Schuylaar's Sesh - SCOTUS Upholds Public Prayer..

I get more smoke if you just pray? :)

Great line from Hannibal Lecter on TV the other night,

"Did I tell you I collect church collapses? One last week, in Italy, killed 85 grand mothers at Holy Communion. God, if he exists, must be having quite a lot of fun."

whoaaaaaaa! church intriguing..i love graveyards/gravestones; lawn crypts the older the better it's an amazing beauty..last time at grammy's in daytona, i spotted an old cemetary i want to get shots this summer.
So, if a Muslim kneeled toward Mecca and prayed during his or her numerous prayer times then you would also be annoyed and want it prevented? Or is it only Christians you want to oppress?

obviously you're not reading the thread..this is about the promotion of christianity only..i'll bet if they were made to include all religions they would stop the prayer before political meetings. that's my point. christians are promoting their agenda which is what justice kagan said in her dissenting statement that i posted above.
BnB knows more than Buck. It's quite sad, but that fact does put into question God's existence.

I don't really blame BnB for who he is. It's people like Buck who force people like BnB to do their weird actions. It's a vicious cycle. For every person he converts to his side, more turn out like BnB in defiance. Then the few he converts will then also convert many more.

whoa, whoa bunny..don't blame BNB's shortcomings on bucky..BNB was who he was long before bucky and this board..
You and I live in the deep south and I it see every once and a while. I enjoy seeing a family practicing their religion together and not being afraid of people like you and what you think.

You are afraid of us. That is the nature of Christian pray. Ego begging. Smotting and Smitting. Give me. Don't give them. Don't let me suffer. Make them suffer. Please keep my frirends out of hell. Please put our enemies in Hell. Sick.

And it is by far, the second most judgmental religion on Earth. Ist is your war partner, Islam. Talk about clinging to guns and the good book! Both do that,

Does anyone think this may have turned out better if all those Pagans and Jews were not murder outright by Christians those first few hundred years by power mad, superstitious rabble of God?

Read the reality of the Last Library. Ceaser accidentally burned some of it, with his fire ship attack on Marc Antony.

The rest was burned by Christian's. And the dragged out the head librarian, a Greek woman and scrapped her skin off with pottery shards.

Christians began as book burners. I think you know why. To promote the lie without
any other details to prove it false.

They succeeded and brought Holy Jihad against them.

Good job, you smugs.
sky said:
...remember that whole god is jesus is the holy spirit is the father is the son thingy? it's all the SAME person..who is YOU..i cannot believe that you don't get it:wall:
It long ago became a lazy drive through religion,... mumble, punt, and hope the lie is true with so much invested.

Marco Polo, told the Church to fuck off, many times, and he had the strength of conviction to do so again on his death bed. He showed the Priest a Buddhist relic, the only time he stooped to prove anything to the Church. He would not be burned as a heretic. So, he never tired to prove there was another older religion.

He spent decades of his life at the Court of Kubai Khan, They were Buddhist, and very interested in the so called Christian God.

Even the Great Khan was fooled into to belief for a while. But over time, the 2 of them work out the impossibility of this is the ONLY WAY business and both rejected it.

My Heroes.

Now the Jihad born of Christianity has pissed off the Buddhists as they pissed off the Hindu and the Sikh. That is the meaning of Jihad. Get them to fight about God.
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now, now BNB we've (you and i) already established that the power is within are god..however, you don't trust in yourself enough because in the past you've let yourself down and cannot bring yourself to acknowledge you are worthy enough to learn from your mistakes and possess the power to change on your own so you've created a mystical, magical deity..*schuylaar takes deep breath..please don't rain on our intellectual parade..we are FORCED to listen to you worship yourself..remember that whole god is jesus is the holy spirit is the father is the son thingy? it's all the SAME person..who is YOU.. i cannot believe that you don't get it:wall:

on a happier note: condy rice was "uninvited" to rutgers university's honorary law degree and 35k appearance fee for her lying role in the bush administration..i love the millenials..they're smart and don't take shit; cave to political pressure calling a spade a spade:wink:
I get your description, I've simply observed the opposite to be true. If God didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent him.

As to millennials, I think the you're a little off base. The problem is they have completely caved to political pressure. YouTube is full of videos of reasonable people being shouted off stage by college students because they disagree with what their professor has taught them. They can't open their mind to diversity of thought.
So, if a Muslim kneeled toward Mecca and prayed during his or her numerous prayer times then you would also be annoyed and want it prevented? Or is it only Christians you want to oppress?

She wants anything she does not like or agree with oppressed!!!
I get your description, I've simply observed the opposite to be true. If God didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent him.

As to millennials, I think the you're a little off base. The problem is they have completely caved to political pressure. YouTube is full of videos of reasonable people being shouted off stage by college students because they disagree with what their professor has taught them. They can't open their mind to diversity of thought.

And Millenials are fucking RETARDS......
whoaaaaaaa! church intriguing..i love graveyards/gravestones; lawn crypts the older the better it's an amazing beauty..last time at grammy's in daytona, i spotted an old cemetary i want to get shots this summer.

Are you watching Hannibal? Broke Bad, on performance enhancing drugs.


(BB was about PED, get it?) :)

I love the grave yards of Prague. Great for rubbings., Jewish graves in the old town, some go back almost to the beginning of the God Murder thing.

I've played in the big grave lots since I was a kid and realized there was no one there and no one cared. I still enjoy that.
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I get your description, I've simply observed the opposite to be true. If God didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent him.

As to millennials, I think the you're a little off base. The problem is they have completely caved to political pressure. YouTube is full of videos of reasonable people being shouted off stage by college students because they disagree with what their professor has taught them. They can't open their mind to diversity of thought.

GOD exists alright. And long before Man, IT had this attribute only and still does.


So, religions that think they know what this is are simply war cults that are itching for the Right Fight.
GOD exists alright. And long before Man, IT had this attribute only and still does.


So, religions that think they know what this is are simply war cults that are itching for the Right Fight.
God is the only thing worth going to war for.

Have you ever thought of the modern creation of Israel as the 14th crusade?

We should have seized the moment during the first gulf war and blew up that mosque on the temple mount. Could have blamed it on a scud from Iraq.

Oil and water are the only other things worth fighting for.
You don't need God to fight, That is the sick part.

God as defined in this world has no Kingdom, only War.
It depends on the cause. Not like muslims would wage war because someone drew a picture of Muhammed.

At the turn of the 20th century the middle east had a substantial christian minority. By the 21st it was down to less than 10 percent.

Egypt went from 25% to 8%.

Egypt brother Christians in other lands should have waged war on their behalf.
No. Only our veneer of secular society and freedom from Religion in the USA holds back the Christian violence, somewhat, for now.

Salem hangings to abortion doctor murder Christianity is hiding behind "Peace" only if you follow the ONLY WAY. That is exactly like Muslim.

So, I don't see peace. I know a lot of Christians. 2 of my uncles including the one that got his finger twisted, by me, for racial slurs to little kids are Preachers. Bab and Meth.

Christians are scary violent today, in every way if they catch blaspheming and can punish you cowardly, like cut your balls off and bury you under a Mississippi mud dam.

If you watched Religiousity, the Christians were the violent nuts.

All the rest were just nuts. Bill Marr didn't have the ball to interview a Mullah.
No. Only our veneer of secular society and freedom from Religion in the USA holds back the Christian violence, somewhat, for now.

Salem hangings to abortion doctor murder Christianity is hiding behind "Peace" only if you follow the ONLY WAY. That is exactly like Muslim.

So, I don't see peace. I know a lot of Christians. 2 of my uncles including the one that got his finger twisted, by me, for racial slurs to little kids are Preachers. Bab and Meth.

Christians are scary violent today, in every way if they catch blaspheming and can punish you cowardly, like cut your balls off and bury you under a Mississippi mud dam.

If you watched Religiousity, the Christians were the violent nuts.

All the rest were just nuts. Bill Marr didn't have the ball to interview a Mullah.
I think you have selective vision. Christian organizations around the world are responsible for the majority of medical care for tribal peoples in remote areas.

Yeah, occasionally there is a violent nut job holding a bible. But they are few and far between.
Yet, they don't unless one accepts the war cult. And like Missionary of all times, they reject the heretics and drive fear and guilt into normal people. They continue to take advantage of the situation they created for tithe and power.

The War Cult of Christ and Islam fucked up Africa. Now they want to Save IT.

Business as usual.

And some of the most bloody of Charles Taylor's General, Butt Naked, are cannibals hiding in the Christian War Cult.

Embrace the stricture of the ONLY WAY, to be saved by the White Man's meds is not Peaceful.. It is war like. It is a way old drugs are destroyed and new drugs are tested.

Nothing joyful about it. War cult practice, the same as Innner Jihad.