i live my life and treat those around me with love and respect, empathy and i'm rewarded. you on the other hand are completely opposite of that and your life reflects same. kar·ma ˈkärmə/ noun noun: karma 1. (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. informal destiny or fate, following as effect from caus
You know what your future existence is? Now Now Now Now. Past lives are an analogy for past days. I'm not kidding and I have studied and meditated for many decades now. And I have come to certain enlightenments.
Karma is what your current thoughts and action are. They don't stand alone. But we contol the moment. We can control right thoughts and actions.
Also, your current thoughts and actions, not standalone are the result of your previous karma (thoughts and actions) of this life, as you say, and, yet, it plays out in one lifetime.
There is no need for more lifetimes, NOW is all we need. Now is all we have. Make good karma, now, for yourself and others. Stack that up.
Also, it so true, I see. Bad thoughts and actions are like sticky paper, too. They just lead to more bad.
Good lead to good. Bad leads to bad. If we chase our desires they run from us. If we relax into the peaceful Now, all blessings flow from Self.