schedule 2


so anyone know what this is???
if you do and know a lot im interested in it but as far as i understand its basically the govs back up plan for weed if this whole legalization shit goes through the nation but anyway schedule 2 itself is the most control the gov can have over who accesses the drug it would make it so marijuana is only legal by prescription so the only ppl who get it are actually the ppl who really need it. now i like the idea because it will keep the irresponsible from having access to weed and it keeps the underground side of the culture alive, and keeps fuckin big buisness out of it we keep the money. anyway what do you guys think any thoughts??

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
now i like the idea because it will keep the irresponsible from having access to weed
So I take it you don't smoke or you're a hypocrite. How about you define the "irresponsible."

and it keeps the underground side of the culture alive, and keeps fuckin big buisness out of it we keep the money
What you mean by this is it keeps drug dealers in business.

Anything other that full legalization criminalizes otherwise lawful citizens. Any smoker who doesn't want full legalization is either to caught up in being cool cause they live on the other side of the law or they have a profit incentive from pot remaining illegal.


Well-Known Member
Depends on who's saying who needs medical marijuana or not... a lot of people who still yet to have a diagnosis for their ailment from a doctor need it daily or suffer.


So I take it you don't smoke or you're a hypocrite. How about you define the "irresponsible."

What you mean by this is it keeps drug dealers in business.

Anything other that full legalization criminalizes otherwise lawful citizens. Any smoker who doesn't want full legalization is either to caught up in being cool cause they live on the other side of the law or they have a profit incentive from pot remaining illegal.
irresponsible as in ppl who bring their fuckin kids to 420 or get super high n drive n kill ppl idk the list goes on

and i do smoke and no i am not for drug dealers slangin on the street i support my group of friends with cheap weed they supply me with a small income i can spoil my family with i keep it hidden and away from everyone dont smoke with the kids live a normal life have a job im not a drug dealer i dont like the idea of my kids growing up in a legal nation its just not where it belongs if you dont see that than its true ignorance is bliss...for the ignorant hahahaha :hump:but seriously there are lots of irresponsible ppl out there who cant handle weed and bad things happen when you let them have it plus i dont wanna see my beautiful natural peaceful, magical plant to be corrupted and tainted my the man. what you think if its totally legal they will just let everyone grow and do whatever hahahahahahahahaha i laugh at you

ps please dont come on here tryin to attack who i am and what i do all you know about me is what i tell you so lets just be civilized and have a convo if you have any reasonable arguement for whatever your cause is please feel free to share


Depends on who's saying who needs medical marijuana or not... a lot of people who still yet to have a diagnosis for their ailment from a doctor need it daily or suffer.
ok true that may happen somewhere but in colorado ppl are getting cards like its nothin anyone can get one all you have to do is say my shoulder hurts and that same day you can have a card so its really not that hard.

ex: my wifes brother is in high school he is a senior he is 18 and he was arrested and charged with a dui from driving stoned out of his mind now he weent in to a place where u get cards i dont even know what their called and made up a pain in his shoulder and now someone who clearly should not have the ability to legaly buy weed has that capability

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
irresponsible as in ppl who bring their fuckin kids to 420 or get super high n drive n kill ppl idk the list goes on
If a substances complete illegality isn't stopping people from smoking it around their kids or driving high what makes you think that simply moving it down a schedule is gonna fix the problem while getting meds to the people who really need it. Cocaine, methamphetamine, and Oxycodone are all schedule 2 substances.

i dont like the idea of my kids growing up in a legal nation its just not where it belongs
What about the parents who lost their kids or their ability to support their family doing the same thing you're doing? Normal life and job?

what you think if its totally legal they will just let everyone grow and do whatever hahahahahahahahaha i laugh at you
Its being totally illegal has totally kept people from growing all over the country. If you're supplying your friends with cheap pot, it obviously hasn't stopped you either.

You're right. I don't see why pot should remain illegal. If its to keep the handful of irresponsible people from getting pot at the expense of the hundreds of thousands of responsible smokers, which seems to be a central point to you argument, I don't agree.


Well-Known Member
Just like I believe that I should have the right to chose to intake cannabis (or whatever I choose) without fear of prosecution - I believe others should have that same right whether that substance is good or bad for them. Addiction is a personal issue that should be addressed by qualified medical professionals; not to be dealt with through fines and incarceration via the legal system (especially when it's own prison institutions cant keep drugs from being trafficked into their über-secure confines). Cannabis re-scheduling means nothing to me; the fact that my government makes anyone a criminal by simply partaking in an activity that I view as healthy to my body and beneficial to my mind, disgusts me. As a married adult with a child of my own, I don't need a daddy telling me what I can and cant do to myself on this short ride around the the Sun - The acceptance and consequences of my actions by/on my family are the only legislation to my behavior that I follow. Being a superb husband / father as graded by my wife and kids is the ONLY thing that matters to me. It is not my fault or problem if other individuals do not have that same barometer to mitigate / mold their decisions and lifestyle choices - and what is legal for me and other responsible individuals should not depend on their depravity.

They don't even offer responsible cannabis consumers the opportunity to keep growing / imbibing legal when confined to the privacy of the 4 walls of their homes.

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
It's actually not Crystal Meth. Cocaine also is not a schedule 2 drug.
Schedule 2 drugs are those that have medicinal value, but have a high likelihood for abuse. These include Percocet (It's Generic Oxycodone), Morphine, and all ADD medications - Aderrall, Vyvanse, Concerta, Focalin, etc. and their generics. When it lists methamphetamine, it's listing what most of the ADD drugs are derived from, chemically.