Well-Known Member
Stand down soldier..our defense budget keeps going up while pell grants, SNAP keep getting cut..soldiers have their benefits including retirement at a much earlier age than I will ever see..35 or maybe 40...Also low cost VA loans and college..I on the other hand have paid into my social security since age 14..and have maxed out benefits according to the statements I receive..I've paid it forward and now will have to wait until I'm somewhere into my 70's before I can benefit (if I see ANY) and will still need something on the side to survive..I'm single and don't believe in relationship just to pay basic bills..and don't tell me ANYTHING about the military because we are a marine family and proud to defend our country..know what my uncle got in Vietnam? A raging heroin addiction which ultimately took his life..thank god he had family who loved him so he didn't end up homeless, under a bridge.
How does one "retire" from being unemployed? You're "retired" now. You are more than sucking up your share of government largess, but want to complain about Wal-Mart?