Or maybe you treat your plants like they're ATMs.
Seriously man, have some respect for another life.
If your running a warehouse, go ahead and start your plants however you want,
transplant as much or little as you want, but don't expect
the quality that comes from paying attention to individuals, and their needs.
Love and attention go a long ways.
Personally, I start them in either a very small flowerpot, or a jiffy pot square thing.
And I transplant them every time they get a little rootbound. Every container.
It makes their roots more dense, more root less dirt.
If you are impatient and not dextrous, then you could shock your plants
by transplanting, but if you're good at it, you can slide them out of their pot and into their dirt without a problem...
Good luck man, I would start LST now.
Are you going to tie it to the rim of the pot, or sink hooks in the dirt?
By the way I love the bushness of this one!