

Active Member
i have 1 big female grown outside in sourthern spain in a pot, went away for 1 week and sprayed the plant with soap coz of a whitefly problem, used fecking washing up liquid, come home some shaders are yellow with brown tips, there a lot of early bud also, so i am wondering is this just leaves dying naturaly or have i messed with the plants head with washing up liquid? theres loads of pistils but today i have noticed some male looking balls on the nodes all crystled up, is this normal or have i streesed her into hermi? i can take a pic if it helps, i am gutted coz this is my only plant and my first time oudoor and soil, done a bit with hydro in uk, please help


Well-Known Member
i would pic off male flowers if it s a hemey and if theres not to meany. soap should not hurt the plant. i dont know if youd over do it if it would hurt it or not


Well-Known Member
The yellowing is natural, but you could add more nitrogen to stop it. I wasn't able to see any herm parts, but then again I'm not standing in front of the plant and able to get all the angles.


Active Member
thanks for the quik reply mate, put me out of my misary, there is nothing other than whats on the plant in the pic,
any idea what strain the plant is, i think its nl, it come from seed from a mate but he was growing two more strains so he cant be sure


Well-Known Member
The brown tips and curled leaves concern me a bit.
maybe a flush is in order.
id give em a good shot of pure clean water.


Active Member
they are being flushed as we speak, i might have burned um follier feeding also, today they still look strong and thicking out so i think the drama has subsided.
as to the strain, can anyone help?

its either white widow or northern lights appa:-?rantly


New Member
There is no way to determine strain by appearance. Different growing conditions can cause the same strain to appear different. The best you can hope for is guessing whether it will be sativa dominant or indica dominant. And thats not carved in stone.


Active Member
thanks for the reply mate, i aint realy that botherd what strain, its just it would be nice to know how long they got left lol,