humboldt, and Cannarado among others. I think it's something the appeal to nature crowd made up after the "fems = hermies" shibboleth started losing its power.
Where did you read that? It doesn't appear to be true given the many very potent female packs on the market from breeders like Seed Junky, IHG, CSI:Humboldt, and Cannarado among others. I think it's something the appeal to nature crowd made up after the "fems = hermies" shibboleth started losing its power.

You didn't understand that point.

The male carries the "potential" potency over to the new strain being breed.

Example: My son did a cross of a Male GG#4 to a female Bruce banner.
His goal was a shorter and better supporting plant then the GG. All the while the potency of the GG would be held and the "calming" effects of the BB would be there also.

He had to look no further then his first group of F1 beans (with help, over 400 beans were pheno hunted) to find his perfect "goal pheno".

As far as those "Female packs" you refer to.......The "potential potency" came from the male in the breeding of that project..

Don't believe me Ask @Schwaggy P
Not true, you can make normal in/out crosses with two different female genotypes, selfing is not the only possibility.

Oh please enlighten us as to how you obtain female "only" seeds from any other method other then with chemical treatment or "Stress"?


Selfing or self-fertilization is the union of male and female gametes and/or nuclei from same haploid, diploid, or polyploid organism. It is an extreme degree of inbreeding.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]

Selfing is widespread – from unicellular organisms to the most complex hermaphroditic plants and animals (especially invertebrates). In unicellular organisms such as Protozoa, selfing can occur when two individuals (or their cell nuclei) interbreed that were produced from a previous mitotic division of the same individual. About 10-15% of flowering plants are predominantly selfing.[8]


Selfing yields S1 seeds. The seeds are "females"...

Using pollen from another treated female to produce pollen and the cross with another different female... Is still creating a new strain. Even if it's only making fem seeds.....

There, my technicality now eliminates yours......Simply because you HAD to treat the first female to get that "fem" pollen!
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I read an article from at least ten years ago stating that flowering time came from the fathers genetics. not sure if its true but i believe Chimera wrote it.
no sure I was clear on my original post. if a strain is indica dominant shouldn't the plants look like an indica instead of a sativa. I choose to grow an 80%indica 20% sativa Typically, cannabis Indica plants are short, bushy plants with wide leaves....I'm getting tall ones with wide leaves and with 6-9" internodes while . growing outside in plenty of light