Scammed twice by nirvana-shop


If Nirvana-shop is being recommended as a seed shop you can trust were all in trouble. I would like to know if anyone actually got finished bud that looked like what they were buying?

I only got purple power from them and it was not only the wrong strain, but a complete unusable no bud freak. Even after they knew what they were doing they still did it again to me. How bad is that?

No, they can’t be trusted. We need a better way to find out what seed stores can be trusted. With what they did to me twice, what I here they did to others, not returning emails. Maybe their rating is based on something else, advertising $$. Does it work that way?


Well-Known Member
If Nirvana-shop is being recommended as a seed shop you can trust were all in trouble. I would like to know if anyone actually got finished bud that looked like what they were buying?

I only got purple power from them and it was not only the wrong strain, but a complete unusable no bud freak. Even after they knew what they were doing they still did it again to me. How bad is that?

No, they can’t be trusted. We need a better way to find out what seed stores can be trusted. With what they did to me twice, what I here they did to others, not returning emails. Maybe their rating is based on something else, advertising $$. Does it work that way?

when you can buy a full page ad in hightimes people think you are the master. :roll:

seed banks are a scam. i make all my own. :weed:


That burns me up. The money they scammed me and others out of, they use to buy more ads to con more people into thinking they can be trusted


Well-Known Member
we do everything we can to NOT make seeds so we can turn around and pay hundreds of dollars for new ones. most of todays genetics are solid and strong. if you get a bag of the "killer" and it has a seed, it will be a "killer" seed. if it is a male put it next to a female. you will get 1000's of seeds. literally. :)

i could be wrong, but it works for me.


There is a lot that goes into cross-pollinating two pure strains into a F1 hybrid. Not that someone couldn’t get a lucky killer mix accidentally. But if you are going for a mix of specific traits and the turnaround for each batch takes time. Since you will always get genetic variation anyway the best thing is to pick the best ones out of a large group, and clone them for years.

The no-bud freak strain Nirvana-shop sent me pollinated a F1 blueberry hybrid. I didn’t want to waste the space on a half no-bud freak plant.

We still need a trusting seed source for new pure stain genetics as a base to work with.


Active Member
Ill have some pics of my white widow fem seeds I got from nirvana-shop up in about an hour. I live in the US, the seeds are legit, got 10 out of 10 fem seeds with no signs of hermies, so why again do they single out US people? Shit they sent me some phenoms! Think maybe the purple power was just a bad batch. And looking on there site I dont even remember seeing that strain, but all i know is that there WW is the shiiit

Brick Top

New Member
I did not read the entire thread so maybe this has been mentioned already but from what I have read in the past and have heard Nirvana has various different people growing/making their beans for them instead of doing it all themselves and due to that there is a real problem with quality control and even making sure that what a strain is called/sold as actually is the claimed strain. One person will purchase Nirvana beans and be totally satisfied with what they receive and the next will be ready to go postal on Nirvana because of the Roadside Red they end up with.
I have grown for decades and have purchased beans online almost since the day they first were offered and I have been a member of numerous herb sites such as this one and other than Marc Emery I have never read or heard as many complaints about any breeder/seedbank as I have about Nirvana.
Frankly I do not understand how they have managed to remain in business considering their well-known rather dubious reputation.

As it has been said there’s a sucker born every minute so I guess that explains why new people keep trying Nirvana. Their prices are tempting so people buy their gear instead of gear that is consistently of high quality.
I have also through the years wondered if Nirvana’s owner and or employees join sites like this and of course do not say who they really are and talk up the products and tell everyone they are the greatest thing since breast implants to keep fooling more and more people.
It is not as if they would ever admit to having a major quality control problem. Likely they believe as W.C. Fields said; "You can’t cheat an honest man, never give a sucker an even break and never smarten up a chump."

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
well i just read the whole thread
and everyone is trashing nirvana
and this site is like there sister site so before they close this thread
as a us grower, who just about a month ago ordered some master kush from them (that still havent arived), after being advised on here not to ( get that strain from them). i allso fell like overseas seed companys have us by the balls. what other option do a us grower have ( you may want to pm it to me as well because they can erase it but try and see)


Active Member
Here's some proof in the pudding that nirvana does do quality business and is a good site to order from......

Shipping= under 2 weeks was very pleased
Stealth= came in a neon green wrist band, also very pleased
Germination= 10 feminized white widow seeds, all ten sprouted and even though I took the 5 strongest they are doing great
Quality= Im on about week 3 and I couldnt be more pleased. I should have vegged a bit longer but still take a look at some pics



After reading more posts about Nirvana-shop it seems they do have a no quality control in place. So to order from them is a hit or miss kind of deal depending on too many variables.

The thing that gets me is how did they even get a no bud forming, never stop growing, genetic freak in the first place. Also even if they had no clue what they are passing off, I told them in great detail so they could correct the problem. And they did the exact same thing wasting months more of my time. They tried to not answer my mails the first time when I was just trying to let them know they had a serious problem to fix. After they burned me the second time my mails came back like they went out of business. Now it seems they knew all along and just wanted to delay my post on what they do to their customers that try to help them not burn others.

Their website, adds, and prices make the new buyers think they can be trusted, and some are getting lucky with good results. I wonder what % of their customers they know they are burning, it seems like more than 50 % but how can we tell. We need stores that don’t knowingly scam their customers for profit.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
well i just read the whole thread
and everyone is trashing nirvana
and this site is like there sister site so before they close this thread
as a us grower, who just about a month ago ordered some master kush from them (that still havent arived), after being advised on here not to ( get that strain from them). i allso fell like overseas seed companys have us by the balls. what other option do a us grower have ( you may want to pm it to me as well because they can erase it but try and see)
yeah the person that told me to not get the master kush (because the gene were week from them )sergested the WW said that was the only good one they had