Saw a cop outside the grow shop!!!


Active Member
High everyone,

I was very active here over the summer and then I began putting my knowledge to work and I have not been posting much b/c I felt tha I learned all I could through the forums but hadn't acquired enough experience (and a computer at a better location) to offer my help. Plus I was a little wary of posting pics or anything from my location.

I am on my 3rd grow, the first went reasonably well and the second grow I had fantastic results minus a few spider mites that were brought in from a situation beyond my control. My babies were only about 3 weeks old and very strong there roots were shooting out of their smaller containers as of yesterday so today I went to the hydro shop and...

I parked back first so my trunk was almost right in front of the door, and nobody was parked across from me, at least not anybody significant. I went inside the store and I got a couple bags of FFOF and some other things. I had a large brown bag and I walked out to my car with the bag and I opened the trunk in the freezing windy snowy weather and I left the trunk open while I ran into the store to get the FFOF and then I put in into my trunk and closed the trunk. When I looked up I saw a state cop parked across from me, his car was not facing me. I immeciatly got into the car calmly and made a call to destroy the evidence and the location and after driving around for an hour in the country and confirming the evidence was destroyed I returned and then I immediatly left with all the garbage and root balls and such and I disposed of them at a location away from mine. I have no more evidence at the place except equipment and 10 mason jars of results.

when and can I start again?

Did I do the wrong thing?

What should I expect?

I probably should've taken a closer look around but I tyry to remain calm and casual so peering around the parking lot isnt my thing. I checked everything before I got out and I make my stay inside ths store as brief as possible.

Thanks to anybody who ready this and responds with something useful....:weed:


Active Member
yeah at the grow store of my choice. It was a state trooper too, I feel like it is unlikely he parked there without knowing what tha store was, even though it is in a plaza.

Any time there is a possible issue about the security it is a big deal and I just wanted to get some opinions on the issue, if you dont have anyting useful to say please go back to growing your schwag.


Well-Known Member
yeah at the grow store of my choice. It was a state trooper too, I feel like it is unlikely he parked there without knowing what tha store was, even though it is in a plaza.

Any time there is a possible issue about the security it is a big deal and I just wanted to get some opinions on the issue, if you dont have anyting useful to say please go back to growing your schwag.
Never park in a grow shop parking lot. Well unless your in Cali. Yeah I've heard stories about people getting busted that way...That ain't enough to get a search warrant. Though, it is enough to watch your house. IDK tough call man. I'd probably wait 2 or 3 months before starting my next grow. But, I'm the paranoid type so...


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't get paranoid about the store thing... a friend of mine is super 'noid with the hydro stores though....

just go cash-only...

oh, and if you get paranoid about anything it's always better safe than sorry......
Dude, it's ok. I would've freaked out too. But just out lol

#1: Know your rights. If the cop was parked in front of a hydro shop and searched everyone coming out, it would be profiling...he can't do that.

#2: Always have a good lawyer, especially one who smokes. :)

#3: My weed-bible does say that you should never use a car registered to your grow-spot's address to go to the grow shop. (I'm actually guilty of doing that...eep!)

#4: I would suggest not going back to that particular shop in that particular car. I don't think it's THAT major if you went back yourself.

#5: What other businesses were in the plaza? Was there like a uniform shop or some other reason he was there? Or was it you? Dun dun duuuuuuun jk

I wouldn't let that be the single reason I post-poned my next grow, IMO. If you've had other "close-calls", you may think twice.

But seriously, you'll give yourself an ulcer or a heart attack if you stress on every pig you see.

Smoke another bong load and eat some cookies. :weed:
Good luck!


Active Member
tough call bro i live in Cali so no worries but i used to live in Tennessee....

i have heard of the man following people from hydro store to their grow but most likely he was pulled over on other business was he eyeballing you.... also a trooper is probably not doing that sorta work.... it would be a plain clothes unmarked DEA sorta fag getting your tag number ....

dont ever have a car tag linked to the address of your grow anywhere sketchy.... use ur parents or a mail plus service address for your registration..( list as apt number instead of box number )dmv dont check...... then you get aheads up if the man is up your ass.

good luck


yeah at the grow store of my choice. It was a state trooper too, I feel like it is unlikely he parked there without knowing what tha store was, even though it is in a plaza.

Any time there is a possible issue about the security it is a big deal and I just wanted to get some opinions on the issue, if you dont have anyting useful to say please go back to growing your schwag.
At Least We have something to grow!!!! if your that paranoid quit growing..


Well-Known Member
:joint:Paranoia will destroy ya' :o But, like mentioned earlier...better being safe...then sorry. Your ok my friend. Just chill. :hump:


Active Member
thanks for all the responses, it is re assuring to hear people think it will be alright. I am glad I discarded everyting since they were so young and i just harvested, it will be easy to start over once I feel more secure, and the few weeks or month or w/e I take off will gimme time to get soem new genetics. Im really grateful for this site and I'll do my best to contribute more positive information now that I have some positive experience.

also to IGROWKUSH : when you walk out of the store with 2 big bags of soil, a magazine and 6 large pots in your hands and a cop car is 15 feet from your car you tell me how you feel. Plus I have plenty


Active Member
if a police department of law agency in a nonmed state has good information about a private grow they will definitly bust it, as long as their information is GOOD


Well-Known Member
man dont get scared because you could be getting that equipment to grow vegetables or fruit..that makes you look suspicious when you try to play off things and get all paranoid. id be worried also but then again he doesnt know my personal life..thats when people get messed up when they do stuff in a suspicious manner and that tips of the laws..


Active Member
For a grow shop to stay in business hundreds if not thousands of people go in and out every week, so what if they saw you, they also could see hundreds of other people, and they still have no cause to do anything... and if they really wanted to track you do you think they would have used a marked car? Your paranoia got the best of you, I never thought I'd say this but maybe your smoking too much... never mind lets go with not enough :)


How careful you want to be is up to you but honestly I think you overdid it.

All of that stuff you buy at the grow store can be used for a number of plants no matter how obvious the reasons are for anyone to go there.

You didn't even mention if you can legally buy/grow with a medicinal card? But I may have missed that. I assume the answer is no.

All in all, know your rights. Never consent to a search without warrant. After that, just be careful and don't act suspicious... like driving for hours in the country and disposing of soil and pots and a magazine... That is how you get caught, especially if you are being tailed, which is very unlikely. Next time just go home and leave the stuff in your car and take it out at the most possible discreet time/place.

I had a personal experience in Cali after leaving a dispensary with a few zips IN MY HAND (I was in a rush). There was a cop right there at the corner just looking at me. After my heart skipped a beat I gave a smile and a nod and just walked to my car and put the stuff in my trunk. But of course... this is Cali so it's kind of different here.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
DAMN, i would worrie a bit, that sound like a situation out of a movie...hands FULL of soil AND 1 gallon POTS! cop slowly lowers his glasses lookin as if BEARING into ur soul, as u FUMBLE with your keys to enter ur vehicle....HAHhahaHhahAHaaaa it all came to me so quickly. id say burrow sumone car wen u goto the shop that way u gotta drop the car off at sumone elses pad then dip in urs? just a thought.

PS i kno the piggies hit the owners of the hydro shops up. they GOTTA 'investigate'!