SC Rep. Primary

Ha! sure u are. A high powered businessman such as yourself has plenty of time on a Monday morning to be browsing a growers forum. U really take all the legitimacy out of everything u say when u cannot or will not be truthful about something as insignificant as what u do for a living.
People who do that tend live in made up fantasy world's.
Who said anything about being a businessman? I'm an engineer by trade, but keep changing the subject.
Ha! sure u are. A high powered businessman such as yourself has plenty of time on a Monday morning to be browsing a growers forum. U really take all the legitimacy out of everything u say when u cannot or will not be truthful about something as insignificant as what u do for a living.
People who do that tend live in made up fantasy world's.

Hey Kasuti,

Personally I don't think bearkat is a black man. The forum needed a BLM character . But who the hell knows. TRUMP!
Who said anything about being a businessman? I'm an engineer by trade, but keep changing the subject.
You're no engineer,because if u were u would be hard at work right, especially a Monday morning. Engineers that make the kind of money u claim to are not your typical mechanical engineer.
They are highly educated people who do not talk or interact with others like u do. There no reason to lie about what kind of money u make or what u do for a living, it doesn't have anything to do with who a person really is on the inside anyway. But if u want to keep up a lie go ahead,u only make yourself look even worse by trying to hold up such a facade
You're no engineer,because if u were u would be hard at work right, especially a Monday morning. Engineers that make the kind of money u claim to are not your typical mechanical engineer.
They are highly educated people who do not talk or interact with others like u do. There no reason to lie about what kind of money u make or what u do for a living, it doesn't have anything to do with who a person really is on the inside anyway. But if u want to keep up a lie go ahead,u only make yourself look even worse by trying to hold up such a facade
Lol, so that's how that works.
Don't pay any attention to the second and third generation immigrants from india, asia, and south America who do really well becuase of the hard work their grandparents put into life.

This country is a WASP only country club. Where anyone darker than an Italian might as well not even try.

Forget all the success stories of people that don't just sit around and say "I can't because of them."

pipe down, holocaust denier. i'm sure your klan chapter takes you much more seriously than we ever will. spew your shit to them.
pipe down, holocaust denier. i'm sure your klan chapter takes you much more seriously than we ever will. spew your shit to them.
Can't answer a question,just make insults. Thats what bullshitters do. Why don't u go visit your buddy at his big engineering company so the two of u can share a hug and remind each other how society is so oppressive towards pussies who do nothing but complain how bad their lives are. BE A MAN!
Kasich has this weird tic with his mouth I just can't use to.

I think he would make a good president. He's qualified and really pulled Ohio thru some bad times.
You know this has gone way too far... This has turned into nothing but trading insults with people who have more time on their hands than I do and that is not what I joined this site for.

I joined this site to pick up some good advice on indoor growing which I am trying for the first time. I have been a successful outdoor grower for years, and wanted to try something new. While looking through the forums I ran across this thread and somehow ended up in this bullshit discussion, but enough is enough. If u feel that u or someone u know got the short end of the stick because of the color of their skin I'm sorry. If what u say is true though, all I can say is I'm glad I was born with a big stick in my hand.

Have a nice day
You know this has gone way too far... This has turned into nothing but trading insults with people who have more time on their hands than I do and that is not what I joined this site for.

I joined this site to pick up some good advice on indoor growing which I am trying for the first time.

If you're looking for civility, a quality discussion whether it's politics or learning how to grow indoor pot, you came to the wrong place. 90% of cannabis posts at RIU are wrong. You'll soon find it's the blind leading the blind. Defoliation, lollipopping, SCROG, flushing, "you need epsom salts"....take your pick.

Here's your short cut to success -
You know this has gone way too far... This has turned into nothing but trading insults with people who have more time on their hands than I do and that is not what I joined this site for.

I joined this site to pick up some good advice on indoor growing which I am trying for the first time. I have been a successful outdoor grower for years, and wanted to try something new. While looking through the forums I ran across this thread and somehow ended up in this bullshit discussion, but enough is enough. If u feel that u or someone u know got the short end of the stick because of the color of their skin I'm sorry. If what u say is true though, all I can say is I'm glad I was born with a big stick in my hand.

Have a nice day

It sounds like you really are looking to learn what makes a plant tick!
If you're looking for civility, a quality discussion whether it's politics or learning how to grow indoor pot, you came to the wrong place. 90% of cannabis posts at RIU are wrong. You'll soon find it's the blind leading the blind. Defoliation, lollipopping, SCROG, flushing, "you need epsom salts"....take your pick.

Here's your short cut to success -
Thanx for the good advice. It will definitely be taken into consideration!!!
It sounds like you really are looking to learn what makes a plant tick!
I have been in the agri trade since I could keep up behind my father, but there is a big difference between growing acres and growing a few plants in an experimental growtent.
You know this has gone way too far... This has turned into nothing but trading insults with people who have more time on their hands than I do and that is not what I joined this site for.

I joined this site to pick up some good advice on indoor growing which I am trying for the first time. I have been a successful outdoor grower for years, and wanted to try something new. While looking through the forums I ran across this thread and somehow ended up in this bullshit discussion, but enough is enough. If u feel that u or someone u know got the short end of the stick because of the color of their skin I'm sorry. If what u say is true though, all I can say is I'm glad I was born with a big stick in my hand.

Have a nice day
Awww, that's unfortunate.
Life is what u make it. No one group or race or culture has control over any other race, or culture, or individual. I have seen success stories and failures from every corner of society. It's not the color of a person's skin that determines the course of their life, its the content of a person's character. How much does that person want to succeed in life, how determined they are to see their goals achieved. Everything else is determined by that persons actions not some bad boogie man hiding in the shadows just waiting for just the right opportunity to sweep in and ruin your life.

Responsible people take steps forward in life. Whiners stand n one place and cry foul if they don't think life has not given them what they think they are entitled to.
I fully agree with you. I was speaking with my tongue firmly in my cheek.