Sativa vs Indica, what is the difference?

Here is the problem. Once the real medical benefits are shown and able to be isolated, it will become a schedule II substance. There goes the 'wine' analogy.
That's why before I started growing I made a decision to start with feminized to help me get the growing part down. I figure after 10 successful harvests I should at least be good enough to kind of know what I'm doing so I'll start doing reg seeds and do some pheno hunting. Right now is the time to start grabbing some of those old school Genetics if you can get them cause eventually it might be hard to find that stuff.
Here is the problem. Once the real medical benefits are shown and able to be isolated, it will become a schedule II substance. There goes the 'wine' analogy.

Politicians ostensibly have principles but in reality they go whichever way the wind is blowing because they need votes to get or stay in power. What you are feeling is not a gentle gust of the wind. It is the first indication that an unstoppable freight train is barreling down the tracks towards Congress. Once the US falls the rest of the western world will also drop cannabis prohibition.
I'm hoping world of seeds is a good breeder cause they have a good selection of actual landrace. I was thinking of going through them. I'm currently using Humboldt seed organization and love them so far.
That's why before I started growing I made a decision to start with feminized to help me get the growing part down. I figure after 10 successful harvests I should at least be good enough to kind of know what I'm doing so I'll start doing reg seeds and do some pheno hunting.
There is nothing wrong with "feminized" seeds, they are in fact identical to the half of regular seeds that produce females. They are potentially better than "regs" because the breeder can directly observe the female flower characteristics of both parents. By contrast, virtually all males in "regular" breeding are selected for their vegging characteristics. They make a bunch of seeds and grow some out and as long as the buds seem good and don't hermie then the male is ordained and the seeds sold ("testing.") That's why breeders rarely talk about male selection, it's mostly a joke. You never hear a breeder saying "we picked the eight best looking males and hit the same clone with them then invited the whole gang over for a double blind tasting party of the buds produced to select the winner." Closest I've ever heard was Bodhi saying it took him a long time to find a Wookie male that reliably passed on strong smell/taste. That could mean anything tough.

The only problem with femized seeds is that most breeders are ignorant stoners who love the naturalistic fallacy so the selection isn't as good.
Ok so the stoner is about to come out but I look at it like this. If cannabis was to become legal It would mess alot of shit up for alot of top tier people. First off the cotton industry would throw a shit fit and those guys have been around forever so they have some pull, pharmaceutical companies will rape and pillage and turn it into a synthetic something or other. Tobacco companies will either fight the shit out of it or buy the industry out cause they have alot of pull too. I really really want this to play in our favor but I'm not really sure it will.
Personally, I only see big pharma having any stake in the game. Big tobacco is dying and will continue to do so. Big cotton? If polyester hasn't killed them I doubt hemp is going to make that big of a dent. I see big pharma putting tons of $ into lobbying to make it Schedule II, and once that happens they will have full control over the plant, of course, while paying the US gov't licensing fees for using patent 6630507 to make medicine that can only be prescribed by a doctor and given by a pharmacist, both of which are in the pockets of the people making the medicine.