You will go to jail at some point if you refuse to pay taxes, then mysteriously pay nothing of the taxes you're due, then refuse to pay the interest and penalties on those taxes you originally refused to pay. To think that you won't wind up in a cage somewhere during this process is naive.
While it may not happen the majority of the time that people are thrown in jail instantly, for tax reasons. A complete refusal to follow through regarding the taxes you refuse to pay, and all their affiliated monetary obligations, you will absolutely end up in a cage. The only sure way not to end up in a cage if you completely refuse against a tax and it's other affiliated obligations, is filing bankruptcy. Bankruptcy does not land you in the best of positions either.
I've already, previously addressed you regarding taxes and their affiliation with "maintaining" this country. To reiterate myself, if the foundation of a tax is not ethical, it's simply not a tax. It's just glorified theft with the title of a tax. Example would be a tax implemented, to financially aid people in quitting smoking. That's not an ethical tax, it's just plain ignorance, and as such is theft, rather than some hocus-pocus "maintenance" tax.