The change isn't going to hurt. when ive needed to switch from on at 11pm to on at 11am[or the reverse] i just leave it on for a full 24 hours before the change. 24 hours dark will confuzzle a plant more then light.
BUt switching from indoor lights, to the full spectrum of the sun can cause a lot of stress on certain plant strains. I had an indica[i love my sativas] that almost died after doing the same thing you're planning. so if they're the same strain, maybe try one at a time?
idk man hope ive helped
Unfortunately i use bagseed, and never buy seeds. I identified them by the leaves. ya know how that works.
and heeey AK-47.
I love it. why'd you want to move em? id let em finish. outdoor environment is so unpredictable. Pest, Heat, pest, pest, and..oh yeah! pest. lol