Scared About Planting In Soil

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Active Member
Plants grow outside in soil naturally, it's what they do :roll: There are extra problems outside (deer, pigs (both kinds lol), other mammals) but once the plants get big enough they have lots of pluses. Where you are is important to the soil and what you need to do to make it primo for you weed. First you need to know if it's alkaline, neutral, or acidic and work from there. If you are in middle america...say east of dallas, your soil is probably OK. If you are where it's Alkaline you need to address that.

steph187, you spread more bad info than anyone i've seen here. you CAN'T tell sex by that method, growing outside has been done since we grew weed and i don't know what else to say. almost every post is steering someone down the wrong path :evil:
Thanks for the information, helpful.


Well-Known Member
no prob! if you could give me general area i might could tell you about the soil. Minnesnota and wisconsin are where i started in the stone age and the soil is generally good there...but if you are around lots of pines they acidify the soil. plant it among deciduous trees and the soil is usually better. west of dallas is almost all Alkaline and weed doesn't like it!


Active Member
no prob! if you could give me general area i might could tell you about the soil. Minnesnota and wisconsin are where i started in the stone age and the soil is generally good there...but if you are around lots of pines they acidify the soil. plant it among deciduous trees and the soil is usually better. west of dallas is almost all Alkaline and weed doesn't like it!
I live in Indiana


Active Member
Why is it such a big deal to get another pot and soil? These are normally the easiest things to get.
That doesn't matter.
It has nothing to do with my question. >.>

ANYWAY, I'm going to be doing a party cup grow like SICC, it seems as though there's too much risk involved with planting in just plain ground soil.


Active Member
I would not listen to what he is saying mate, Not 1 bit. Just do some research, Your see what im talking about. Or just try that method your gonna try.


Well-Known Member
I live in Indiana
i'd check agriculture sites about Indiana then. pretty sure you've got good deep black dirt right? if so you're probably golden. It's been a bit since i was rockin outdoors but here a tip i remember working VERY well. Get a high quality balanced dry fert, say 5-5-5. make 4-6 holes in a circle about 10 inches from the plant in the center. They should be pretty deep and about an inch in diameter. put a small handful of the ferts in each hole and cover it up. try not to use something like 40-40-40 if you can help it and if you do reduce the amount of ferts. it will supply the plant well for it's whole life once you get it dialed in. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
If you think you can just chuck some seeds into any old soil and they will grow without problems, Then sorry your a complete moron. You say ppl give bad advice and you come out with that in the same sentence. The best thing he can do is do what i said, If he dosnt then he is asking for trouble. Simple as that

The soil in the woods/forest might not even drain very well or on the other hand might drain to well, There is tons of things he should be looking into before tossing them into the ground.
first off, i didn't tell him to chuck seed it the forest. what bad advise did i give? I'm trying to help him point by point. you are right it might not drain well, so that is the next question. Telling someone growing outside is a losing proposition is verging on Moronic.


Active Member
first off, i didn't tell him to chuck seed it the forest. what bad advise did i give? I'm trying to help him point by point. you are right it might not drain well, so that is the next question. Telling someone growing outside is a losing proposition is verging on Moronic.
Go back and read wot you wrote, And any 1 can google the net for pic of an outdoor grow. "plants are grown outside naturally " U didnt once say go buy some potting soil did you ? No . So from that paragraph what exactly are you telling him to do, If your not telling him to sling them pips in the ground ?


Well-Known Member
Go back and read wot you wrote, And any 1 can google the net for pic of an outdoor grow. "plants are grown outside naturally " U didnt once say go buy some potting soil did you ? No . So from that paragraph what exactly are you telling him to do, If your not telling him to sling them pips in the ground ?
if you notice, i'm asking the OP questions and he is answering them. i DIDN'T read every post because people were telling him that planting outside is ridiculous. It's not. I'm sure you're irritated because i told steph187 off. believe me i waited until i'd seen at least thirty posts that indicate she's either a well meaning noob or she'd trying to fuck people's crops. I'm going with well meaning noob. many many many people grow outdoors guerrilla style every year bro. i'm not gonna go with the doomed scenario.


New Member
Why is it such a big deal to get another pot and soil? These are normally the easiest things to get.
Thats been my thought from the begining. If he can't even get another pot or more soil then there is no way he will be able to do any type of grow successfully.


New Member
i'd check agriculture sites about Indiana then. pretty sure you've got good deep black dirt right? if so you're probably golden. It's been a bit since i was rockin outdoors but here a tip i remember working VERY well. Get a high quality balanced dry fert, say 5-5-5. make 4-6 holes in a circle about 10 inches from the plant in the center. They should be pretty deep and about an inch in diameter. put a small handful of the ferts in each hole and cover it up. try not to use something like 40-40-40 if you can help it and if you do reduce the amount of ferts. it will supply the plant well for it's whole life once you get it dialed in. :eyesmoke:
the guy can't buy anymore soil or a pot let alone fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
Thats been my thought from the begining. If he can't even get another pot or more soil then there is no way he will be able to do any type of grow successfully.
that quote is out of context bro lol. I say if he wants to try that's the coolest thing he could do. just be careful and try to learn what you can. i suggest reading up on it in BOOKS, and not just believing what people here claim to know in the threads. SUCKS but that is the reality of the situation. the FAQs here are pretty good and the stuff in the stickies at the top of the pages BY THE ORIGINAL OP! even stickies can aggregate bullshit in the responses!! plus everybody has their own style... it's all about the plant's needs, not anything else :eyesmoke:



Active Member
if you notice, i'm asking the OP questions and he is answering them. i DIDN'T read every post because people were telling him that planting outside is ridiculous. It's not. I'm sure you're irritated because i told steph187 off. believe me i waited until i'd seen at least thirty posts that indicate she's either a well meaning noob or she'd trying to fuck people's crops. I'm going with well meaning noob. many many many people grow outdoors guerrilla style every year bro. i'm not gonna go with the doomed scenario.
Soz i had to go out after that lost post,
1. Why would i care about you saying something to other forum users ? Do i know him directly ? No

2. Find me a post where I slag off outdoor growing ? You wont be able to.

Iv helped the OP in every way i can, I said it will be a waste of time planting it into the ground,(without using potting soil) So jump off your high horse.


Active Member
that quote is out of context bro lol. I say if he wants to try that's the coolest thing he could do. just be careful and try to learn what you can. i suggest reading up on it in BOOKS, and not just believing what people here claim to know in the threads. SUCKS but that is the reality of the situation. the FAQs here are pretty good and the stuff in the stickies at the top of the pages BY THE ORIGINAL OP! even stickies can aggregate bullshit in the responses!! plus everybody has their own style... it's all about the plant's needs, not anything else :eyesmoke:
This is true, So why are you telling him to just put the seed in the ground ? Your clearly one of these ppl that give bad advice.


Active Member
Plants grow outside in soil naturally, it's what they do :roll: There are extra problems outside (deer, pigs (both kinds lol), other mammals) but once the plants get big enough they have lots of pluses. Where you are is important to the soil and what you need to do to make it primo for you weed. First you need to know if it's alkaline, neutral, or acidic and work from there. If you are in middle america...say east of dallas, your soil is probably OK. If you are where it's Alkaline you need to address that.

steph187, you spread more bad info than anyone i've seen here. you CAN'T tell sex by that method, growing outside has been done since we grew weed and i don't know what else to say. almost every post is steering someone down the wrong path :evil:
What bad info? I just checked your post you havent had one good one yet. soemone whos grown before can tell sex by looking at a plant..i do it myself how u gonna tell me u cant? And yes growing outside is great..ive done it. but digging a hole in the woods and putting it there? i dont think so.


Active Member
Stop arguing guys, just sit back and light up a :joint:.

It doesn't matter who's right or wrong.


Well-Known Member
When they get there first fan leaves you can tell. Males stems are usually thicker, and a bunch of opther stuff. if you know what a female looks like,a male doesnt look like it.
this is an old wives tale. if pros can't tell, you can't tell. only way you can tell is preflower and even with that you get reversals.

I am sorry i jumped your shit steph. and i sincerely apologize. as for anything else i've said it's all just geared to get him growing. as for the high horse comment ~ whatever LOL he's a noob. i'm not but still need help now and then, i DO know how to grow and have done so on and off since somewhere around 79-80. for the first decade almost all was outside ~ some made it some didn't :eyesmoke: i just know it is possible :eyesmoke:
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