Savage Genetics thoughts?

Yeah only reason I considered it is he has rainbow rocket in stock. Probably too good to be true though.
Savage genetics just vouched for them I sent him a message on ig asking if they were legit
Just so you know, Savage got picks of a room full of Rainbox Rocket S1 going, they're freakin MONSTERS, hold off for a little bit on the Rainbow Rocket and get that instead!
Just thought I’d update that dabeanbank has been responsive and shipped my order the same day I paid them via Venmo. I already have tracking. They seem to be legitimate and still have two packs of rainbow rocket in stock if anyone was looking.
Cheetoz Yea that one that got famous that was my cut the F8 he mentioned it like once or twice for 5 mins that dude released my clones made s1 left me nothing and not sure where to turn as like a nice idiot I sent him all my personal keepers from the last two years and I’m sure he’s doing stuff with the others too and he blocked me lol thanks chris told no one I found it and gave it back to him was about to monocrop and make my money back lol thanks chris

gave out my cuts
didn’t give me shit ever beans cuts nothing
He made s1
He made all the money
never promoted me lol
lol fuck this

f8 family farmz on insta nowadays

Can you explain to me what the deal with this is. Its not surprising, not going to lie savage always seems to have this shady, kind of seedy vibe to his page(no pun intended)

Are you saying the you actually made the cheetoz cross and kicked him your keeper cut in which savage made this strain to sound like it was cheetah piss x runtz piss, a original fem cross he made but where actually just s1 beans all along from a keeper clone???? Or did you buy a pack of cheetoz from him find a killer keeper and than give your keeper cut to him in which he did the cheetoz s1 release from recently and also sold the cheetoz cut on his site or some site he'd recommend, and that cut wasn't cheap. Either way you probably shouldn't have kicked him your cut, let's be real you thought you make some good $ and he fucked you over.

I have his original cheetoz pack not the s1...a grow friend ran this same pack and got some killer results.... by the way why, what's up with the love fest in those screenshots, for someone you think might be screwing you over why suck up to him and kiss his ass? Best stand your ground, be firm especially if the dude swiped your cuts and released them charging $500 + a cut.
Savage sells cuts now. I bought Glitter Bomb and they came priority mail. They are rooting now. I ordered another and the mail screwed it up so he’s resending and I ordered another clone with the resend. He’s short on words. I’ll let you know how everything goes. Good so far.