School shootings

This is the repercussions of economic oppression. These kids don't feel as though they have a future. Graduate high school then get a job at McDonalds and be a slave to the dollar. Unaffordable health care and the widening gap of rich and poor. The fortunate living among the unfortunate creates animosity. They have to see the unattainable everyday and have it shoved in their faces followed by insults and ridicule for simply being less fortunate. The poor bullied kids are pissed and seeking retribution vs. the rich pricks. Having more fortunate kids make fun of your cheap shoes and clothes everyday is not cool.
I doubt middle school kids are thinking that deeply about a subject.
This is pc era of everyone getting participation trophies and no one wanting to get their ass kicked every once in a while.
The hand sanitizer bubble wrapping of children has created a generation of entitled kids with zero compassion imo
I know man, physically assaulted other people around you is such a victimless criiiime, maaaaan. Cottongloved Snowflakes!
yeah, i remember the nazis back in 2016 claiming google was filtering out their nazi views
you sure are bitter little girl
Listen Rachael (Dolezal),
If you can't understand the failure of your favorite hag proved the collusion of Google when it was outed by Wikileaks (which is yet to have to retract ANYTHING, unlike WaPo, HuffPo, etc.) you truly deserve that allusion above.

You do know Rach was recently indicted for welfare fraud, don't you?
Since you share that experience it explains your slavish devotion to "I'm with Durrrrrr". ;)
Listen Rachael (Dolezal),
If you can't understand the failure of your favorite hag proved the collusion of Google when it was outed by Wikileaks (which is yet to have to retract ANYTHING, unlike WaPo, HuffPo, etc.) you truly deserve that allusion above.

You do know Rach was recently indicted for welfare fraud, don't you?
Since you share that experience it explains your slavish devotion to "I'm with Durrrrrr". ;)
wikileaks is unverifiable russian propaganda, ya little nazi girl
wikileaks is unverifiable russian propaganda, ya little nazi girl
Hitlery and Podesta say it was a hack and not propaganda.
Are you saying they're lying?

Let's get back to the topic at hand.
Considering the recent environment of school shootings, do you want your progeny to go to a public school where the "gun free" zone assures that they are fish in a barrel since it seems those signs/laws have so significantly curbed school shooting violence recently Rachael? ;)
thats what this thread is about. and future ones. im sure nothing will change and there will be another one next week

But what did change? People have always been killing each other, and these types of firearms and access was easier years ago than it is now.

This is the repercussions of economic oppression. These kids don't feel as though they have a future. Graduate high school then get a job at McDonalds and be a slave to the dollar. Unaffordable health care and the widening gap of rich and poor. The fortunate living among the unfortunate creates animosity. They have to see the unattainable everyday and have it shoved in their faces followed by insults and ridicule for simply being less fortunate. The poor bullied kids are pissed and seeking retribution vs. the rich pricks. Having more fortunate kids make fun of your cheap shoes and clothes everyday is not cool.

So its about not having "stuff" and kids getting bullied?

Charles Ingalls would not approve.
Hitlery and Podesta say it was a hack and not propaganda.
Are you saying they're lying?

your citations are awesome. you consistently cite people like clinton or papers like the huffington post who conrradict every single worldview you have.

it would be like me citing the daily stormer or something (for some reason other than to mock them and little nazi girls like yourself)

speaking of little nazi girls, i think i have finally figured out why you like neo-nazis like andrew anglin. he's about as big as you are!

But what did change? People have always been killing each other, and these types of firearms and access was easier years ago than it is now.

So its about not having "stuff" and kids getting bullied?

Charles Ingalls would not approve.

how many years in prison do you think they give out for felony tax evasion nowadays, illegal?
your citations are awesome. you consistently cite people like clinton or papers like the huffington post who conrradict every single worldview you have.
it would be like me citing the daily stormer or something (for some reason other than to mock them and little nazi girls like yourself)
speaking of little nazi girls, i think i have finally figured out why you like neo-nazis like andrew anglin. he's about as big as you are!
I just like using your own sources against your propaganda. It's the trait of your self loathing that is evident for anyone (not dedicated to a cult) to see that you can't propose a decent argument that doesn't depend on your delusions.

You skipped the part about your progeny going to "gun free zone" public schools.
Was that one too tough for you? Cutting into your stormer worship?

You know, considering your sig and the love affair you have w/ your stormer crush of the day, I can only see you as Cheeto Jezus now. ;)
its happening so often that i figure i could make one main thread on it.

another shooting today in a middle school. fucking middle school kid. when i was in middle school all i wanted to do was ride my bike and play guitar. shits crazy

a science teacher tackled him before it got worse.
did the school have too many doors?
should the science teacher gave him a pity fuck?

im just going off of the rights great ideas on how to stop a disturbed kid with a gun.

im glad i dont have a kid right now, im not sure how id feel about them being in a public school with a new shooting every week. super fucked up.

this kid should have never had access to a gun. i understand a senior in high school having a rifle or something to hunt with that they can just grab and go. but not a fucking middle schooler. the parents need to face some serious charges to put some fear in other shitty parents
I don't really know what it's like but I have an idea. There was a shooting near where my kids go to school. The school went into lock down. It's locked anyways with only one point of entry and an on duty armed cop.

The news made it to me and was incorrect. The word was there was a shooting at the school. My heart sank. Thinking about where my kids rooms were. One near the front entrance.

I hopped in the car and drove down there. I wanted to know.

Luckily it wasn't the school. Just a shooting in a neighborhood about a mile away.

Scary for sure.

I keep my guns locked up unless on me. Kids don't have access to them. I let them shoot but not have unsupervised time with guns. Maybe when they get bigger.
I just like using your own sources against your propaganda. It's the trait of your self loathing that is evident for anyone (not dedicated to a cult) to see that you can't propose a decent argument that doesn't depend on your delusions.

You skipped the part about your progeny going to "gun free zone" public schools.
Was that one too tough for you? Cutting into your stormer worship?

You know, considering your sig and the love affair you have w/ your stormer crush of the day, I can only see you as Cheeto Jezus now. ;)

so you believe global warming is manmade and real?

you believe white privilege benefits even scrawny little weakling whites like yourself?
We had a lot of bombs go off in school. Stink bombs. And everyone's parents had guns. I wonder what's different now. Perhaps the great dopamine social media experiment. I can't call it.
so you believe global warming is manmade and real?
you believe white privilege benefits even scrawny little weakling whites like yourself?
Cheeto Jezus, don't you get tired of looking like a tool when you avoid questions?
Oh....wait....just like a gun, a tool doesn't do anything of it's own volition, it needs an owner to make it do anything.
Seems like these school shootings are from bullied kids.
smells like twopump in here
Is that why your pants are around your ankles now Cheeto?
Cheeto Jezus, don't you get tired of looking like a tool when you avoid questions?
Oh....wait....just like a gun, a tool doesn't do anything of it's own volition, it needs an owner to make it do anything.

Is that why your pants are around your ankles now Cheeto?

if you cite sources that say that white privilege benefits even scrawny little weakling nazis like you then you must believe it's true
if you cite sources that say that white privilege benefits even scrawny little weakling nazis like you then you must believe it's true
I just can't get past the image of you w/ your pants around your ankles.
Is that how he gets to your white privilege trigger Cheeto?

But back to school shootings, don't they make a good case for homeschooling?
Someone misses out on being a victim or the perpetrator is limited to only taking out his family. ;)