Scarhole's Perpetual Grow

happy new year scarhole. ur cheese looks awesome. i have a uk jungle cheese thats fast becoming my fav, so far. urs look great.. keep up the great work..
Sup WBW an hammers!

Check this bit out.
I forgot to post it up here..

Making reg seeds into fems

Treatment of hempseed with ethylene gas will increase the resulting number of female plants by about 50%. Ethylene is produced by certain plants (i.e., bananas, cucumbers and melons), and these can be used to treat hempseed in a simple manner. About two weeks before you plan to sprout the seeds, place them in a paper bag or envelope and put that in a plastic bag with the peels of a ripening banana or cucumber. Replace the peels after a couple of days, and change the bags to prevent mold.

Hempseed can be feminized while they are forming on the plant. Fruit peels are spread around the area for two weeks before the plants enter the flowering phase. Remove the skins when the plants begin to flower. Otherwise, treatment with Etephon will accomplish the same effect.
Mohan Ram
His Memoirs in Pdfr

Ethylene also greatly increases germ rates of old seeds.
Up to 90% increase in 20 yr old seeds.
wow thats great info. wish i couldve read this last nite. i just put some beans in cubes lastnite. i did 2 red cherry berry beans.. and a few others. i posted em in my journal.. no pics at this point.. my effen internet ios so slow. thanks for the info
Yes the info is great.. I would like to try it as this is something I've been hearing it for a while.. A good way to do this is grow a whole pack of reg beans and see if everything turns female then I'll be convinced ;)
I used to thank it was a wife's tale but..

A friend @ riddlem3 just tried it with 25+ yr old Columbian gold seeds an banana peels.
9 of 11 germed.
His last batch was 18 0f 21 germed, all female.

And if Dr Ram said it's real I believe him.

But I haven't tried it....
hey scarhole, i just bought some bayer advancesd. i apparently didnt notice in ur post that its outdoor. what happens indoor. i grow three eyes or a singke eyebrow? any thoughts? thanks ..


what if i take a bag of tobacco and make a tea from it? in your opinion would that work? or even tobacco spit..
It's fine for indoor. In the summer I use it as a preventative measure.
Many use it on new clones they buy an quarantine em briefly so they cant get bugs.

Bayer advanced is suposed to be safer than nicotine spraying.
But is much more deadly to bugs.

Tobacco juice totaly failed for me.
But I usualy fight big grasshoppers.
I fear mNs forums are no more thanks to BobBitchin over there.
I believe Neville an kangativa are going to make their own seed co soon based on the "grail" strains.
I fear mNs forums are no more thanks to BobBitchin over there.
I believe Neville an kangativa are going to make their own seed co soon based on the "grail" strains.

omg here we go again with more rumors. how about "the idiots we hired to do the upgrade fucked up" and can't finish it now? or did someone pm kanga over at icmag? At any rate, I doubt nev and kanga are starting their own seed co, when they are already knee deep in the cbd shit and the grail chase and all the shit thats been happening over there I very seriously doubt it. they and shantibaba have a lot of shit going on, too much I believe for another seed co - besides there are way, way too many out there now - why change from a "known entity" such as mns - who cares what "bobbitchin" or anyone else does over there - I dont' see a troll shutting down mns's forums, bro.
omg here we go again with more rumors. how about "the idiots we hired to do the upgrade fucked up" and can't finish it now? or did someone pm kanga over at icmag? At any rate, I doubt nev and kanga are starting their own seed co, when they are already knee deep in the cbd shit and the grail chase and all the shit thats been happening over there I very seriously doubt it. they and shantibaba have a lot of shit going on, too much I believe for another seed co - besides there are way, way too many out there now - why change from a "known entity" such as mns - who cares what "bobbitchin" or anyone else does over there - I dont' see a troll shutting down mns's forums, bro.

Sup Phill.
I agree It is a rummor. But time will tell.:spew:
But Ive been wrong before..
For instance,The forums will be back the 26th

I hate BobBitchin, I was suposed to get seeds from Ortega an he ran him off with his comments to him In the "guess what time it is" thread.
I hear he has brian damage from an injury an thats why hes crazy.
Hopefully in 3-4 monthes I get a second chance from orgtega...

Srry my Journal has been lacking here.
My camera is down as well as my phone.
I do a better job 0ver @
Stop by an say high there....
I got a chance to get Ortega gear.
We all do.
Dog Greenthumbs new strain is dogless queso negra x pakistani called " good dog"
I'm going to be saving for it!
Pic day,

BlueBerry Gum G13 labs 3 weeks 12/12
AMAZING VIGOR shes one happy lady.

SharksBreath Shes been touch this go.
Burning her with my heater did it.



Pracitcing my cloning up on some blueberrygum lower growth.
My seedlings are recovering good.
My MG organic soil seems to have no nutes in it this run?
They were starving an I thougt they were Burning.

Purp Gem Auto

Doc GreenThumbs Ghost Og.