Saw "addicted" on TV


Well-Known Member
The guy professed to be addicted to both heroin and crack cocaine. He injected his crack. I saw him struggling to "dissolve" his rock of crack in a spoon an it wasn't working.

Now I have had some experience with crack (or rather pure freebase) and it was not water soluable, in fact it precipitates out of water when the ph was altered. So what was this guy shooting up?


Active Member
Could have just been some fake bull shit they put on TV. I noticed that everything I watched on TV has been purely fictitious and full of bullshit actors.


Well-Known Member
My mom was a banger and they will try to shoot just about anything up... haven't seen the episode but assuming its pretty ghetto (it is crack after all) he was probably shooting up what ever it was cut with. I know around where I lived they used baby laxatives.


Well-Known Member
My mom was a banger and they will try to shoot just about anything up... haven't seen the episode but assuming its pretty ghetto (it is crack after all) he was probably shooting up what ever it was cut with. I know around where I lived they used baby laxatives.

Cutting crack with manitol doesn't make any sense at all.


Well-Known Member
Generally people use vinegar to dissolve freebase coke for injection. But I can see a tv show fucking it up.


Well-Known Member
Could have just been some fake bull shit they put on TV. I noticed that everything I watched on TV has been purely fictitious and full of bullshit actors.
Yeah like most "reality" tv shows. All scripted bullshevick! The ones that arent scripted in any way only last 1, maybe 2 seasons.


Well-Known Member
I know that some of these shows are "moraly obligated" to state and mostly overstate the dangers of the drugs they are talking about - but this guy was smoking mexican tar and shooting up something that didn't appear to disolve in a heated spoon. My wife says "but wait honey, you said crack wasn't soluable in water, how is that guy shooting ups something that will just be particles in his needle and his veins"? She listens to me about this sort of thing. I believe the guy really is a junkie, you could see it in his eyes. Now why he only smokes the tar is beyond me (or maybe that was a different show) but what is crack but poorly freebased coke mixed with baking soda and water (why they call it crack). I don't know why this bugs me, he must think he is shooting up crack, I dont think the show would make that up when it makes no difference to them.

Now that I think of it, it was a different show - the guy was shooting the crack and then claiming that he had to shoot his heroin in order to releave the come-down from the crack. it looked to me like he was high on crack - sweaty, had to go out and get some fresh air, clammy skin, shaking a little, and he didn't seem to be high very long.

Now I've shot coke, it's pleasant enough, lasts a little longer than smoking base and leaves me feeling like shit - it made little sense to me so I kept smoking it for a while until that seemed like a losing proposition as well.

I don't know why this is so important to me - I've caught these shows in all sorts of falsehoods. they kept claiming that a heroin smoker would likely have heart problems - but he was smoking the stuff so except for the slight incidence of heart problems they find in life long pharma-morphine use, the heart problems come from shooting crap into your system. Of course he had some lung damage but even that is most likely from smoking crap as from smoking pure opiates.


Well-Known Member
Yup, the vinegar turns it into the acetate. The reason for doing so is that in the areas where you buy dope crack is usually more available than powder and cheaper per unit. The few times I tried speedballs the coke started as base. I'm very fortunate that I don't experience the bell ringer that everyone else does. I'd much rather inject Ambien (be fucking careful with this, especially in combination).
I'd be extremely surprised if a TV show mentioned that most of the horrible effects of addiction are because of prohibition.


Well-Known Member
I'd be extremely surprised if a TV show mentioned that most of the horrible effects of addiction are because of prohibition.
how so?

im not for prohibition, as this punishes people who punish themselves, pointless. IMO i just dont see the connection


Well-Known Member
Prohibition introduces artificial scarcity, while reducing regulation. It's a bad combination for users. How often do you hear about people going blind because they drank methanol accidentally? During prohibition it was a fairly regular occurrence. Laws banning the sale of needles to addicts are one of the major contributors to the AIDS epidemic. The practice of cutting doesn't happen in a regulated market. So no more veterinary deworming agents in the blow!


Well-Known Member
Prohibition introduces artificial scarcity, while reducing regulation. It's a bad combination for users. How often do you hear about people going blind because they drank methanol accidentally? During prohibition it was a fairly regular occurrence. Laws banning the sale of needles to addicts are one of the major contributors to the AIDS epidemic. The practice of cutting doesn't happen in a regulated market. So no more veterinary deworming agents in the blow!

ahh okay that makes more sense, agreed.


Well-Known Member
Hell the most dangerous thing about weed is that it's illegal! How many people have served time solely because they smoke?


bud bootlegger
how so?

im not for prohibition, as this punishes people who punish themselves, pointless. IMO i just dont see the connection
are you even serious poly??? punishing someone for the things they decide to do with their own body, locking people up in jails / prisons for simple possession of cds is way worse then allowing me, err, addicts to simply exist..
why should anyone care what i, err, addicts, chose to put into their bodies??


bud bootlegger
hey canndo, is this the addicted show that is hosted by a blonde woman?? i watch it pretty often, but must have missed that one.. also a fan of intervention..

i don't think either of these two shows are scripted, but do a rather good job of representing the struggles of an active addict.. all of the drugs i've seen ingested on that show have looked to be the real deal ime..

i was never a fan of booting coke personally.. way too scary.. the sudden heart racing, knee's buckling and ear's ringing was a bit too intense for even me..


Well-Known Member
are you even serious poly??? punishing someone for the things they decide to do with their own body, locking people up in jails / prisons for simple possession of cds is way worse then allowing me, err, addicts to simply exist..
why should anyone care what i, err, addicts, chose to put into their bodies??
well i understand that addict are so bad because we have laws and organizations that protect them in a sense, while i agree drug addiction would be much less of a problem where it all legal, im fine with the addicts dropping off like flies IMO thats nature at work, people have to be in control, not controlled to be useful. addicts are addicts that really is that persons problem and of no concern to anyone ttill they become dangerous and in that sense, an eye for eye no matter what mental state you are in.

but yeah it mustve been smokey in here when i was reading, but i just wasnt seeing the connection all like that.


Well-Known Member
hey canndo, is this the addicted show that is hosted by a blonde woman?? i watch it pretty often, but must have missed that one.. also a fan of intervention..

i don't think either of these two shows are scripted, but do a rather good job of representing the struggles of an active addict.. all of the drugs i've seen ingested on that show have looked to be the real deal ime..

i was never a fan of booting coke personally.. way too scary.. the sudden heart racing, knee's buckling and ear's ringing was a bit too intense for even me..

History channel?


bud bootlegger
History channel?
hmm, trying to think canndo.. i think the one i was talking about with the blonde haired lady is on the tlc channel, and intervention is on a and e i do believe..

i don't get the nat geo channel which i think does a lot of those history of cocaine or insert drug name here shows.. :(


Well-Known Member
really ive seen them but i cant bring myself to watch them i just keep hoping everyone would get a brain and just drop thier addict brother/sister/son on the corner and move on. actually it just disgusts me watching the ghetto ass formulations they are willing to shoot.