Scarlette's First Grow


Well-Known Member
Do I just pull off the top of my plant???! What if I kill it? My plants are far past 5 nodes, i'd say there are atleast 10 on each plant.


New Member
No you don't pull it off, you pinch it off with your fingernails, snip it with a pair of scissors or a paring knife.

I am not sure what is going on with your plants.
Are they all separate plants in that one red container?
Are these from seeds or clones?
What do you have them growing in?

When I first glanced at your pics I did not notice this before.
Do I just pull off the top of my plant???! What if I kill it? My plants are far past 5 nodes, i'd say there are atleast 10 on each plant.


Well-Known Member
they are all in separate containers w/ fox farm ocean forrest potting soil. sitting under over 10,000 lumens. I feed them weekly w/ fox farm grow big. I was wrong b4 though, they have been growing for 3.5 months. I want to start flowering in February. These plants are over a foot in height, so what do think? The seeds arent that special, from some really good bag seed.


New Member
mine are about 2 months vegging and I am going to flower in about a month.
They look nice and healthy Sky. I am so glad to see you again. Its been a while gurl. :)


New Member
It was the pic with the plant in the red pot. I wasn't sure if you had more than one plant growing in there but now I realise they are in sep pots.
We hope to hear back from you soon :)


Well-Known Member
The time has come to awaken them and whip them into mean, green, THC producing machines. Using some tiger bloom, 2 t5 HO 3000k lights @ 10000 lumens each. 2-reg 4100k flouro's @ 3200lumens altogether. Based on my most recent updates is there any advice I could have on switching from veg to flower.:peace:


New Member
Hi sky,
Long time. Just switch them to 12/12 use the flowering nutes as you have mentioned and they will be off turning into mean flowering machines.
They go through a 2 week preflowering stage and you will notice them really stretching, but this is normal.
Some of the bottom fan leaves will start yellowing and this is normal also.
Then you start to see the little white hairs, going from clear to yellowish to amber etc..and the resin will increase and will will start to notice the little leaves surrounding these flowers, get all sticky and gooey. About 2 weeks before you would to chop them, you will need to flush them of nutes.
You must be getting excited.

The time has come to awaken them and whip them into mean, green, THC producing machines. Using some tiger bloom, 2 t5 HO 3000k lights @ 10000 lumens each. 2-reg 4100k flouro's @ 3200lumens altogether. Based on my most recent updates is there any advice I could have on switching from veg to flower.:peace:


New Member
You need to get elite sky so you can chat with all us ladies in the ladies forum.:)
I hope you do.


Well-Known Member
You need to get elite sky so you can chat with all us ladies in the ladies forum.:)
I hope you do.
hell yeah im excited! I can't wait! Lacy why can I not PM you no mo'? wat is up? do i have to pay to become Elite? Or just post ALOT


Well-Known Member
there's a new section to the site that only elite members can access and yes you have to pay. go to my rollitup and it's on the left hand menu bar at the bottom under misc. it's called paid subscriptions.

anywho how are the ladies?


New Member
Hi sky,
Sorry but I have my pm thing turned off.

It only cost $25 for 1/2 or $50 for a year and there is a bunch of us ladies already in there yakking away. Its great for plant talk as well as some women talk.
It has nothing to do with how many posts you have, its just a much better version of membership.

How are your plants coming along? I just started flowering mine last night.:blsmoke:
hell yeah im excited! I can't wait! Lacy why can I not PM you no mo'? wat is up? do i have to pay to become Elite? Or just post ALOT


Well-Known Member
So, I did put them into phase 2 (blooming) of the cycle. I woke up this morning and lo' and behold 3 of the bud sites off the main stem of only one of the plants died! I dont know how or why. Could be several things, hight heat may have been a factor. Other than that I know i acceldentally broke the stem of one and tried to bandage it, but apprently it didn't take. Just to let you all know, I am going to try to upload pics on here, but I dont know how to do that with a p3. So bare with me people, i'm working on it.


Well-Known Member
I would like to know about what temperature my room should be at since they are now in flower mode. I suspect that I would have to turn the heat from somewhere in the 70s and 80s, to like 50 or 60? The only reason of course I am thinking that is because that natural process of a plants bloom has to do with season change, wich would mean lowering the temp. I do have a sort of obstacle. Everything in my room is connected by a single surge supressor. Meaning that if is set my plants on a timer, the heater would go off too. I dont think that would be good considering it is January. What about nutes? Do I give them alot? Or do I start with a little and work my way up to more? Is a milliliter of nute too much to add to a gallon of water? Has anyone out there had any experience with Humus? I am also currently using this so that the plants can uptake nutes more efficiently? What do you all think?


Well-Known Member
Don't you love it when you can scrape a bowl, and get a full bowl of sticky icky resin....and smoke it. Toke it. Inhale, hold, exhale. Mmm....sweet.

How are you all tonight? Or is it still daylight on the other side?:joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey Scarlette, what's up? How is the broken plant? Was it in flower? :mrgreen::peace:
Yes, it was in flower for approx. 6 hours.........and it died. But the plant it came from is really healthy, so I don't expect it to die. I gave them some fresh water today so perhaps that will perk them up, they have been really dry.....even with a frequent water/feed. I have them in 2 gallon sized planters, and I can already see root systems poking out of the bottom. It's amazing. I have never had a "green" thumb...and now all these little babies are growing up........and i'm gonna smoke them ^_^
Yeah, it's like that.

So what have you been up to Chiceh?


New Member
My temps inside are about 23 -24 degrees and it goes down to about 20 during the night. I don't try and simulate outdoors with regard to temps.

You need to get nutes that are for blooming purposes and not for vegging. It makes a big differnce. I use an organic mix called DNF but there are a lot of good ones out there and they all have different diluting directions. I start out using it more diluted and let them get used to it but thats just personal preference just like the nutes.

Do you have nutes in your potting mix?

As far as the broken top, I doubt you can save it and are better off probably cutting it off. Its hard to tell without pics.

Try and get elite. Us ladies are talking grow talk in there now and would love if you would join us. :blsmoke:

I would like to know about what temperature my room should be at since they are now in flower mode. I suspect that I would have to turn the heat from somewhere in the 70s and 80s, to like 50 or 60? The only reason of course I am thinking that is because that natural process of a plants bloom has to do with season change, wich would mean lowering the temp. I do have a sort of obstacle. Everything in my room is connected by a single surge supressor. Meaning that if is set my plants on a timer, the heater would go off too. I dont think that would be good considering it is January. What about nutes? Do I give them alot? Or do I start with a little and work my way up to more? Is a milliliter of nute too much to add to a gallon of water? Has anyone out there had any experience with Humus? I am also currently using this so that the plants can uptake nutes more efficiently? What do you all think?


Well-Known Member
I already cut the dead stems off. I took one look and knew that there was nothing I could do. Cursed, then laughed at myself and cut them off. *sigh* oh well.

As for nutes, i got some Fox Farm Tiger Bloom, and they have been sitting in FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil......

Where the hell I am going to get 25 dollars? I mean seriously, I owe the bank like 50. I don't even have one dollar. Hahaha......I got bills, why would I buy a membership when I can't even afford to pay for my electricity!? Crazy, this country shouldn't be so poor. Thank you "president" Bush.......