Say goodbye to Mothers/Fathers day..


Well-Known Member
Oh the irony of calling someone dumb while not know your from you're.
well "technically" every location has a 4th of July.. some just dont Celebrate America's independence ..

wow I read that 100% as if you said he did not know where I was from.. that grapefruit is kicking in


Well-Known Member
well "technically" every location has a 4th of July.. some just dont Celebrate America's independence ..

wow I read that 100% as if you said he did not know where I was from.. that grapefruit is kicking in
Haha dude I didn't at first but after you said that I had to do a double take, must be that pure ak I had bout 5 min ago lol

Stock up on Father's Day for next year.:mrgreen:
LOL I stock up everyday ;)


Well-Known Member
just don't ban xmas (its my fav time for munchies and chillin)
and i guess new years eve too (getting smashed on alcohol and waking up to some random 1'nighter) :hump:

but pretty much all these holidays are just for businesses to makes extra cheese, yay for capitalism~


Well-Known Member
just don't ban xmas (its my fav time for munchies and chillin)
and i guess new years eve too (getting smashed on alcohol and waking up to some random 1'nighter) :hump:

but pretty much all these holidays are just for businesses to makes extra cheese, yay for capitalism~
My random 1'nighter days are over....


Well-Known Member,3268634

School bans it's it due to not every one having a mom or dad..

while were at it..

Cinco de mayo needs to go.. (not all are Hispanic)
4th of July (we have non American citizens here too)

I say BAN them all.. less crap to buy then..

5$ for a freaking greeting card now a days??
why do they need to celebrate mothers day and fathers day in school? Schools run monday through friday, mothers day and fathers day always fall on a sunday, why would they be celebrating mothers day or fathers day in school?

The article you link is from 2001. That's a pretty old topic to bring up.


Well-Known Member
This is going a bit too far off center, where is it said that knowledge must be gained through a hierarchy establishment, that the only proper document declaring ones intelligence is one given to you, as a reward for "paying" for such knowledge.
Has education become a tool for creating a tiered social plan only to be topped by the wealthy, where those with enough money and the proper familial background need apply?
I say, leave them to their ills and educate our children properly, without the want or need to kowtow to a group who is making these choices for us, not with us.

Just another ploy to turn us into something other than what we were meant to be.

And just to be technically accurate we all have a mother and father, unless of course you're a clone, the it's obvious you're in the right place.;-)


Well-Known Member
Personally i think the internet should be taken away from everyone.. you know not everyone has the ability to freely post so it's just not fair for everyone..


Ursus marijanus,3268634

School bans it's it due to not every one having a mom or dad..

while were at it..

Cinco de mayo needs to go.. (not all are Hispanic)
4th of July (we have non American citizens here too)

I say BAN them all.. less crap to buy then..

5$ for a freaking greeting card now a days??
The one thing here with which I disagree is banning the 4th.
I've been in nations not of my birth/ancestry on their national holiday, and I've participated in them, feeling like an honored guest.
Celebrate the 4th as ours, and make non-nationals feel as they should, and as I did: welcomed, honored guests. Hospitality is to me one of our finest human traditions, and it transcends nation without harming it. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
The one thing here with which I disagree is banning the 4th.
I've been in nations not of my birth/ancestry on their national holiday, and I've participated in them, feeling like an honored guest.
Celebrate the 4th as ours, and make non-nationals feel as they should, and as I did: welcomed, honored guests. Hospitality is to me one of our finest human traditions, and it transcends nation without harming it. Jmo. cn
Humor me here, why does banning a holiday in school mean not celebrating at home? Schools are becoming less and less important. The only thing I really regret is I didn't homeschool the grunion.


Ursus marijanus
Humor me here, why does banning a holiday in school mean not celebrating at home? Schools are becoming less and less important. The only thing I really regret is I didn't homeschool the grunion.
They're not the same, to be sure, but a ban in school is something of the sharp end of the wedge. School has a quasiparental authority. The scary bit is that even as school has lost its coherency, so has so much of what today's parents do ... they're in approximate lockstep, i fear ... cn