Saving my plant


New Member
Hello everyone I'm new to using this site and growing as well. I'm trying to save my plant as it is turning brown. I'm pretty sure it's dying because it was super bloomed and super thrived incorrectly. It's only 4 weeks old and I'm attached already and I want to save it if that's even possible still. Additional info: it's already been repotted to different dirt minus the super thrive and super bloom and I've only been using water and sunlight however I can't tell if its working or not. Oh and the leaves are also crumbling



Active Member
Looks like it suffered from damping off already based on the shriveled stem. I think you killed it with love... You'll find the more that you ignore them the happier they are. They barely need water or nutrients.
Hey, if this is one of your first grows. Get some good soil and just add water (very, very little water) when the pot feels really easy to pick up. Just do the careful watering (like once every three days at the beginning) for about three or four weeks. Once, it's a bit bigger, only use 1/4 of the recommended nutrients, and only do it once until you see the plant is taking it well. Don't get discouraged. Over loving them will kill them. Start over and start a new hobby (so you don't think about it too often). Even better, start over but also grow some tomatoes alongside, so you can water the tomatoes while you just look at your plant. It'll keep you doing something green, at any rate.