Schedule 1 no more?

I think I was looking at state offenses at the time. Im not keen on law only thing Im keen on is dabbing up. That makes sense since its legal in my state that I had to look up illegal states. Ya Im worried too hell Id rather quit using than buying again. Lots of breeders and commercial growers not worried saying its matter of time.

I can see that I mean I remember when I first saw bills make it pretty far only to be shot down. Im pretty sure it will be big news if they start to take it away again no matter how they go about it. Growers everywhere.

I guess it can be just as bad as it is now if they keep it that way and go about it that way.
Rec legal in 24 states I didnt know that. By the time they try doing that probably most the country got a taste of legal. They did learn from alcohol prohibition and the facts just out of the bag. Im hopeful for descheduling.

Its like taking away cigs and alcohol which have merit to be banned too more than mj. Theres gonna be pushback.
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Rec legal in 24 states I didnt know that. By the time they try doing that probably most the country got a taste of legal. They did learn from alcohol prohibition and the facts just out of the bag. Im hopeful for descheduling.

Its like taking away cigs and alcohol which have merit to be banned too more than mj. Theres gonna be pushback.
It's all a symptom of the failed war on drugs. now they just have to figure out the best way to monetize their exit strategy.
Wow, tobacco worth 800Bil annually and the alcohol 2,000Bil annually. Cannabis just 40bil. I can see now what yall mean and its easy to see pharma take over which is scary. Just a thought though. They are losing billions to weed treating other things but damn.

Edit might as well finish my searches with the pharma industry worth 600 bil and estimated to lose 18bil to weed. While they still grow annually est to reach over a tril by 2033. So idk what to make of that, is it enough for them? If they move too slow could they lose?

All I know is I use weed rec I take several pharma meds that weed will not treat.
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I'm not sure where your numbers come from. For states that legalized, cannabis tax revenues have surpassed alcohol in the vast majority of cases.
The article below only has data through 2021, the difference has grown substantially since then.


From the Institute on tax and economic policy:
Well its nice they say legal is inevitable. Im just here for news sometimes I do poor searches and jump to conclusion. Hobby keeping me busy and frantic. It just said thats what the industry was worth Im just now getting into things. Like who does legalization benefit most, the gov or pharma or both, whats likely to come.

Il keep looking into it and just watch for updates here Hell all Im good at is talking about weed and growing it.
I sure hope it just gets out of schedule 1. If it does, then anyone with an HSA Benefit card will buy their prescription Medical Marijuana just as it does opiods and other prescriptions. Anything schedule 1 means its not recognized as having any medical value is the main reason I've read that currently, you're not allowed.