Scarholes 420 Indagro Auto flower porn.

My platinum skywalker is branching out like your kush ryder. The lower branches took off the the rest of the higher up ones are growing at a slower rate.

They all look good though. I've never done autos. I'd kind of like to try them outdoor.
This strawberry affro haze auto weed just reaks an taste like strawberry!!!
And with a tall Super sativa structure .
But low yield.

So I mixed her with large yield NYCD haze auto I made.
(The 3ft one I'm journaling above)

I pray these lil baby's when crossed give me strawberry fast with yield.

If they do ill bottleneck that trait with breeding....
Hiya Scar! So I'm a lil slow his morning. Is that middle pic a cross of NYCD and Afro Haze? I gotta tell you the flower development she's showing is amazing. Any chance you can pop a high res image of her? Nice work bro!
Sup mr Chaz!

All I have is my iPhone camera.
But I use tapa talk to upload them.
in the bottom lower right corner of my pics is a lil red dot.
Click the red dot to load the full sized image.

It is kinda confusing lo
The mid pic is a Nycd f4 auto x Dina fem auto haze s2. (My Nycd haze auto)

The Nycd haze was mixed with the crazy strawberry affro auto (top pic)
Strawberry affro auto mutt is Riots ChemD bubba photo x NLBB auto x amnesia haze auto x auto haze.

Resulting in the lil autos - Strawberry affro nycd haze auto (bottom pic)

Germed one of my auto c99 haze mutts this weekend
Pic day

Nycd haze auto
Week 5 flowering.

Wish I had a better camera, dosent do it justice up close.

WOS. Afgan kush Ryder
Week 2.
Realy slow starting ? Hope she pics up the pace:)

Baby ChemD bubba nycd haze autos

Group hug
Pic day

Week 6 for my Nycd f4 auto x haze auto dinafem

Top bud is big



WOS Afgan kush Ryder. Week 3
Mutant pheno. Lol
But its super white already...


Baby chemd bubba x nlbb auto x amnesia haze auto x auto haxe x Nycd Haze fem auto mutts
Pre flowers showed up this week.

Pic of the inda gro lamp

Led 660 nm pontoon


Not an auto , but here's a pic i my NH21 x MML i have going.
Verry sativa 16-20 week flowering
Reminds me of cousin "it".


5 ft at shoulders on the ground.
Not an auto , but here's a pic i my NH21 x MML i have going.
Verry sativa 16-20 week flowering
Reminds me of cousin "it".


5 ft at shoulders on the ground.

Just shows you dont have to have big pots to grow big plants...(or big camels... ;) ) an inspiration right there... :)
Note to folks wanting to try Colloidal silver for fem pollen.

I waisted over a yr trying CS an only got a few seeds.
it was a total waste of time for me. And the hundreds of others whom I have helped with Sts reversal.

My cs results were hit an miss,
Usually miss, few empty pollen sacks?
I tried a dozen Internet CS recipes (followed em to the letter) and all failed.

Now I use strong Sts ,1:1 ratio using rob Clarke's method, applied 2x daily. Worked first time every time . It reverses even single lower branches , every time.

Seen a guy who heats his CS to speed it up, others use Cs or salt.
i don't wanna fuck with his diy thread so ill say it here.

I'd say the best way to speed reversal is by avoiding CS an using STS.
And its instant, just mix.
I wonder why most profesional breeders use STS?
Its faster an more effective, but toxic wear gloves.



When you guys get fed up with CS try the Sts.
It gets ya LOTS of pollen
Forgive my ignorance, but what is Sts stand for? I have a 50ppm bottle of CS (cus I'm lazy..) but have not gotten around to it quite yet.
Sts is silver thiosulfate.
Its a mix of silver nitrate & Amonium thiosulfate
The SN is used in developing old b&w pics an is very toxic.

if you got CS I'd recomend applying it 2x a day tell the pollen flies.
I'd rather do old school methods. Than use toxic sprays. Let a plant go 2-3 weeks longer than normal and it will produce fem pollen. To force a male. Heavy on red ligting early on.
I been making fems a few yrs an tried alot of methods.
Autos life cycle is short, rhiadalization like CS was random.
and many believe rojdaliztion leads to hHermis ,i don't think so.
i think its Herman's sneak into reversal projects an contaminate batches.

Anyone ever use root pruning to reverse like grgt an Escobar?

happy Friday all!!!!!!!!!
I'd rather do old school methods. Than use toxic sprays. Let a plant go 2-3 weeks longer than normal and it will produce fem pollen. To force a male. Heavy on red ligting early on.

How do you get fem seeds though... do you use the pollen on another female and that will produce fem seeds.

I have read so much bullshit about what you should do I really have no idea...
How do you get fem seeds though... do you use the pollen on another female and that will produce fem seeds.

I have read so much bullshit about what you should do I really have no idea...

yes. just use a paint brush and paint the pollen on the next plant. make sure the fans are turned off.. This is Soma's method. he says to add pollen start of 2nd week.. Subcool says day 21-24. so either.. Sub uses males though no fem pollen.
yes. just use a paint brush and paint the pollen on the next plant. make sure the fans are turned off.. This is Soma's method. he says to add pollen start of 2nd week.. Subcool says day 21-24. so either.. Sub uses males though no fem pollen.

thanks mate
Here's the breeding info I use....
(Old overgrow info I compiled an got stickied)

Theres nothing new under the sun but...
old UncleBen here was the first who published of paintbrush method, his method is in the overgrow stickied breeding FAQ abov.

my mid 8os first grow guide from Mel frank an Rosenthall Acitually credits mr Uncle Ben in it.
one wise old grower. And he hanges out here!
when he talks growin i listen.

i pull my sacs off with tweezers an a big glass ash tray under the pollen sacs to catch the harvest and dry the pollen.

The AK Ryder mutant with reversed pollen sacs should open very soon. Ill get pics of it.